The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 274: Full-throated Battle! The Reason Why Harry Was Lost


The roof of the Shrieking Shack suddenly collapsed.

Several wooden boards fell straight towards Snape!

Snape swung his wand and knocked the wooden board above his head away.

But... there seemed to be a strange smell in the air.

As a potion master, Snape had a keen sense of smell.

He subconsciously distinguished the materials contained in this smell.

But this gave Harry and Sirius a chance to directly knock the wand out of his hand with a disarming spell.

"Well done! James!"

Sirius had just finished speaking, and the moment he turned his head, his eyes were covered with horror.

"Harry, be careful!"

Lupin, who was in a violent state, couldn't tell the enemy from the friend, and rushed towards Harry.

Seeing that the timeline was proceeding normally, Argus breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly looked for a place to hide again.

His movement just now was a bit loud, and he had been noticed by his original timeline self.

By the time he hid again, his original timeline self had already taken action to repel Lupin.

Several people discussed the next action and started to set off.

Among them, Snape rushed straight towards him!

"Fuck! Dean! You really hold a grudge like that!"

In Argus's impression, Snape's answer to him at that time was that he caught up with him, but he ran away.

There are two explanations for this answer. One is that he only saw his back and did not fight.

If so, it's easy to say.

The other is troublesome!

It was Snape who fought with him, and finally he escaped with great effort.

Looking at the direction of Snape's pursuit without hesitation, it is obviously more likely to be the latter!

"Oh no!"

Argus thought it was not good, and he didn't care about looking for Harry's position, and ran away.

But his speed was much worse than Snape's.

In desperation, he had to hide in the woods.

"God of Swords!"

Snape's signature spell came and directly hit the tree next to Argus's hiding.

Before he could move, another large-scale spell was fired.

"Thunder Explosion!"


The surrounding trees continued to explode, making bursts of explosions.

Argus could not hide, so he waved his wand and took the spell.

"Armor Protection!"

The fluorescence of the Iron Armor Spell was drowned in the flames of the explosion, and the trees in the forest fell in pieces.

Snape sneered: "You are really good at hiding!"

"Rat in the gutter!"

"If you don't want to come out, don't come out!"

Snape was serious, and the Fiendfyre spread rapidly under his wand.

In just a few seconds, it grew from a small flame to a monstrous python.

The python made of flames seemed to be roaring and crushing towards the forest.

Argus knew that if he continued to hide in the forest, he would only die.

He took a deep breath and took out the Elder Wand and the Philosopher's Stone from his pocket.

He held the Philosopher's Stone in one hand and the wand in the other hand and stabbed it heavily into the ground!

"All spells are over!"

The blue light extinguished the Fiendfire, and Argus put on his cloak and rushed towards Snape from the jungle.

The disarming spell was accompanied by a dazzling red light.

"Playing tricks!"

Snape wanted to take it casually, but Argus now had the blessing of the Philosopher's Stone and the Elder Wand.

His strength was far beyond ordinary.

Snape was careless and almost had his wand knocked away.

With a sneer on his face, he threw a few spells.

In terms of magic power and magic strength, Argus is no weaker than him now.

He took these spells easily.

He even had the ability to fight back!


"Shattered into pieces!"

"Falling unconscious!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

The two fought back and forth.

Relying on his rich combat experience, Snape could barely gain the upper hand, but he could not always suppress Argus.

Argus wanted to escape.

After taking another hidden black magic from Snape, he gritted his teeth and threw out a disarming spell.

Snape had no intention of dodging and cast a simple armor spell on himself.

He faced Argus's disarming spell and cast a direct Sharp Shadow!


The ordinary armor spell was much weaker than Argus's disarming spell.

Snape was almost blown away.

But the fatal Sharp Shadow was close at hand!

It was too late to cast a defensive spell!

Argus barely turned aside, but his cloak was still torn open.

Revealing his true face!

"It's you!"

Snape saw the familiar face under the cloak, his face was gloomy.


Since his identity was exposed, Argus had no need to continue fighting.

He admitted his identity openly.

"It seems that Mr. Grindelwald has learned potions well."

Snape had suspected Argus's identity when he was in the Shrieking Shack.

The wolfsbane potion he prepared was different from the normal wolfsbane potion.

After his improvement, the taste of the potion is almost unacceptable.

Similarly, the effect is much better.

And the strange smell in the air is made according to his formula.

Besides him, only Argus, who has seen him brew the potion, knows this formula!

"Who is your target? Harry? Or Sirius?"

"Harry! He is in trouble!"

It is meaningless to continue to hide it. Argus knows Snape's feelings for Harry.

If you answer honestly, you may be able to seek his help later.


Snape snorted coldly.

In the distance, there was a burst of footsteps approaching at a very fast speed.

He looked at the time converter on Argus's chest and did not move again.

"Let's go quickly, the battle there is over."

"It won't be long before we get here."

"If you are discovered, I can't guarantee your safety."

Argus secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

He looked at the direction from which he came from the original timeline.

He turned and left in the opposite direction.

Not long after he left, his original timeline self hurried over.

"Professor, have you seen that mysterious man?"

"Who is he!"

"He ran away. He was wearing a cloak and his identity was not clear."


After running far away and making sure that no one would chase him, Argus breathed a sigh of relief.

"The original timeline has not been destroyed, so it is safe for the time being."

"The next thing to do is to rescue Peter Pettigrew and try to lead Harry back."

"This mission is completed!"

Argus was about to look for Harry, but found that he had lost his position because of his previous actions.

Even if he wanted to find him, he couldn't find him for a while!

"If you can't find it, then don't look for it!"

"As long as Harry doesn't meet his original timeline self, he won't fall into the time rift."

"It's hard to find Harry who came here with the time turner, but it's easy in the original timeline."

"I remember that after Harry and Sirius left the Shrieking Shack, they went to the Room of Requirement."

"Wait nearby!"

"The operation to capture Peter Pettigrew will be tomorrow, and there's still time."

After going through so much, Argus has vaguely guessed the time and reason why Harry got lost.

There are two possibilities. One is that he didn't return to the place where he used the time turner on time.

The other is that Harry wanted to use this return to recapture Peter, or prevent Peter from escaping.

For some reason, he bumped into his original timeline self and got lost in the time rift.

"If that's true, there's plenty of time."

"In the original timeline, when Peter escaped, a large number of Dementors surrounded Hogwarts Castle."

"I just don't know whether these Dementors came here on their own initiative or were seduced by me..."

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