The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 221 Time goes back! Before class?

Ron's right eye was red, and his eye socket turned purple.

He kept waving his hands, trying to catch the thing that was attacking him.

Bowtruckle had already fled along the tree trunk when he noticed Ron's movements.

There was no room for Ron to fight back.

Everyone around him looked like a joke and paid no attention to what he meant.

Only Harry and Hagrid stepped forward, fearing that something might happen to him.

"My eyes! My eyes!"

"It's that damn Bowtruckle! Get it!"

Ron was so angry and anxious that he wanted to tear up the Bowtruckle that was attacking him immediately.

Hagrid frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Ron's words.

Bowtruckles are among the gentlest magical animals, unless you hurt them or the trees they live in.

Otherwise, they will never attack other creatures!

Just now, you were clearly the one who threw the Bowtruckle to the ground while feeding it, but now you rake it down instead.

Harry and Ron in the original novel may have a higher status in Hagrid's mind.

But now... After experiencing Ron's backstabbing incident, the status of the two of them in Hagrid's mind is not necessarily comparable to that of magical animals.

Due to his duties as a professor, Hagrid took Harry with him and hurriedly sent Ron to the school doctor's office.

Yagus never glanced at either of them from beginning to end.

Prepare to find a suitable place to start your first time backtracking.

"Agus, where are you going? We have classes later!"

Draco looked suspiciously at Yagus, who was gradually drifting away from everyone.

"You guys go ahead. I have something to take care of. I will meet you later."

Although Snape was not as cautious as Professor McGonagall in the original book, he still told Argus about the precautions for using the time turner.

When using the Time Turner, it cannot be seen by others.

Not to mention that you cannot appear in front of people in the original timeline at the same time as yourself in the original timeline.

Draco didn't ask much, knowing that as the head of the academy, Yagus had many things to deal with every day.

He greeted Goyle and Crabbe and walked towards the next class.

Seeing everyone walking away, Yagus had the opportunity to find a suitable place.

Unlike Hermione, Argus can cast the Disillusionment Charm.

You can completely use the Illusion Charm to cover up your actions and reduce the probability of being discovered.

He thought for a moment and cast the Disillusionment Spell on himself in a corner where no one was.

Then he walked towards the bathroom on the first floor!

Since Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets was opened last year, the bathroom on the first floor, which had not been visited by many people, became even more deserted.

Only Moaning Myrtle cried in the ladies' room.

Argus ignored her. He wasn't here for the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets this time. Why was he going to the women's bathroom?

Use the Illusion Charm to enter the men's bathroom and take out the time turner hanging around your neck.

Adjusted to the time before the first class in the afternoon and pressed it gently.

The next second, the surrounding scenery was rapidly retreating.

The water droplets that were dripping flowed back towards the faucet in an incredible shape!

Yagus himself seemed cut off from the world.

He can move and speak.

But I feel like everything around me is incompatible with me!

After about ten seconds, the surrounding scene finally stopped.

As a drop of water falls, it indicates that time officially begins to flow.

"So this is what time travel feels like?"

It was the first time that Yagus used the time turner and he used magic to carefully check his physical condition.

He wanted to know if there were any other rules for using a time-turner to go back in time.

For example, the items you carry on your body and the state of your body.

After checking around and finding that nothing had changed, Yagus set off for his ancient rune classroom.

When I walked to the stairs, I happened to see Professor Flitwick coming out of his office and getting ready to go to class.

"Professor Flitwick, good afternoon."

Argos did not turn a blind eye to Professor Flitwick because of the Time Turner.

Come forward and say hello generously.

Professor Flitwick liked the most talented boy in the history of Hogwarts and responded with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Grindelwald."

"Did you just come out of the dormitory and go to class?"

"Yes, Professor, it's a pity that I don't have your Charms today."

Professor Flitwick smiled happily: "There will be a chance, Mr. Grindelwald!"

"Okay, I won't delay your class. Come on, kid, don't be late."

Professor Flitwick said as he stepped aside to let Argus pass.

Yagus bowed slightly, gave Flivi a grateful smile, and quickly passed by.

After arriving all the way to the ancient rune classroom, there were already many people sitting in the classroom.

Pansy and Daphne saw a little surprise in their eyes when they saw Argus coming.

Hagrid never concealed his relationship with Argus, he just kept the transaction between the two from being known.

From the perspective of Pansy and Daphne, Argus will definitely attend Hagrid's first lesson.

I didn’t expect that I would choose to come to the ancient runes class.

"Chief? I thought you were going to Professor Hagrid's Magical Zoology!"

Yagus smiled and did not respond.

He looked down at the ancient rune textbook.

Ancient runes are among the most difficult subjects.

Especially for the young wizards who have just come into contact, they can't even understand what the rune lines are.

Not to mention listening to the professor's lecture!

In the original book, even Hermione made mistakes in the O.W.L exam.

Fortunately, Argus has already maxed out his rune talent in advance, so he is not worried about the future rune learning.

Although the ancient rune class at Hogwarts is just some theoretical courses, it is difficult to get in touch with real ancient magic manuscripts.

But this does not mean that Argus will stop here!

There are many such things waiting to be developed in the saints!

With the arrival of the ancient rune professor Bathsheda Baburin, the scene gradually fell silent.

Professor Baburin is a woman with a very serious dress and face.

She is somewhat similar to Professor McGonagall.

He tapped the blackboard gently.

"Little wizards, be quiet."

"I am your ancient rune professor, Bathsheda Baburin."

"Now, let's start the class!"

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