The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 29 Hogwarts Kitchen! Encounter with Quirrell!

In the kitchen.

Several busy house elves approached the three of them.

There was no fuss, I was used to it all.

"Dear wizard, what would you like to eat?"

"Just two servings of pumpkin juice, two servings of baked potatoes and steak."

The Weasley twins said in unison.

"I'll have a glass of lemon juice, some fried sausage and a bacon omelette, thank you."

"Thank you? Sophie, did you hear that! The respected little wizard actually said thank you to Leah!" Leah showed amazing excitement and grabbed an elf next to her and couldn't stop asking.

The house elf named Sophie had uncontrollable envy in her eyes.

"Okay, Leah, don't keep our respected guests waiting!"

"You're right! Leah actually kept the distinguished guest waiting! Leah is a bad elf! A bad guy!"

As if she was stimulated by something, Lia picked up her head and hit it against the wall.

Yagus was stunned and didn't react for a while.

When she was distracted, Leah had already delivered the food requested by the three Yagus.

The difference is that the food of the Weasley twins is just made according to their requirements and placed casually on a plate.

The sausages and bacon that Yagus wanted to eat were exquisitely presented.

Thick sauce coated the bacon, and the lemonade glass even came with a pure white flower.

"Dear guest, this is the sauce specially prepared for you by Leah!"

"Please taste it!"

Leah's eyes were filled with anticipation.

The Weasley twins looked at Argos's exquisite meal, and then looked at themselves, which looked like pig food.

Completely sour!

"This is too much of a double standard. Why didn't we get this kind of treatment when we first came here!"

"No, Yagus, we demand a food exchange!"

Leah looked at Argus in panic, curled her mouth, and opened her mouth to stop something.

But he didn't dare to speak.

Yagus smiled and patted her head comfortingly.

Cut a piece of bacon with a knife and dip it in the sauce.

"It's delicious! Thanks for the treat, Leah!"

"The distinguished guest praised Leah!"

Leah was very happy and kept showing off to the other elves.

Not to be outdone, a bunch of house elves in the kitchen came up with their own craftsmanship.

Courses of delicious food were delivered to Yagus free of charge.

Longing for the praise of Argos.

For the first time, Yagus felt that too much food was torture.

This meal left Argus with a bulging belly. The Weasley twins enjoyed a lot of glory with Argus and ate a lot of delicacies they had never tasted before.

The three people left with the house elf's reluctant eyes.

George couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that next time I sneak into the kitchen, I have to bring Yagus with me."

"Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to eat this delicious food!"

Fred nodded in agreement: "Yeah, I'm afraid that after today's meal, I won't be able to eat other food in the future!"

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future."

Yagus didn't think he would stay in the dormitory every night from now on.

The restricted book section of the library and the secret rooms of the founders of Hogwarts are all places he wants to explore.

If there is a chance to get the Marauder's Map from the hands of the Weasley twins, the Saints will definitely find time to take a look.

Based on this calculation, he really doesn't have much time to stay in the dormitory.

Since the Gryffindor and Slytherin lounges were not on the same road, the three of them finished their supper and left.

The Weasley twins planned to give Argus a ride, but Argus refused.

Following the path he had taken before, Yagus sneaked quietly.

His memory is pretty good. Even if he only walked through it once, he can clearly remember the way back.


Suddenly, a cat meowed in the silent passage.

Then came the hoarse voice of Filch, the administrator of Hogwarts.

"Mrs. Norris, someone sneaked out again, right?"

"Smell carefully!"

What bad luck!

Can this happen?

You must learn the Illusion Body Curse after you go back!

Yagus secretly cursed himself for being unlucky, looked around, jumped on the escalator, and ducked into a classroom not far away.

There was no light in the dark classroom, and Filch's footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer.

Yagus was afraid of being discovered and did not dare to use magic lighting.

Holding on to the wall, he walked forward in the dark.

He didn't care much about the deduction of points.

Only children would care about such things as playing house.

The reason why he didn't want to be caught was that he was worried that Dumbledore would suspect him.

Ever since the last conversation in the headmaster's office, he knew that he had aroused Dumbledore's fear.

And now, it's still a long time before Voldemort is resurrected.

He didn't want Dumbledore to draw attention to him.

"Is there another door?"

"No, this door looks familiar!"

Yagus recalled the series of stone statues and spider webs he touched on the road, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

"Why did I come to Lu Wei!"

Through the crack in the door, I heard faint snoring coming from inside the door.

I immediately understood where I had run!

The first test Dumbledore assigned to Harry was the hiding place of the Philosopher's Stone.

It is also the detention center for the three-headed dog Luwei!

If you say that Dumbledore didn't cast any magic here, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death!

Dumbledore might know it as soon as he opened the door.

"Take a gamble!"

Argus hid in a corner, picked up the wand and pointed it at himself.

"Clean it up!"

A slight magic passed over, and the smell of dust on his body slowly dissipated.

The footsteps of Filch and Mrs. Norris sounded outside the door.

"Did someone come in, dear?"

Filch hunched over, holding the oil lamp in his hand and picked up Mrs. Norris.

He poked his head inside and observed carefully for a while.

It seemed that he felt that there was no one inside, muttered for a while, and turned away with the cat.

"Fortunately, I used magic to remove the smell in advance."

"Hurry back to the dormitory. If you run into a professor, it's better to fool him than Filch."

Argus waited for a while and walked out of the room after confirming that Filch had left.

But not long after walking, Argus discovered a sad thing.

He was lost!

That's right!

The staircases in Hogwarts are interconnected. He just jumped up the stairs once and turned a few corners, and found that he couldn't find the way back.

"I should have asked the Weasley twins to take me back!"

"How long will it take to go back and forth like this!"

Argus hated his previous gentlemanly behavior.

He flicked the bullet head towards the bottom of the castle, and was hesitating whether to jump directly down.

A strong smell of garlic rushed into his nose.

Then, there was a stuttering voice.

"S... Slytherin freshman? Why... why are you here?"

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