The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 55 The giant monster is coming! Agus's script!

In the blink of an eye, Halloween has arrived.

The Hogwarts version of the fat catfish and the big lobster duo always thought that they had not been discovered by Argus.

They were secretly delighted in their hearts.

Little did they know that their every move was under Argus's surveillance.

At the same time, Argus found that several seniors had gathered together.

They kept pulling together their classmates and prepared to give Snape a surprise on Halloween.

But Argus felt that with Snape's temper, he would definitely be surprised, but not necessarily happy.

The prominent people in other colleges followed suit, and a large group of people walked towards the offices of their respective deans.

Noticing the unhappy Hermione in the crowd, Argus breathed a sigh of relief and began to prepare for his next move.


That's right, the person he planned to follow tonight was Percy!

The head of Gryffindor, the famous academic bully of Hogwarts, and the blood of Weasley.

Adding the three together, his strength should not be underestimated.

Although he didn't fight much in the original book, in the final battle, he defeated the puppet minister chosen by Voldemort, which was enough to prove his strength.

If it wasn't for Hermione, he would probably be the British Minister of Magic in the future.

He had originally thought about how to seduce the other party.

Now with Harry and Ron, they would definitely follow him if they saw him sneaking away.

It was reasonable for Percy to catch up and protect them.

As for the problem of getting away, with the Marauder's Map in hand, Argus was not worried.

The script has been written, everything is ready, just waiting for the actors to appear.


Soon it was night.

Hogwarts was brightly lit, and pumpkin lanterns were hung everywhere on the stairs.

In order to highlight the atmosphere of Halloween, even the ceiling of the hall has changed.

It sets off a weird atmosphere.

Professors from various colleges sat in the professor's chair in turn, and they couldn't stop smiling on their faces.

Only Snape's face was as black as charcoal.

The same was true for students from all the colleges. The students of Slytherin were dejected, and the students of other colleges were like crazy Teddy bears.

Seeing this, Argus shook his head.

"Tsk, I thought you would have some strange outfit, Argus."

"It turned out to be the Grim Reaper!"

Draco complained disdainfully while eating.

Argus smiled and did not reply.

Black is the best hiding color.

He dressed up as the Grim Reaper in a black robe just to facilitate his actions and hiding.

After sweeping his eyes around the hall and confirming that Hermione, Pansy and others were there, Argus quietly clenched his wand.


The door of the restaurant was pushed open.

Quirrell stumbled in.


"In the dungeon!"

"There is a troll in the dungeon!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally lively and noisy hall was silent.

"Do you know?"

After saying this, Quirrell fell to the ground.

The whole hall instantly burst into shocking screams!

Countless people showed panic on their faces and fled towards the gate in a panic.

Argus did not choose to speak at this time.

Although appeasing students now can gain a lot of reputation, it will also make him attract much attention.

It is extremely unfavorable for subsequent actions.

Dumbledore stood up slowly.


"Please don't panic, don't panic!"

"Now, the prefects will lead the students from each college back to the dormitory."

"Teachers, follow me to the underground classroom."

With Dumbledore's order, the students gradually quieted down.

Follow the prefects out of the door one by one.

Snape showed a trace of fear, and then quietly left from the back door.

Argus also took action at this time!

"Harry, look at that dark wizard!"

Ron's eyes lit up, grabbed Harry's wizard robe, and whispered in his ear.

Harry glanced around and found that Argus's figure was quietly falling at the end of the team.

He couldn't help but doubt.

Could he really have some secrets that he couldn't tell?

"He's gone!"

"Hurry! Let's catch up with him!"

Ron couldn't wait to pull Harry in the direction where Argus had left.

He didn't care that Percy was calling the roll.

"Ron? Ron Weasley!"

"Damn it!"

Not far away, Percy watched the two of them leave the team and couldn't help shouting.

He wanted to tell them to stop, but he was afraid that they would be found and deducted points.

He gritted his teeth and looked at his girlfriend, Penelope, the head of Ravenclaw, and the Weasley twins.

"George, Fred, you two and Penelope take the people from the two colleges back to the lounge. I have something to do!"

Under the confused eyes of the three, they chased after Harry and Ron.

Harry and the others followed Argus, and Percy followed Harry.

A group of people came all the way to the third floor.

Through the Marauder's Map, Argus had long known the secret passage here, and took advantage of the blind spot of Harry and the others' vision to slip into the secret passage.

Then he followed the secret passage to a secluded corner, waited for the Slytherin members to pass by, and quietly followed the end.

On the other side, Harry and his duo, who had lost sight of Argus, were as anxious as Teddy who couldn't vent.

"What happened? Why is he gone?"

"I don't know! No matter what, he must be nearby, let's look for him quickly!"

Ron didn't care about that.

He immediately rushed into the dark room on the third floor.

Harry had no choice but to follow them.

Percy, who was following the two from a distance, was stunned when he saw this scene.

No, brother, are you two so brave?

This is a restricted area!

Do you think Gryffindor has too many points and want to increase the difficulty?

He opened his mouth and wanted to call them, but he was afraid that the noise would attract other attention, so he had to speed up and catch up.

Harry and Ron walked along the gloomy passage and came to the door of the secret room.

"There is no way..."

Harry and Ron looked at each other.

Without Hermione, the two could not even cast an unlocking spell, and could only stare at the door.


At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

Snape limped out with an injury on his foot.

Seeing Harry and Ron, he was obviously stunned.

Harry and Ron were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect to meet Snape here.

"Good, very good!"

Snape laughed in anger, and immediately covered his wound with his robe when he noticed Harry saw it.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, you better have a reasonable reason to be here."


Harry stuttered, and Ron didn't even dare to say a word.

"Mr. Potter, if you want to fight the troll to show your savior style, you should go to the underground classroom!"

"Or are you so stupid that you can't even tell the difference between the third floor and the underground!"

Percy, who came late, saw Snape standing in front of the two of them.

He even thought about how many dishes to put on the table.

But considering that Ron was his younger brother and the status of Gryffindor prefect, he still went forward with a brave face.

"S...Professor Snape."

"Harry and Ron are...are..."

He thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a reasonable excuse to explain their behavior.

If it was the dean of another college, there might be a chance to ease the tension.

It happened to be Snape!

Just as he was racking his brains to think of how to explain, he was unaware that there was a figure in the distance looking at them with gloomy eyes...

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