The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 49: Business model of dimensionality reduction attack! Lucius is impressed

Arthur was stunned.

The big shot that I had been guessing for a long time was standing next to me!

In his mind, Argus was only as old as his own son.

He might even ask me to help take care of him in the future, but in the blink of an eye, he would be standing side by side with his immediate boss!

Even he might not be able to talk to the dignitaries around him.

This made it hard for him to believe his eyes for a moment.

Ginny's eyes turned into hearts.

As early as the first time she met Yagus, she was attracted to this gentle and dignified young man.

After receiving the gift from the other party, the attraction turned into a girl's admiration.

He became famous as a young man, with extraordinary appearance and elegant temperament.

Added together, the damage to a pregnant girl is simply too great!

There was nothing special about Mrs. Molly, she was just urging.

"Honey, come up quickly, don't keep others waiting!"

"Okay, Mrs. Molly."

Yagus looked calm and could not see the slightest bit of anxiety.

With elegant and calm steps, he walked onto the ceremony stage and came to Fudge's side.

"Mr. Grindelwald, please look over here!"

The reporter from the Daily Prophet had already made arrangements. Seeing Yagus, Fudge and others side by side, they naturally would not miss this opportunity.

Fudge smiled brightly and gently hugged Yagus's shoulders, showing a very intimate expression.

Naturally, Yagus would not refuse this opportunity to raise the banner.

Isn’t that why I gave so much money to the British Ministry of Magic?

Many members of the surrounding pure-blood families saw this scene and couldn't help but make a secret decision.

You need to let your children have more contact with Yagus!

They had met Yagus several times at some parties before, but due to the age gap between them, they viewed each other more as a junior.

Even though he knew that he was very popular among the younger generation, he never had other thoughts.

But now it seems that the other party's skills and vision have already surpassed those of his peers.

Naturally, a shrewd pureblood would not let go of such a genius who could see the future at a glance.

“Thank you for coming!”

After taking photos with Fudge and other senior executives, Yagus bowed slightly and saluted everyone.

His elegant behavior attracted admiration from countless people.

"To thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend our opening ceremony, all products in the Saints store will be on sale at a discount today."

"Buy one item for 10% off, two items for 20% off, and three items for 30% off!"

"In addition, there is also an order-sharing activity. You can invite any three people and get a discount based on the total number of items purchased by the three people! The more you buy, the greater the discount!"

One sentence makes the crowd excited again!

Countless people flocked to various stores of the Saints Group.

The corners of Yagus' lips curled up.

Can't bear it anymore?

If I play a wizard version of Xixi or Double Eleven in the future, won’t you go crazy?

In previous lives, these sales methods were leftovers from many people's games, but in this time period, they are indeed very novel.

This is especially true for the backward wizarding world.

Fudge laughed so hard that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

No matter how much they sell, these stores will benefit from the British Ministry of Magic.

Of course he hopes to sell as many as possible!

Unlike the others, Lucius's eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously.

While others were busy socializing, he came to Yagus and asked softly.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I admire your promotional methods."

"It's just...about our supply reserves, right..."

Yagus's expression was calm.

"Don't worry, Mr. Malfoy, I've already prepared it."

"plz follow me."

The two walked through several long and narrow tunnels and came to an underground warehouse.

With the waving of Argus's wand, all the magical animal materials previously acquired from Hagrid were presented in front of Lucius.

Lucius looked straight.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Mr. Grindelwald, this...all these materials are..."

"As you can imagine, it's all stored in our store."

"Incredible, incredible!"

Lucius reached out and touched the horn of the unicorn at hand.

The Malfoy family's thousands of years of collections are indeed much more than this, but the amount of collections and the amount of sales are completely two different concepts.

If he were asked to sell magical animal materials in large quantities like Yagus, he would never dare.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I know this question is a bit presumptuous, but I want to know whether these materials are the saints' reserves, or..."

"Original from the UK, of course."

Yagus smiled slightly.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the British pure-blood families. They personally delivered these supplies to me."

"Send it to you personally?" Lucius was puzzled.

"Mr. Malfoy, don't you think these materials look familiar?"

"You may not have come into contact with these magical animals!"

"Have I ever been in contact with him?" Lucius was confused now.

The Malfoy family has always been a real estate speculator. When did they ever engage in the business of magical animal materials?

Seeing his expression, Yagus stopped pretending.

"Hogwarts Forbidden Forest!"

"These materials all come from the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest!"

"Hogwarts!!" Lucius was shocked.

As the school director of Hogwarts, he knows the details of Hogwarts very well.

How many people have their eyes on this!

Unexpectedly, Argus got it!

He was a little puzzled.

"But what does this have to do with the pure-blood family?"

"You should know Hagrid, the guard of the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, that half-blood giant." Argus's smile became even stronger.

"He wanted to sell some magical animal materials to the pure-bloods in Diagon Alley before."

"But the people there looked down on him and the prices were so low that they couldn't bear to look at them."

"I only used the market price to take all the materials from him."

"And we have reached a long-term cooperation. As long as he picks up materials from the Forbidden Forest, I will take them all!"

Lucius was completely dumbfounded.

He never thought that a guard of the Forbidden Forest could bring such a huge profit!

In addition to regret, he secretly cursed those pure-bloods for being shallow-minded!

A lot of gold galleons were placed in front of him and he couldn't catch them!

Argus got a bargain for nothing!

If they could show some sincerity, there would be no need for Argus now!

He could tell by just taking a quick glance at the goods here.

At least tens of thousands of gold Galleons can be earned!

Argus quietly admired Lucius's expression.

He was not worried that he would do something secretly.

Hagrid was so stubborn and had a natural aversion to pure blood, so he would never cooperate with them.

As for prohibiting Hagrid from taking things from the Forbidden Forest...

Come on, you also care about what people pick up from the ground?

What a joke!

Lucius was silent for a long time, and finally sighed.

"Mr. Grindelwald, your vision is really admirable."

"The Malfoy family will be your most loyal partner."

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