The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 60 A Trip to the Forbidden Forest with Voldemort

The game is over.

Ron and Hagrid found Harry.

"Merlin bless you, Harry, you are fine!"

Hagrid was very happy: "The Malfoy kid did a good job. Although his father is a nasty guy, it is undeniable that he and Argus are good."

"The Slytherins are all liars. Who knows if they are pretending."

"I think they secretly tampered with Harry's broom!"

Ron couldn't stand people praising Draco and Argus in front of him, and said unconvinced.

Hagrid frowned slightly: "Nonsense! Why did they cast a spell on Harry's broom?"

"How could I say that? Last night we saw Argus secretly go to the secret room on the third floor, and we saw Snape from there!"

"Impossible, they can't get in with Fluffy!"


"Yes, a cute little guy. I bought him from an Irishman last year. The three big heads are more impressive than each other!" Hagrid seemed very proud when he mentioned Fluffy.

"Dumbledore borrowed it from me just to guard..."

He stopped talking as if he realized something.

"Guard what?" Harry asked hurriedly.

"No more, stop asking!"

"Don't ask me any questions about the third floor, it's top secret!"

Hagrid felt deeply regretful for his omission and immediately ended the topic.

"But Hagrid, no matter what it is, Snape wants to steal it!"

"And that evil Slytherin!" Ron added.

"Don't talk nonsense! Snape is a teacher at Hogwarts, and Argus is the head of Slytherin. They don't need to take risks."

"Whoever he is, we did see that Slytherin go to the third floor last night, and Snape was there too!"

"Absolutely true."

Ron and Harry sang the same tune, making Hagrid a little more irritated.

"Listen, listen carefully!"

"You are meddling in things you shouldn't be meddling in. That's very dangerous. Fluffy is only in charge of Professor Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel..."

"Nicolas Flamel?"

"I shouldn't say that!" Hagrid, realizing that he might have made a big mistake, didn't dare to say another word.

He hurried to hide in his hut.

"Nicolas Flamel? Who is Nicolas Flamel?"

"I don't know!"

The two of them stared at each other, four eyes and two glasses, completely in the dark.



Argus came to Hagrid's hut.

One was to see how much material Hagrid had stored during this period, and the other was to find out which route he would take to patrol the Forbidden Forest tonight.

With Voldemort's character, if he ran into Hagrid at night, Voldemort would be in a good mood if he could give him a good time.

Hagrid was one of his most important suppliers, and there must be no problems.

"Woof woof!"

What surprised Argus was that Hagrid's hut was particularly quiet today.

Only Fang was wandering around.

There was no trace of Hagrid at all.

"Ya Ya, why are you alone here? Where's Hagrid?"

Ya Ya was a very smart dog. He grabbed the corner of Argus's robe and pulled it into the house.

As soon as he entered the door, Argus smelled a pungent smell of alcohol.

"Argus, you... you're here!"

"Sit... sit quickly!"

Hagrid drank a lot of wine, and his red cheeks could still be seen through his beard.

He walked a little unsteadily, and almost fell to the ground.

"Why did you drink so much wine?"

Argus frowned slightly and helped Hagrid sit down.

"Argus, I... I seem to have made a mess..."

Hagrid hesitated for a moment and asked carefully: "If you accidentally let out a very important secret, what would you do?"

"Very important secret?" Argus pretended to be confused.

But he already knew it in his heart!

It seems that Hagrid still revealed the matter of Nicolas Flamel to Harry.

Don't you think about it, if it is really a very important matter, how can you, a gamekeeper, know it?

Dumbledore saw that you were not careful, so he let you know and took the opportunity to reveal it to Harry!

Dumbledore can only fool honest people like you for this kind of thing.

Argus thought about it and answered seriously: "Did you keep this secret for others?"

"Yes... yes, no!" Hagrid tried to cover up.

"It was a friend of mine. He accidentally leaked the secret that others asked him to keep."

"Did your friend do it on purpose?"

"No, he... he just let it slip by accident."

Argus smiled gently: "Since he didn't do it on purpose, he should take the initiative to find the other party to admit his mistake."

"No matter what the result is, at least I will feel better."

"If the other party knows it earlier, there may be a chance to save it."

"You are right!"

Hagrid slapped his thigh and stood up: "I will go to Dumbledore now!"

He had just taken two steps when he suddenly felt dizzy.

He fell heavily to the ground.

"Didn't he fall to the ground!"

Behind him, Argus slowly put away his wand.

Cast a levitation spell to put Hagrid on the bed.

The giant's magic resistance is far beyond that of ordinary wizards. Even if Hagrid is just a half-blood, he cannot be hurt by ordinary spells.

Besides, Argus had no intention of killing him. He just wanted Hagrid to sleep well.

After drinking so much, I will sleep until at least tomorrow morning.

I will miss the patrol tonight.

At night, deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Two figures, one tall and one short, are wandering.

The strange roars around them seem to have no deterrent effect on them.

The two people don't seem to be walking in the Forbidden Forest, but more like strolling in the back garden.

"Mr. Grindelwald, we are not here to stroll!"

Seeing that Argus looked like he was going out for an outing, Voldemort's forehead was bulging with veins.

If he was not so weak that he could not even use magic at will.

He would never bring Argus with him!

Not only is it annoying, but he also has to be on guard against the opponent's backstab at all times!

"Okay, teacher, I will correct my attitude."

Argus promised well, but his actions did not change at all.

He still looked like he was fishing in troubled waters.

As for unicorns, he didn't want to get involved at all.

Once cursed by this magical animal, even a wizard of Voldemort's level would find it difficult.

With Voldemort's character, he would never hesitate to do such a dirty job.

The other party would not last for a few days anyway, and he just wanted to get more wool, not worth risking his life.

Voldemort was furious but helpless.

The main force of this trip was Argus. If he really fell out with the other party, he would suffer!

After swallowing his anger, Voldemort and Argus continued to explore the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Not far away, the rustling sound attracted Argus's attention.

Just when he was hesitating whether to take action, Voldemort's surprised voice came.

"Found it! It's it!"

"The target of our trip!"

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