The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Holy Mother Harry! The Weasleys come to visit

What happened in the flying class soon spread throughout Hogwarts.

Ingratitude is something that people will hate no matter where it happens to be.

Not to mention that Argus had helped Gryffindor students more than once.

He even saved their lives!

This made Gryffindor a laughing stock for everyone.

In the infirmary ward.

Harry and Draco, who became seekers at the same time, were at the two ends of the infirmary.

It was just that the two were in exactly the opposite environment.

A dozen little wizards led by Argus were guarding Draco's bed, bringing a lot of gifts and blessings.

On the other hand, Harry was the only one guarding Ron.


And he had to be looked down upon from time to time.

The two looked at each other in silence, and no one knew what to say.

At this moment, an owl flew from the window and threw a red letter to Ron's bedside.

Ron's face changed instantly.

"Oh, no!"

He reached out and picked up the letter with a trembling hand.

But he never dared to open it!

"Look, Weasley received a Howler!"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd, and everyone looked at him with a teasing look.

"Open it, Weasley, let us hear what you did!"

"Yes, maybe Mrs. Molly praised you for the good things you did!"

"Harry, how about..." Ron swallowed and looked at Harry.

Harry was not a fool, even if he had never heard of the Howler, but he could tell from the reactions of others.

It must not be a good thing!

He hurriedly shook his head and refused.

Ron showed dissatisfaction in his eyes, and he hesitated to reach out to the letter.

He just touched the seal of the Howler lightly, and the letter paper immediately jumped out.

The shrill roar resounded throughout the ward!

"Ron Weasley! How dare you do this in school!"

"You're making trouble in class and snatching things from your classmates! You're making me so angry!"

The red envelope of the Howler Letter and the white letter paper formed a roaring woman's face.

Ron was stunned by the roar, his face full of fear.

"Professor McGonagall came to talk to me about you in person! I wouldn't be surprised even if you were expelled from school!"

"This is all your fault! If you dare to make trouble in school again, your father and I will get you back immediately!"

"Did you hear that!"

Ron nodded madly at the Howler Letter, regardless of whether Mrs. Molly could see him or not.

After scolding Ron, the Howler Letter turned to look at Harry.

His tone became extremely gentle.

"Hello, dear Harry, I'm glad you can be friends with Ron."

"You're welcome to visit the Burrow anytime!"

After saying this, the Howler Letter tore himself into pieces of paper without caring how Ron would clean up.

It fell on the bedside.


The crowd burst into laughter.

Ron, who had just been ignored, became the target of everyone's ridicule again.

A boy imitated Mrs. Molly's angry and funny look just now, while learning the lines of the shouting letter.

"Ron Weasley! How dare you do such a thing in school!"

"Making trouble in class, stealing classmates' things..."

"I know I was wrong, Mom!"

Another boy pretended to be Ron, with a submissive expression.

It made everyone laugh.

Ron's eyes were red with anger, and he turned his head away, trying not to look at them.

Harry couldn't bear his little friend to be tortured like this, and trotted to Argus.


"Harry, what they did was not instructed by me, or do you want me to plead for someone who repays kindness with hatred?"

As soon as Harry came over, Argus knew what he was going to say.

Sneered in his heart.

Is it because I am usually too gentle in Hogwarts that you think I am a soft persimmon without temper?

You're just a little bit wronged, and you come to me to beg for mercy!

I'm your father!

Why didn't you seem so active when Draco was injured!

"Anyone who does something wrong must pay a price."

"He should have thought of this when he chose to rob me during the flying class!"

"Ron... Ron, he didn't mean it..."

"Not intentional?" Argus was so angry that he laughed.

If it weren't for the fact that he needed to use Harry to negotiate with Dumbledore later, he really wanted to slap him in the face.

Isn't this a complete virgin baby?

Whoever is weaker is right!

"You mean, the broom under his legs flew in front of me by itself, and then he took my book away by himself."

"In the end, he bumped into Draco, right?"

"Argus, Ron already knows he was wrong!"

Hearing this, Argus was no longer willing to continue to entangle with Harry.

He is not Harry's nanny. As long as he can use Dumbledore's attention to Harry to force Dumbledore to give in, it will be enough.

As for other things, let Dumbledore worry about it!

He turned his head away, not wanting to look at Harry again!

With a flick of his wand, the knife on the table automatically peeled an apple.

Put it next to Draco's mouth.

"Madam Pomfrey said that the bruises on your body will disappear as long as you apply ointment."

"Rest for a night, and you can go to class normally tomorrow."

Draco nodded, looking at Harry with uncontrollable disappointment in his eyes.

Goyle and Crabbe noticed Argus's impatience.

The two people were like two door gods, keeping him away from him and not giving him any chance to get close to Yagus.

Pansy sneered and mocked: "Draco and Argus have been here for so long, and Weasley didn't even say a word of apology. Is this what you call knowing you were wrong?"

"Get out of here, you are not welcome here!"

Harry was speechless.

With a blushing face, he ran back to Ron's bed in despair.

Pansy didn't seem to be relieved yet. She pointed at Ron's hospital bed and continued angrily: "Weasley, if it weren't for Yagus's quick reaction in Potions class, do you think you would have been able to take flying lessons?"

"How many people have been harmed by that pot of potion you brewed!"

"You did something wrong and didn't want to repent, and you asked your friends to wipe your butt for you. You're really good!"

Ron was so ashamed and angry that Pansy's words brought tears to his eyes but he could not refute.

He grabbed the quilt and buried his head deeply in it.

Yagus sneered.

Can't stand this?

Ron Weasley, your good days have just begun!

Return to the Slytherin common room in the evening.

Yagus was about to go back to the dormitory to rest when he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Grindelwald here?"

"Please help me call him, thank you."

Argus came to the door of the rest room, and the three red heads were very conspicuous.

"Mr. Grindelwald, we are here to apologize to you on Ron's behalf."

"We spoiled him rotten since he was a child and caused you trouble. I'm really sorry."

Percy came forward with the Weasley twins and bowed to Argus without saying anything.

Weasley's tutoring is quite good, and both Arthur and Molly are extremely upright people.

He didn't choose to protect his shortcomings because of Argus and Draco's life experience.

Percy and the Weasley twins did not choose to shield them blindly. After learning the news, they immediately came to apologize to Argus.

"As for the textbook Ron threw away, we will compensate you for the original price, or buy you a new one."

"When his injury heals, I will bring him in person to apologize to you and Mr. Malfoy."

"I hope you can forgive me."

"There's no need to apologize. Just take care of him in the future."

Argos is not a person who takes anger lightly.

Both Percy and Weasley were his chess pieces planned in advance, and he would never allow himself to leave a bad feeling for the three of them in advance.

This led to the subsequent poaching by Dumbledore.

"It's getting late. If there's nothing else, you can go back and rest first."

"Draco's side, I'll go..."

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that Argus was about to leave, Percy hurriedly spoke.

His face was slightly red, as if it was extremely difficult to speak.

"There is one more thing I want to discuss with you..."

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