The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 224 Defense Against the Dark Arts! Draco's Nemesis!

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

A huge wardrobe was placed in front of the young wizards of Slytherin and Gryffindor.


The wardrobe shook violently, causing the young wizards to exclaim.

Lupin was very satisfied with the young wizards' reaction.

Since coming to Hogwarts, his quality of life has improved significantly.

At least he won't wear the ragged shirt that was not covering his body before.

After changing into a set of fitting clothes, he obviously looked like a professor.

"Interesting, right?"

"Does anyone guess what's inside?"

"It's a Boggart!" A shout came from the crowd.

Lupin nodded and recognized the student who spoke at a glance, obviously doing his homework in advance.

"Very good, Mr. Thomas,"

"Can anyone tell me what a Boggart looks like?"

Lupin strolled slowly to the side of the wardrobe.

"Argus? When did you get behind us!"

Draco was startled by Argus's sudden appearance.

Lupin, who was not far away, also discovered this anomaly. However, he was once an outstanding graduate of Hogwarts and now a professor. He obviously knew the existence of the time converter.

"No one knows?"

"Mr. Grindelwald?"

Argus had just come here using the time converter. When he heard Lupin's question, the original plot flashed through his mind.

"Boggarts have no entity. They will see through your heart and become what you fear most."

"It is best not to face Boggart alone. When you are in a group, Boggart will be confused because he doesn't know what he will become."

"What can really kill him is laughter. Loud laughter can turn it into smoke."

"In addition, you can use the Boggart Expelling Spell to deal with it."

After Argus finished speaking, many people looked at Lupin, waiting for Lupin's response.

After two years of classmates, almost everyone confirmed that Argus's answer was the standard answer.

It just depends on whether the answer is in line with the professor's wishes and whether it will add points.

The students around him were relieved, but Lupin wanted to slap himself twice.

Come on, why did you have to ask him to answer the question!

He has finished speaking, what else do you have to say!

Are you repeating what he said?

What's the point of you being a professor then!

But now, Lupin can only bite the bullet and continue to lecture.

He also has to praise Argus for what he said!

"Mr. Grindelwald said it very comprehensively."

"Three points for Slytherin."

"When the Boggart was first discovered, many wizards were frightened by it and even died at its hands."

"Fortunately, we now have a Boggart-repelling spell that can deal with it!"

"Now, let's practice it, please don't use the wand first."

Lupin walked to the wardrobe and tapped the wardrobe twice.

The wardrobe shook instantly, making a continuous clicking sound.

"Repeat after me, funny funny!"

"Funny funny!"

A group of little wizards recited softly, and some of them waved their arms, as if they were holding wands in their hands at the moment.

"Louder, listen carefully, listen carefully."

"Funny funny!"

"Funny funny!" Everyone followed Lupin to recite the spell again.

Ron, who had returned from the infirmary, was reciting the spell while showing a grin because of the eye wound.

Lupin led everyone to recite it more than ten times and spoke again.

"The simple part is over. It is not enough to just recite the spell."

"Like Mr. Grindelwald said, what can really defeat the Boggart is laughter!"

"You need to imagine it as a shape that can really make you laugh."

"Let me explain."

Lupin's eyes swept through the crowd.

He first saw the most conspicuous Argus, but soon looked away.

What if Argus was called up and finished what he was supposed to say!

"Mr. Thomas, come over and help me, okay?"

Harry's roommate Dean Thomas looked around and seemed a little hesitant.

"Come on, don't be shy, Mr. Thomas."

Dean walked out of the crowd hesitantly.

"Mr. Thomas, what are you most afraid of?"

"Snakes... Basilisk."

"Basilisk? Oh, it's really a scary creature."

Speaking of Basilisk, everyone's eyes converged on Argus again, which made Ron very unhappy.

"Take our credit so arrogantly! Humph!"

"Slytherin is really full of dark wizards!"

He said it in a low voice, and only Harry beside him could hear it.

Next to the wardrobe, Lupin continued to guide Dean.

"Mr. Thomas, do you like donuts?"

"I don't want to eat donuts made of Basilisk..."

"No. You don't have to eat it, just imagine its shape." Lupin put his hands in his pockets, looking very stylish.

"Imagine the syrup and chocolate powder on the donut, and the shape of the donut, clearly appear in your mind!"

"It's covered with cream jam..."

"No need to say it, just imagine it in your mind."

"We can all see it."

"When I open the cabinet door, I want you to imagine the basilisk turning into a donut, covered with cream jam and chocolate powder."

"Can I?"

The cabinet suddenly shook violently, scaring Dean.

Dean looked at the wardrobe, then at Professor Lupin, and picked up the wand.

Lupin showed a satisfied smile and took out the wand from his suit pocket.

"Okay, pick up the wand!"




A silent unlocking spell, the closet lock made a crisp click.

The closet door quietly opened.

The huge basilisk suddenly came out!

The little wizards around didn't react for a while and screamed shrilly!

But the basilisk didn't seem to have any intention of attacking, and kept spitting out its tongue and approaching Dean and Lupin.

Lupin leaned into Dean's ear and whispered: "Think, Mr. Thomas, think about what I just told you."

Dean closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened them!

Pick up the wand and aim at the basilisk!


The next second, the basilisk turned into a huge donut.

The snake head held its own snake tail, and the whole body expanded rapidly, and the scales were full of chocolate powder and jam.

The body kept twisting.

There was laughter in the crowd, and Lupin couldn't help but smile.

"Very good, Mr. Thomas! Well done, great!"


"Go to the end of the line, Mr. Thomas, and line up. I want everyone to imagine what you are most afraid of."

Goyle and Crabbe were planning to squeeze in first because of their size.

Draco glared at them and they obediently lined up at the back.

The young wizards were very interested in this study and soon it was Draco's turn.

Lupin's expression remained unchanged and he said generously: "Mr. Malfoy, have you thought about what you want to turn the Boggart into?"

"I think... I have thought about it?" Draco was not sure what he was afraid of.

While thinking, the wardrobe was opened.

The figure that appeared inside made everyone burst into laughter instantly.

Even Argus, who was queuing behind him, almost couldn't hold back.

A figure exactly like Argus slowly walked out of the wardrobe.

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