The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 226 Lupin's Advice! Heading to Hogsmeade

Argus walked to the front, and the door of the closet slowly opened.

A subtle touch entered his brain.

The brain block technique was working subconsciously!

In the dark closet, only a dark shadow could be seen twisting.

Argus frowned slightly, and his palm quietly clenched the wand.

"Why hasn't Boggart come out yet?"

"Could it be that the instinct of Boggart to judge fear has the same characteristics as Legilimency?"

"Or... Legilimency was originally invented during the exploration of magical creatures such as Boggart!"

Argus fell into deep thought, not paying attention to the surprised eyes of the people around him.

Even Lupin beside him was puzzled by the situation of Boggart.

Normally, Boggart can identify the most feared thing in the other person's heart at a glance.

Just like he just stood in front of Harry.

Changes occurred in a second.

But now... Boggart has no intention of changing at all!

Just curled up in the dark!

Facing this situation, there are only two possibilities.

Either, the Boggart didn't find its entity at all.

Or... it was something that Argus had no fear of at all!

Either one was enough to shock people.

Argus thought about it and decided to gradually release the brain blockade and carefully feel the instinct of the Boggart.

Sensing the fear of the person in front of him, the Boggart finally changed.

The body quickly twisted and changed, and it turned into a ball of black mist and came out.

Argus took out his wand and cast a spell.


The black mist-like Boggart immediately turned into a ball of pink mist and was locked in the closet.

"Black mist?"

"What is black mist?"

"I just seemed to see that the Boggart had changed, how did it become black mist in the end?"

The little wizards looked puzzled.

They looked at Lupin and Argus in confusion.

Lupin saw the reactions of Boggart and Argus and had guessed some of the inside story.

He explained to the little wizards.

"As Mr. Grindelwald just said, Boggart has no entity. There are two possibilities for the appearance of the black fog. One is that it cannot judge the things it fears."

"Second, what Mr. Grindelwald fears is... fear!"

"To be more precise, fear itself will have the things it fears."

"Ah?" The tongue-twisting answer made everyone a little confused.

Lupin answered: "Terror itself has no entity, so Boggart cannot change into a specific form."

Then, someone continued to ask.

"Why can't Boggart judge?"

There was a question from the crowd.

Lupin glanced at Argus and found that his expression did not change much. After thinking about it, he did not answer directly.

"This requires an extremely advanced magic."

"When you are in senior grades, you may have the opportunity to contact it."

"Okay, little wizards, today's class ends here."

"Take your books and get out of class is over!"

"Thank you everyone!"

The little wizards looked at the time and lined up to leave the classroom.

When Argus was about to leave with everyone, Lupin's voice suddenly came to his ears.


"Can I call you that?"

Lupin was a bit familiar. He didn't call Argus by his last name like other professors, but by his first name.

Argus smiled and responded: "Of course, Professor Lupin."

"It's my honor."

"In fact, I know that in terms of magic, I can teach you very little." Lupin smiled bitterly and shook his head with a helpless expression.

"Professor, you..."

"Let me finish, Argus."

Lupin raised his hand and interrupted Argus.

There was a little more scrutiny and seriousness in his eyes.

"But as your professor, I want to remind you."

"Sometimes, over-reliance on spells is not a good thing..."

Lupin obviously noticed that Argus had used brain occlusion, but he did not release the spell until the Boggart could not transform.

Argus recalled the scene of the Boggart's transformation just now.

He bowed slightly.

"Thank you for your advice, professor."

"It's my duty." Lupin straightened his clothes and pointed to the time converter tied around Argus' neck.

"Hurry up and prepare for your next class. Don't be late!"


In the blink of an eye, it was Saturday morning.

The gate of Hogwarts Castle was surrounded by little wizards.

Every weekend is a holiday for little wizards above the third grade.

In the third grade, they are eligible to go to Hogsmeade Village.

For most little wizards, Hogsmeade Village is definitely a good place to waste pocket money.

Argus even thought about whether the saint should open a few stores in Hogsmeade Village.

His experience in the previous life told him that the profits of the small shops at the school gate and the supermarkets in the school are often unimaginable for ordinary people.

At the gate of the castle.

Professor McGonagall and Filch told the third-year little wizards who went to Hogsmeade Village for the first time about the rules to be followed.

"Remember, you need to be granted permission to go to Hogsmeade."

"But if you bring discredit to the school, I will cancel this benefit."

Harry approached eagerly, but was stopped by Professor McGonagall.

"No one can go without a signed consent form."

"That's the rule, Mr. Potter!"

Filch limped forward with a list in hand, looking as if everyone owed him money.

"Follow me if you have the consent form, stay here if you don't!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Filch suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

His dead face instantly turned into the warmest smile in the world.

He even started to speak in a proper tone.

"Mr. Grindelwald, good morning!"

"Good morning, Mr. Filch!"

Argus smiled and replied, "Do you need me to bring anything for you in Hogsmeade?"

"No, no, no need to bother you."

Filch straightened his back a little and walked out of the school with Argus and others.

Harry looked at the people leaving, his eyes becoming more and more anxious.

Ron and several Gryffindor team members he knew were in there.

He had heard Ron and the others say where to go and what to buy.

But he found out that he couldn't go before he left!

This anxiety made him feel uneasy.

Harry stood in front of Professor McGonagall and took out the application form.

"I think if you can sign it, I can..."

"I can't, Mr. Potter!"

Professor McGonagall interrupted Harry's next words.

"Only your parents and guardians can sign. I am neither of them. It is not appropriate to do this."

"I am sorry, Mr. Potter. This is the only way."

Looking at Ron who was looking at him not far away, Harry could only force a smile and waved at him.

"It's okay. You... don't have to wait for me."

As expected, Ron had no intention of waiting for Harry at all. He followed the Gryffindor people away happily.

Leaving Harry alone with his lonely back.

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