The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 266 Peter takes action! Sirius goes crazy!

"If I remember correctly, this direction should be Snape's area!"

"Look at you, why do you have to go to Snape's place when there are other places to go?"

In order to prevent Peter from failing to act well, Argus only told him part of the plan.

At this moment, Peter knew that he had fallen into a trap and was very panicked.

But he still went in with his head held high.

Continue to act according to Argus's plan, at least he can live for a while.

If he dares to resist, what awaits him will be a torture worse than death!

After weighing the pros and cons, he could only go in with his head held high.

Unexpectedly, he ran into the person who wanted to kill him the most!

No matter who the other few were, they would not do anything to him.

Even if Sirius came, he would at most give him a beating.

He would never kill him.

After all, they still hoped to use Peter to restore their reputation and make the things that happened that year public.

But Snape was different!

He had a deep grudge against James and the four men, and wished that Sirius would die in Azkaban.

Now there is another betrayal that leads to the tragic death of his beloved.

Settle old and new grudges together!

Where would I let Peter go!

The moment he saw Peter appear, a miserable green beam of light shot towards him!

Peter was so frightened!

Oh my god! It’s not about getting beaten, it’s about risking your life!

How dare you use the Killing Curse in Hogwarts Castle!

If some little wizard sees it, what are you going to do as a professor?

Hearing the explosion not far away, Yagus immediately went to support.

The same goes for Lupine.

Peter panicked and fled in the direction of Argus and Lupin at all costs.

He originally wanted to linger a little longer, but now he just wants to be caught quickly!

If he was caught, at least Argus would save himself, but if he fell into Snape's hands, he would really be dead!

Ron and Harry also heard the noise.

Harry's eyes lit up and he looked excitedly in the direction of the sound.

"Harry, what...what is that?"

Ron didn't know what Argus and the others were planning, and thought he had encountered something terrible again.

Thinking of how they almost became idiots because of their adventure last year.

His legs couldn't help but tremble.

"Harry, shall we...shall we go back to the common room?"

"I always feel something strange here."

"Okay, let's go back." Harry wished Ron would leave quickly and not waste time here.

When the two left, Argus and Lupin had already arrived at the place where Snape was chasing.

The three of them drove Peter to a dead end according to the original plan.

Lupin saw the killing curse flashing on Snape's wand.

He couldn't help but frown.

"Snape, we still need Peter! What happened back then hasn't been figured out, and Sirius' identity hasn't been clarified."

"If you kill him directly, what will happen to Sirius!"

Snape was completely unmoved.

What does Sirius have to do with me?

It's better for him to bear the blame for his whole life and be tortured to death in Azkaban in the end!

Anyway, I just want revenge, I don't care about anything else!

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Snape, Lupin looked to Argus for help.

Argus didn't want Peter to die so early.

Even if he had to die, he had to wait until he handed him over to Sirius before dying.

Otherwise, he would have to bear the backlash of the unbreakable oath.

He thought for a while and said to Snape: "Professor, I know you hate him to the bone."

"But for him, the killing curse is just a relief."

"It's too easy for him to die quickly, isn't it?"

Peter, who was running away in front, was so sad that he wanted to cry.

What kind of boss did he find!

He didn't even let him die quickly!

Sure enough, Snape hesitated after hearing what Argus said, and changed the original killing curse to the disarming curse.

Although it was still powerful, at least... Peter wouldn't be killed by a spell.

Two minutes later, Peter, who was desperate, was finally forced to death.

"Peter, at this time, aren't you going to say hello to your old friend?"

Lupin held his wand and approached Peter.

But Peter's ability to disguise as a mouse has long been superb, and he completely ignored what Lupin said.

Squeaking non-stop.

Snape pushed Lupin away impatiently.

Took up the wand and pointed it at Peter.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!"

A strange wave flashed from his wand.

The original mouse instantly turned into a human form.

The dirty and fat body kept twisting on the ground.

Peter Pettigrew didn't seem to notice the changes in himself, and still followed the habits of the mouse.

Trying to curl himself up.

Until he saw his human palm, he raised his head incredulously.

Tentatively stretched forward.

He greeted Lupin in a surprised manner: "Remus! My old friend!"

"And... Severus!"

"It's been a long time since we last met!"

He walked forward while talking, and took advantage of the two's distraction to try to turn into a mouse and escape.

He was pinned down by Snape's Imprisonment Curse.

"You are still so dishonest, and you can only do some small tricks!"

Snape casually threw a Cruciatus Curse at Peter.

The horrible pain made Peter unbearable.

He kept trying to twist his body to relieve the pain, but because of the existence of the imprisonment spell, he was not even qualified to move.

He could only rely on his willpower to bear it.

His eyes were full of bloodshot, and his eyes for help kept sweeping over Argus and Lupin.

"Enough, Snape!"

Lupin stopped Snape's subsequent torture and put Peter down.

"How dare you say these words to me?"

Snape flicked his sleeves and threw Lupin aside.

He took the wand and started to cast a spell again.

"Professor, I think we can control Peter first and find a place to put him."

"Then we will talk about how to deal with it next."

Argus suddenly spoke, interrupting Snape's actions.

He pointed to the ground and the wall.

"We made a lot of noise just now. It will probably not take long for professors and deans to come to check."

"I suggest that we go back to the Room of Requirement first."

Snape thought of his crazy actions that had just lost his mind, and nodded silently.

Lupin breathed a sigh of relief and quickly covered Peter with the Disillusionment Charm.

He took him upstairs.

They came to the Room of Requirement.

As soon as they entered the room, Sirius and Harry came to meet them.

"How is it, did it work?"

Sirius asked hurriedly.

Harry looked back tentatively and found nothing.

A trace of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, Lupin lifted the Disillusionment Charm.

Peter's fat and dirty body appeared in front of the two.

Sirius' eyes turned red instantly!

He rushed up and strangled Peter's neck.

"Why! Tell me! Why did you betray us!"

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