The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 82 Cleared! The legendary Mirror of Erised!

Argus looked at Voldemort with a nonchalant expression.

"My chess skills are indeed not good, but my Transfiguration is not bad."

Voldemort's eyes were cold: "Since you have already thought of a way, why don't you just turn all the white chess pieces into your chess pieces!"

Why? Why do you say?

To save magic power to deal with you! To delay a little more time, waiting for Harry and the others to come!

If I really want to pass the level earlier, I will just use a disarming spell to pass!

Why do I need to spend so much time!

Argus cursed in his heart, but he only replied with two words.


"Forgot?" Voldemort's forehead veins popped.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

There was only a coldness.

If it weren't for Argus being his alternative parasitic object, with his temper, he would not have kept Argus until now!

With the defeat of the white queen, a group of white chess pieces bowed and made way.

Voldemort no longer delayed, walked through the door with Argus, and continued along the corridor.

Not far away, a pungent stench hits you in the face.

It's not like the body odor of a three-headed dog, but more like... the stench of a corpse!

Argus had smelled it several times before coming to England, and he is very sensitive to this smell.

Keep walking forward, the stench becomes more obvious.

Through the dim light, a huge figure in the distance is squatting on the ground gnawing something.

Hearing footsteps coming from the door, the movement of his hands stopped.

He stood up suddenly, staring at Argus and Voldemort with a pair of turbid eyes.

His dark green skin was stained with bright red blood, and he held a huge wooden stick in his hand.

He was more than five meters tall, more than twice as tall as Argus!

"Is this a fucking troll?"

"Aren't normal trolls twelve feet tall, three or four meters tall!"

"Where did you get such a giant! In the original book, if Harry and Ron had encountered this thing in the toilet, they would have been torn alive!"

Argus screamed wildly in his heart! He almost couldn't help cursing.

He turned his head and looked at Voldemort.

The other party was smiling very proudly.

"Are you ready, Argus!"

"This level was prepared by your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"I hope... you can enjoy it!"

Enjoy! I enjoy it too much!

Argus gritted his teeth, took out his wand and walked towards the troll.

He recalled the way Harry and his trio defeated the troll in the original book, and looked at the stick in its hand.

Given the size of this troll, it is obviously not realistic to want to kill or knock it out with one stick.

The most convenient way is to throw an Avada melon at it.

Simple and crude, kill with one blow!

But this method will inevitably further attract Dumbledore's hostility.

He can even use due process to put himself in Azkaban!

Today's events seem dangerous, but in fact they are just an adventure arranged by Dumbledore for Harry.

But as long as Argus passes the plot safely and waits until Harry comes, he can easily pass the level.

But if the killing spell is not used, most spells are no different from tickling a highly resistant magical creature like a troll.

Due to his age, his magic power is insufficient. Even if his disarming spell is high enough,

it will take several shots to kill it.

What method should be used...

Argus took out a dung egg from his arms and threw it directly at the troll in Voldemort's surprised eyes.

We have to admit that Weasley's products must be top-notch!

After a slight sound, a stench that is difficult to describe in words quickly spread!

Argus, who was well prepared, had covered his mouth and nose in advance!

Voldemort was different!

He had been in the magic world for so many years, and most of the people he came into contact with were high-end wizards.

Where have you seen this thing!

Not at all on guard! His face turned green from the smoke!

When he was about to take out his wand to dispel the stench, Argus took action!

The stench of the dung egg was unacceptable even for the troll for a while, especially when it was hit head-on.

He coughed repeatedly because of being choked.

The foggy stench made it even more difficult to see people in the already dark environment.

Coupled with the troll's already clumsy body, he fell to the ground after walking two steps.

"Here comes the opportunity!"

Argus' eyes lit up.


A bright and thick red light rushed out, but it did not hit the troll.

Instead, it hit the stone wall above its head!


The next second, countless boulders rolled down and hit the troll's head heavily!

The troll knew that danger was coming, but its brain, the size of a booger, was not enough to support its thinking.

He only knew to try to protect his head with his hands.

But it was useless. As the number of stones falling increased, it was soon buried in the pile of stones.

Argus ignored Voldemort's murderous gaze and smiled and stepped forward to take credit.

"Teacher, it seems that the troll prepared by Professor Quirrell is not difficult to deal with."


Voldemort ignored him and waved his hand to dispel the stench on his body.

He walked towards the gate without looking back.

"According to the time in the original book, Harry should be here soon."

"I just wonder if Dumbledore, the peeping Tom, will come here secretly."

While Argus was thinking, the two had arrived at the potion challenge set by Snape.

It was a very simple reasoning game, Voldemort was not even interested in watching it, picked up the wand and released the magic of isolating the fire towards himself, and strode into the flame gate.

Argus was unwilling to fall behind.

Knowing the plot in advance, he had already prepared magic items to isolate the flames, and followed Voldemort straight through the black flame gate.

A slight dizziness came over him.

He opened his eyes and saw a deep staircase in front of him, with strange patterns carved on the surrounding walls.

A huge mirror was at the end of the stairs.

"Is this the legendary Mirror of Erised?"

"I seem to have seen it for the first time since I came to Hogwarts!"

"I don't know what I want most in my heart."

Argus came to Voldemort and pretended to be puzzled: "Teacher, is the thing you want that mirror?"

"Except for that mirror, there seems to be nothing else here?"

Voldemort walked towards the Mirror of Erised with an expressionless face.

His eyes were fixed on himself in the mirror.

After a long while, his body seemed to be hollowed out, his legs softened, and he almost fell to the ground.

When he raised his eyes again, his temperament and expression had obviously changed.

"Let Argus come over and try. He doesn't know what we are looking for, so maybe there will be different results."

Voldemort in the back of his head found that even if he returned the body to Quirrell, he still couldn't find any signs of the Philosopher's Stone, so he couldn't help but urge him.

"Yes... yes, Master!" Quirrell's weak voice sounded.

Waving his hand, he signaled Argus to come over.

"Mr. G... Mr. Grindelwald, you... you come here!"

"Stand in front of this mirror."

Argus didn't mind at all, and came to the Mirror of Erised openly.

Anyway, only he could see the scene in the mirror, and even if he got the Philosopher's Stone, Voldemort would not know.

A wave of waves echoed on the mirror.

And then, slowly emerged the scene that Argus desired most in his heart...

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