The sun never sets moves quickly, and soon after the results of the investigation came out, they began to loosen the Germans.

"General, the sun never sets on the Allied arms control committee proposed that the time of stationing troops in our country will be shortened, and all will be withdrawn before 1923!"

Mainz had been keeping a close eye on the movements of the two countries, so he specially told Himmler to report the latest information as soon as he had it.

"Oh? Does that include the Rhine Demilitarized Zone?"

In the Treaty of Versailles, the Gauls demanded a military buffer zone between Hans and Gaul that would not allow German troops to enter, known as the Rhine Demilitarized Zone.

On the surface it was called the Demilitarized Zone, but in fact it was only not allowed to be fortified by the Germans, and the French themselves were not affected at all, as they had passed through the previous attacks on Hans, and until now, a considerable number of French troops were stationed in the Rhine area, from which they had not been completely evacuated.

Mainz was not surprised by the reaction of the Sunless, in fact, after the Sunset saw the Gauls' eagerness to destroy Hans's intentions, they would have taken this step, after all, the Sunset has been a European-stirring stick for hundreds of years, and that is well deserved!

"It's not clear yet, but it should be included!"

The Coalition's arms control committee is only convened for the Entente themselves, and only some core members of the Entente can participate in such meetings, such as Eagle Sauce, Sun Never Sets and Gaul, and some other small countries are not eligible to participate!

"Oh, that's interesting, by the way, how did the Gauls react?"

Compared with the attitude of the sun never sets, Mainz is more concerned about the attitude of the Gauls, because the key to the success of his plan is not in the people on whom the sun does not set, but on the Gauls.

"Hehe, the attitude of the Gauls is very fierce, strongly opposing the early withdrawal of troops, and not only that, they still insist that we are secretly developing tanks, planes and other weapons in the country, and they also say that they will investigate and monitor our enterprises throughout the country!"

Himmler sneered and said, like Mainz, Himmler did not have a good impression of the Gauls, especially when the other party's hostility towards his homeland was so obvious, he was even less likely to have a good feeling!

"Very well, you go down and keep a close watch, but be careful not to expose our agents!"

Mainz gave encouragement, Himmler was excited, and saluted respectfully: "Yes, General!"

The Gauls were so cooperative, which reassured Mainz's heart.

If the Gauls did not object to the proposal of the sun never set, then maybe the sun will not set for a while, but the Gauls have a fierce attitude towards the proposal of the sun does not set, which has to make people doubt their will and determination to destroy Hans!

In short, it is absolutely impossible for the people of the sun to sit back and watch the emergence of a hegemon-level country on the European continent, whether this country is Gaul or Hans, they cannot take it, and the more the Gauls want to suppress Hans, the more the sun will not set the suspicion of the people, and the more they will not let the Gauls' schemes win.

And in this case, Hans, who is in the cracks, can slowly gain some freedom in the suspicion of the two phases!

Mainz's prediction was accurate, and after the Gauls made it clear that they were against it, the Sun Never Sets continued to insist on their previous proposal.

Moreover, the sun never set also stated that if the Gauls did not agree, they would unilaterally withdraw their troops, and that they would also lift military restrictions on Germany.

This statement made the Gauls a little stunned, they didn't expect that the sun never set people were playing for real, at this moment, if they continued to insist on their own point of view, the sun did not set people might act alone, in that case, the situation would be very unfavorable to the Gauls!

The situation in Gaul was not good at this time, and after the war, due to the shortage of young and middle-aged labor, a large number of factories and farms could not resume production, so in order to solve the problem of insufficient population, the Gauls began to try to attract immigrants from the colonies and other European countries.

In two years, from 1918 to 1920, about 1.2 million immigrants from various countries entered Gaul, and the arrival of these immigrants immediately caused social conflicts in Gaul.

The people of Gaul were very discriminatory against these outsiders, especially those from Africa, and even attacked them, and in just a few months, hundreds of such things happened, resulting in hundreds of casualties.

This attitude of the natives also caused a revolt among the new immigrants, both blacks and Eastern European immigrants, who began to arm themselves and use force against force, which made Gaul's domestic problems very prominent.

Unfortunately, the Gallic government had lost so much blood in World War I that they borrowed a lot of money from foreign countries in order to raise money to fight the war, and both North and South America issued war bonds.

And in order to attract investors to buy their bonds, they set the return on the issuance of bonds at a relatively high rate, generally speaking, the return on war bonds set at 5% is already very good, but the Gauls set this interest rate at more than 5% in order to raise funds in a shorter time, less than about 6%, and even more than about 10%!

As a result, they are overwhelmed by the interest paid off these bonds every year, let alone the principal!

Unfortunately, the repayment of these bonds was between 190 and 1922, when the French government was already preparing to repay the principal!

As the largest creditor of the Gauls, the Eagle Sauce in North America has been urged several times in a row, and it has been half of 1920, but the Gallic government has not repaid the principal of the year, and even the interest has not been paid, which makes the Eagle Sauce very dissatisfied, and many Eagle Sauce investors are worried that the Gauls will default on their debts, so they jointly petitioned the White House and asked the White House to negotiate!

Of course, it is impossible for the White House to negotiate directly in this way, they only expressed their concern and concern to the Gallic government, but this statement was enough to make the Gauls nervous!

It is precisely because of the various symptoms in Gaul that the Gauls only have a tough stance on the outside world, but they do not have the capital to be tough to the end.

Therefore, in the face of such a strong statement that the sun does not set, although the Gauls were reluctant, they had no choice but to agree to the proposal that the sun would never set.

Thus, on July 1920, after a vote within the Entente countries, the Entente agreed to the proposal with 7 votes in favor, 3 votes against, and 3 abstentions.

The treaty signed in the city of Brussels, the capital of the Belgian country, is also known as the "Treaty of Withdrawal of Troops from Germany" because of its content of the withdrawal of troops from the Hanse country.

The signing of this treaty marked the beginning of the loosening of the shackles on Hans, and the development of the German army began to usher in spring!

However, this did not mean the end of the crisis for Hans, and Gaul, who was not willing to accept defeat, began to demand that the government of the Weimar Republic pay the war reparations for the current year in advance because of the serious debt crisis in the country.

In the Treaty of Versailles, 80% of the German army's war reparations were paid to the Gallic government, which meant that the Gallic government had almost 100 million pounds a year.

This money, for the current debt crisis, is simply a long drought and nectar, so Gaul's attitude is very tough, and if they don't give money, they will rob it!

In August 1920, after the Wei Republic explicitly refused to pay war reparations in advance, the Gauls officially marched into the Ruhr region together with the Belgians!

The Ruhr crisis has erupted!_

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