The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 217 Hagrid's Request for Help

Agus and Alexia led the Slytherin members back to the lounge.

It was not until now that Agus remembered.

It seemed that the signature program of Slytherin should begin.

According to the order of Amiri Carrow, the Slytherin chief election and the chief ranking battle were held in turn.

Then, the Slytherin members were arranged to learn the Patronus Charm as much as possible.

Senior students and heads of each grade were responsible for guidance, so as not to be helpless when encountering Dementors.

After arranging all the things, Agus, who had been busy all day, could finally lie in bed and have a good rest.

A sweet dream until the next morning when he came to the hall of Hogwarts Castle to have breakfast.

It happened to run into Hagrid who was frowning.

The moment Hagrid saw Agus, his eyes lit up!



Agus waved his hand to say hello.

Before speaking, Agus actually hesitated whether to call Hagrid or Professor Hagrid.

After all, Hagrid is now the professor of magical animals at Hogwarts, and he should be given the dignity of a professor.

But when I think of Hagrid's carefree look, I guess if I really call him professor all the time, he will feel that he is alienated from him.

So I still use the original name.

Hagrid came to Argus and lowered his voice mysteriously: "Argus, do you have classes this morning?"

"I need you to do me a favor!"

With Hagrid's voice, even if the volume is lowered, it is still much louder than ordinary people.

The conversation between the two attracted many curious eyes.

Argus thought for a while: "There is no class in the first period, and the second period is divination."

"If it's not a big deal, it should be in time."

"That's good!" Hagrid seemed to have unloaded some heavy responsibility, and his expression was obviously much more relaxed.

"After you finish your meal, can you come to my cabin? I have something to show you!"

Argus frowned slightly, as if he thought of something.

Nodding: "Okay, I'll be there in a minute."


Half an hour later, Argus came to Hagrid's hut.

He was carrying a gift in his hand.

"Hagrid, congratulations on becoming a professor at Hogwarts!"

"Oh! It's Fire Whiskey! This is a good thing! Hahaha..."

Hagrid saw the gift in Argus's hand, and his saliva almost fell to the ground.

"You can drink the wine later. If you get drunk now, I have to go to class later!"

Argus put the wine on the table and almost guessed why Hagrid asked him to come.

Sure enough, when it comes to business, Hagrid immediately becomes nervous.

"Argus, you... you know, I have never taught a little wizard before."

"I'm a little... a little worried... I won't do well."

"Don't worry, Hagrid!" Argus comforted softly.

"With your understanding of magical animals, few in the entire magic world can compare."

"Really?" Hagrid didn't quite believe it.

"Of course, as long as you can openly tell us about the knowledge in your head and your experience patrolling in the Forbidden Forest."

"I promise that all the little wizards will be fascinated by you!"

"But I'm still worried... they will... will..."

The worry on Hagrid's face faded a little, but he still had some concerns.

Argus could understand this.

Hagrid is a half-giant and is not well-received in the wizarding world.

In addition, he was framed by Voldemort at the beginning. If Dumbledore hadn't saved him, he might have lost his life.

This also led to him rarely communicating with wizards.

It is normal to be nervous about teaching little wizards if you don't know how to teach.

"I'll teach you a method!"

Argus knew that simply comforting Hagrid would not work much, and he might not be able to remember some profound topics if you talked to him.

The simplest way is to teach him the method.

No need to understand, just do it!

When Hagrid really sits firmly in the position of Professor of Magical Zoology, his own purchases can also be labeled as the selection of the Professor of Magical Zoology of Hogwarts.

The price has gone up again!

"Do you remember the magical zoology textbook you chose?"

Speaking of this topic, Hagrid was obviously much more excited.

"Of course, they are interesting!"

Interesting... for you... maybe!

Argus clearly remembered that the "Monster Book of Monsters" chosen by Hagrid almost tore up the warehouse of Saints Bookstore!

If the Saints hadn't noticed it quickly and isolated them, the loss would definitely be huge.

"It's very interesting, but you have to consider the situation of the little wizards."

"They don't have a physique like you, and they don't know any powerful magic. It will be a bit difficult to deal with this book."

"Yes!" Hagrid finally reacted!

His expression was instantly tense.

"What should I do, Argus! Will they have a bad impression of me?"

"No, Hagrid." Argus smiled and shook his head.

"Since they brought the book here, it means they can be subdued temporarily."

"At this time, if you can teach the little wizards some methods to control the monster book, it will definitely greatly improve your reputation as a professor."

"You can also get the recognition of the little wizards!"

"Oh... I understand!" Hagrid suddenly realized, and looked at Argus with excitement.

"There is another one, Argus!"

"The little guy I'm going to show you in my first class, come and help me look ahead and see how to talk about it!"

Hagrid tasted the sweetness and pulled Argus to the back of the hut.

He really didn't have enough brains, but fortunately, he knew this.

So after discovering Argus, a good friend who had served as an assistant teacher, he immediately decided to ask Argus to help him go over the content he was going to talk about in advance.

To avoid accidents.

The two of them didn't walk a few steps.

A huge horse-like creature appeared in front of Argus.

Sure enough! Hagrid plans to talk about the hippogriff in the first class!

XXX level, magical beasts close to XXXX level!

You are really not afraid of accidents!

Argus secretly held his forehead in his heart.

Hagrid next to him didn't notice it at all, but introduced it to Argus with great interest.

"Argus, look!"

"It's Buckbeak, a hippogriff!"

"It's a beautiful little guy, right! I plan to talk about it in my first class!"

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