The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 7 Encounter with Harry, Draco's transformation!

It seems like fate.

The moment Harry Potter walked in, Draco turned back.

The two looked at each other!

A fateful encounter!

Yagus couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Sure enough, Brother Drag and Harry are a couple!

What Ginny is, she's just a third party who intervenes!

[Congratulations to the host for meeting Harry Potter and obtaining the achievement: Meeting with the Savior]

[Achievement point reward: 50]

Yo ho, just meeting Harry Potter can achieve something?

It seems that this Hogwarts is really the right one!

"Are you here to buy Hogwarts student robes?" Before Harry Potter could say anything, Mrs. Malkin said, "We have a lot of them here, and there are two little boys trying on clothes right now."

At this time, Harry Potter had not yet emerged from the shadow of the Dursleys, and he had an attitude of inferiority all over his body.

After taking the measurements, he silently walked towards the two Yagus.

"Are you also a new student at Hogwarts?" Draco asked, looking at Harry curiously.

"Yes, it is."

"Do you have your own broomstick? Have you ever played Quidditch?"

"Do you know which house I will be assigned to in the future? I will definitely be assigned to Slytherin!"

"My dad said..."

"Draco!" Argus saw Harry's embarrassment and interrupted Draco's chatter.

He gave Harry a slightly apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Draco was a little too excited today. I apologize to you on his behalf."

"It doesn't matter!"

Argus' gentle and polite behavior immediately won Harry's favor.

Compared to Draco who sounded condescending, he liked the elegant boy in front of him more.

More importantly, since he came to Diagon Alley, everyone looked at him like a rare animal.

Except this elegant boy!

"My name is Argus, Argus Grindelwald, and he is Draco Malfoy."

"Harry Potter! Just call me Harry."

"You are Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived!" Draco exclaimed, attracting side glances from the people around him.

It also made Harry frown.

Hagrid, who was outside the door, heard the noise inside the house and hurriedly walked in.

"What's wrong? Harry?"

"It's okay, Hagrid. I'm chatting with my new friend."

"As long as it's okay, these two are your friends, right?" Hagrid smiled honestly and stretched out his hand to say hello to the two of Yagus.

"Hello, little wizard!"

"Hello, Mr. Hagrid, I have heard your name a long time ago, Hogwarts' Magical Creatures Expert." Argus smiled and saluted.

Argus still had a good impression of the master of magical beasts at Hogwarts.

After all, who would say no to a generous invisible billionaire?

Seeing Harry looking at him with admiration, Hagrid scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I, I'm just a gamekeeper. I just like to raise some magical animals."

"Hogwarts servant! What an expert!"

Draco's pure-blood concept made him extremely contemptuous of foreign mixed-bloods like Hagrid. When he saw that his two good friends respected Hagrid so much, he couldn't help but taunt him.

As soon as these words came out, Harry's face immediately turned cold, and Hagrid was also a little at a loss. He didn't know where to put his big hands.

"Hagrid, the clothes here will have to wait for a while, let's go look at other things first!"

After saying that, he pulled Hagrid and walked outside.

Draco didn't think he had said anything wrong, but instead wondered why Harry was angry.

Yagus sighed inwardly.

"Draco, do you know what you just did?"

"What have you done?"

Draco didn't understand what was happening at all, and he still looked confused.

"Let me ask you, who is Hagrid?"

"Isn't he just a hybrid giant?"

"He is Harry's friend!" Argus's expression gradually became serious.

"Insulting your friends' companions in public, is this your upbringing as a Malfoy heir?"

To be honest, he really didn't want to be a nanny, but Draco was an important piece in his future plans.

Through Draco, he can open the door to the Malfoy family and officially enter the circle of British pure-blood families, thereby influencing the younger generation of pure-blood families and spreading his ideas.

With the opponent's current state, it is simply impossible to accomplish his expected goal.

Therefore, Draco's ideas must be corrected!

After hearing Yagus's words, Draco also realized that what he just said was inappropriate.

But the young man's pride made him unwilling to bow his head.

"I'm telling the truth! He's just a hybrid giant, a bastard..."

"Draco!" Argus said seriously.

"Do you think that because you are pure blood and come from the Twenty-Eight Sacred Families, you are superior to others in everything?"

"Especially when facing mixed-race demi-humans like Hagrid, I look down on them from the bottom of my heart!"

"I...I didn't..."

Draco hesitated, not daring to look at Argus.

"Listen Draco!" Argus looked directly into Draco's eyes.

"Pure blood is never a reason for you to be superior!"

"The true nobility of a wizard never lies in his bloodline, but in his heart!"

"Maybe he doesn't have a pure family background, maybe he doesn't have a lot of money, and he doesn't have good etiquette."

"But as long as he has a noble heart, then he is a noble wizard!"

Agus glanced at Draco who was puzzled and continued.

"A noble heart will show tolerance and kindness even to the lowest slaves, and will show courage and fearlessness even when facing the most powerful enemies."

"To explore magic and contribute one's own strength to the wizarding world."

"This is the real nobility!"

Agus's words made Draco fall into deep confusion.

He was only eleven years old this year and had not been completely polluted by the corrupt old generation of pure blood.

He had beautiful fantasies about the world and a vision of the future in his heart.

Agus's words awakened the innocence and hope deep in his heart.

Agus walked forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Draco, you have received a good education and are the future heir of the Malfoy family. You are not only responsible for the rise and fall of the family, but also for the responsibilities and obligations of the wizarding world."

"It is not shameful to make mistakes. On the contrary, knowing that it is wrong but unwilling to repent and regretting it for the rest of your life is the real sad thing."

"Do you understand?"

Draco lowered his head and was silent for a long time, then slowly raised his head and looked at Argus.

His eyes were red.

"Argus, I'm sorry, I...I..."

"It's not me you need to apologize to." Argus smiled and shook his head.

"Remember what I just said? It is not shameful to make mistakes. On the contrary, knowing that it is wrong but unwilling to repent and regretting it for the rest of your life is the real sad thing."

"I understand!" Draco's eyes gradually became firm.

Then he looked at Argus embarrassedly.

"Argus, can you...can you accompany me to apologize to Harry and Hagrid...I...I'm afraid of them..."

"Don't worry!" Argus comforted softly: "Harry and Hagrid are not stingy people. As long as you apologize sincerely, you will definitely be forgiven by them."

Draco's eyes were shining again, and he waited for less than half an hour.

Harry took Hagrid back to Madam Malkin.

After hesitating for a long time, Draco walked to Hagrid with a blushing face.

"Mr. Hagrid, I'm sorry..."

Hagrid didn't understand and scratched his head in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hagrid, I shouldn't have said such rude words to you just now, and I shouldn't have looked down on your identity and bloodline..."

"The true nobility of a wizard does not lie in his bloodline, but in his heart!"

"Maybe he doesn't have a pure family background, maybe he doesn't have a lot of money and wealth, and doesn't have good etiquette."

"But as long as he has a noble heart, he is a noble wizard!"

"And Harry, I also want to apologize to you, I shouldn't insult your friend..."

"I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

Hearing Draco's words, Hagrid couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This... is a pure-blood thing to say?

He has been in Hogwarts for so many years, and he has seen countless pure-bloods. These people, let alone apologize, are good people if they don't meet him and ridicule him!

He said in a daze: "What you said just now, are all yours?"

"What words?"

"That...that..." Hagrid racked his brains but couldn't remember Draco's original words clearly.

Finally thought of a key word!

"Noble wizard!"

Draco lowered his head in embarrassment: "These are not what I said, but what Argus said..."

He repeated the original words that Argus had just said.

Hagrid was very excited.

He couldn't help but applaud.

"That's very well said!"

As a half-giant, he had suffered countless discriminations since he was a child.

Argus's remarks undoubtedly gave him hope for harmony and equality in the future magic world.

"I can't believe that an eleven-year-old child would say these, Argus, you will definitely become a great figure in the magic world in the future!"

Harry on the side was full of admiration!

Hagrid noticed Draco's guilty eyes and walked up to him and hugged him carelessly.

"Little guy! You have a good friend!"

"Okay, everyone makes mistakes sometimes."

"I don't mind, and neither will Harry!"

Seeing Harry nod, Draco's hanging heart finally settled down.

"Little wizards, your robes are ready, do you want to try them on?"

Madam Malkin's arrival interrupted the conversation of several people.

"No need to try, please help us pack. If we don't even trust Madam Malkin's craftsmanship, I'm afraid there will be no clothes in Britain that are worth looking at!"

"Hahaha, thank you for your compliment, little wizard."

Agus's words made Madam Malkin laugh.

Thanks to Agus, several students' student robes got a good discount.

Before leaving, Harry looked back every three steps.

"Agus, we are friends, right?"

"Of course, Harry!" Agus still had a gentle smile on his face.

"Can I write to you after I go back?"

"You are welcome at any time!"

"And me!" Draco interrupted the conversation between the two.

"I will write to you too!"

After Harry and Hagrid left, seeing Draco's eyes gradually change from thoughtful to resolute, Agus was completely relieved.

Very good, now the Malfoy family is really on his pirate ship.

The kind that can't be driven down even by bombing!

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