The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 74 Snape's Gift and Advice

Under Mrs. Molly's instructions, Arthur had no choice but to promise that he would not teach these things to Argus.

Argus wanted to explain, but Mrs. Molly, the boss, didn't care.

She just thought Argus was making excuses for Arthur.

Argus could only smile helplessly.

After having lunch at the Burrow, Argus used the fireplace and Floo powder here to go to Diagon Alley.

"Mr. Grindelwald!"

"You are Mr. Grindelwald!"

As soon as he came out of the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron, the people in the bar surrounded Argus.

This scene is somewhat similar to the first time Harry Potter came here.

But it's even crazier than Harry Potter!

The excited people simply regarded Argus as an idol, and came to hug and shake hands with him one by one.

"Mr. Grindelwald, we saw the news about you in the Daily Prophet today. Thank you for helping us ordinary wizards. There are not many pure-bloods like you who have a conscience now!"

"Yes, Mr. Grindelwald, we all remember your kindness to us!"

"Mr. Grindelwald, we support you!"


"Thank you, thank you everyone!" For the first time, Argus felt that being welcomed was also a torture.

The journey that was originally one minute was tossed for more than half an hour.

During this period, he could not show any impatience!

Many people were not satisfied with shaking hands once, and they had to come a second time.

Argus even saw the same face appear in front of him four times!

If he hadn't reminded him, that person might have come again.

All the way to the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley.

Argus recalled Hagrid's actions in the original book.

"Count three pieces on the top of the trash can, and then count two pieces horizontally."

As he knocked, the wall made of stone bricks slowly separated.

The most prosperous alley in the British wizarding world appeared in front of Argus.

"Come to think of it, this is the first time I have come to Diagon Alley in this way."

"I used to Apparate directly here."

As soon as he entered Diagon Alley, Argus was surrounded by enthusiastic wizards again as expected.

Now he has almost become the perfect pure blood in the minds of ordinary British wizards!

Powerful, graceful, polite, and caring for others.

The most important thing is to treat ordinary wizards equally and be willing to think about problems from their perspective!

I don’t know how many British wizard parents keep telling their children to become a respectable person like Mr. Grindelwald.

Poor Argus has become the public enemy of countless little wizards before he graduated from Hogwarts.

Came to the Saint’s shop and prepared gifts for several Hogwarts professors in the warehouse.

After saying goodbye to Aunt Vita, Argus came to Hogsmeade Village alone.

Through the Marauder’s Map passage he had walked through before, he quietly returned to the Slytherin Lounge in Hogwarts.

Because it was Christmas, most students chose to go home for the holiday.

A few were also on campus or in the library, so Argus's return did not attract anyone's attention.

After simply tidying up the dormitory, Argus waved his wand and put the gifts he brought into his pocket with a shrinking spell, intending to express his gratitude to several professors in the name of Christmas gifts.

The professors at Hogwarts are all people of noble character... except for Snape, who is slightly controversial.

They will definitely not accept gifts directly for the reason of gratitude, and Christmas is the best excuse.

He first came to Professor Flitwick's office.

His humorous style and loose management make this goblin professor of Ravenclaw very popular among students.

In terms of strength, there is no doubt.

He won the duel competition championship when he was young, although he was knocked unconscious by Snape in the tower battle, it was also because of a sneak attack.

Professor Flitwick was very happy to see Argus coming.

Especially when he saw the fine wine in Argus's hand, his eyes were shining.

As a frequent visitor to the Three Broomsticks, his love for alcohol is even no less than that of Hagrid.

It's just that his self-control ability is much better than Hagrid's.

"Merry Christmas, Professor Flitwick!"

"I hope my gift is not too late."

"It's rare that you can still remember Christmas gifts when you encounter such a thing! Hahaha..."

Professor Flitwick laughed heartily and took out a notebook from the drawer.

"This is my notebook when I was young. It contains a lot of combat experience I have summarized."

"It should be helpful to you!"

"Thank you, Professor!" Argus took it generously without hesitation, and welcomed Flitwick's hearty laughter again.

After a brief greeting with Professor Flitwick, he sent a gift to Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall respectively.

Professor Sprout's was a dragon manure fertilizer, which is a rare thing in the wizarding world.

Even some dragon farms rarely risk their lives to collect dragon manure.

With this ability, anything is more valuable than dragon manure.

Argus hesitated for a long time about Professor McGonagall's gift.

Does the older cat girl prefer Quidditch or cats?

This is a difficult question.

Finally, after learning about Professor McGonagall's past, Argus decided to give her a bunch of precious flower seeds.

Looking at Professor McGonagall's complicated eyes, Argus didn't say anything and chose to leave politely.

"The most difficult one..."


As soon as he reached the door of Snape's office, Argus couldn't help but sigh.

Boom, boom, boom!

Knocking on the door, Snape's deep voice came from inside.

"Come in!"

Seeing Yagus, there was a hint of surprise on his face, which then turned into a deep mockery.

"It seems that Mr. Grindelwald does go out at night a lot. He can sneak into Hogwarts by himself before school starts."

Yagus's smile suddenly froze.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

"If you come here just to stand there like a piece of wood, I recommend you go to the Forbidden Forest. There are many similar people there."

Seeing that Argus didn't speak, Snape said impatiently.

"Professor, I'm here to give you a Christmas gift."

"Merry Christmas!" Argus said, placing the things he had prepared in advance on Snape's table.

"No!" Snape refused without even looking.

"If you really have nothing to do, go and deal with the potion ingredients. A big bucket of slugs was just delivered over there..."

The moment his peripheral vision glanced at the table, Snape could no longer look away.

Tremblingly, he reached out his hand and picked up the photo on the table.

The photo is of a little girl.

A little girl with dark red hair stood in front of a shop with a bright smile.

The photos were not movable images like those in the wizarding world, just ordinary photos from the Muggle world.

Snape's eyes were gentler than Argus had ever seen before.

I stroked the photo over and over again, wanting to use more force but afraid of hurting the person in the photo.

After a while, he spoke in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Where did it come from?"

"In the Muggle world, there is a photo studio. When she was a child, she went there once to take a photo, and the boss used it as a sample for exhibition."

"Any more?"

"This is the last one."

Sensing the change in Snape's mood, Argus said nothing more and planned to leave in silence.

Just as he was about to walk out of the door, Snape's cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"Don't do anything like what happened in the Ministry of Magic Hall last night again."

"No one wants to see a second Grindelwald rise!"

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