In the north of South America, in Venezuela.

Model, the commander of the Second Army, had been ordered to go south from North America and enter South America. At this moment when all the famous generals of the empire returned to Europe, he was the only one among the highest-ranking army generals overseas who was on the American continent.

So there was no suspense that Model was directly appointed by the head of Mainz as the front-line commander-in-chief of this combat operation, responsible for leading the German troops in America to fight.

This power is very great. He can not only mobilize the empire’s troops in South America, but also mobilize manpower and material resources from North America to support the battle.

So before leaving North America, Model found Vanelk and asked him for a large amount of material support.

Although North America has not yet fully recovered at this time, it has at least come out of the shadow of the war. Factories in the south, especially in Florida and Texas, have resumed production one after another.

There are not only a large number of German troops stationed here, but also many troops absorbed from German immigrants.

These people can serve as the German army’s reserve. Once the situation on the front line changes, if they want to increase their strength, the German army does not need to dispatch troops from the mainland, but directly dispatch troops from North America.

As for weapons and ammunition, they must also provide support from the mainland, and these things can already be produced in North America.

Because the Eagle Sauce itself is also a huge oil-producing country, there is no shortage of oil in the North American military region.

The only thing that restricts them is probably that there are not enough factories that have resumed production, so the production capacity of various weapons and equipment is subject to certain restrictions.

After all, the industrial standards of the Eagle Sauce are still very different from those of the Empire.

Many lengths and measurement units of both sides are different.

The Empire uses national public standards, such as tons, liters, meters, kilometers, and kilograms.

There is no use of pounds, gallons, feet and other standards with strong British standards.

As the son of the Empire, many of the standards of the Eagle Sauce are inherited from the standards of the Empire.

This makes the standard gap between the factories in the Eagle Sauce and the factories in the Empire a bit large.

Therefore, the standards of these factories need to be adjusted, otherwise the products produced according to their specifications will be unique and difficult to be used with the products produced by the factories in the Empire or even Europe.

For this reason, Vanelk specially asked for a large number of industrial experts from the Empire to help and guide the factories in the Eagle Sauce to start the reform.

In addition, the government also issued a formal abolition of the British standards used by the Eagle Sauce before, and completely used the new standards shared by the Empire and the world.

This is still a bit painful for the local people of Eagle Sauce. After all, they have been accustomed to that standard since childhood. If they are suddenly asked to change a standard, they will definitely feel uncomfortable.

In fact, because the Empire vigorously promotes this new standard, it has aroused resistance from the Eagle Sauce people.

However, due to the powerful deterrent power of the German army, they dare not act rashly and can only passively accept the transformation of the Empire. However, the progress of this matter is not fast. Except for several states in the south with a large number of German immigrants, the progress in other regions is relatively slow.

This means that the factories that provide support for the imperial army’s southward operations this time are mainly concentrated in these two states.

The huge industrial potential of Eagle Sauce itself cannot be brought to its extreme.

However, under the leadership of Vanelk, the reform plan in North America is still proceeding step by step.

At present, the reforms in the Great Lakes region and the northeastern coastal areas are relatively smooth. Although they have encountered a certain degree of resistance, the other party dare not mess around.

Moreover, the workers need to live and eat, and they cannot do without work.

If they work in the factory, they must first adapt to and become familiar with the new standards. Therefore, in order to keep their jobs.

After the initial discomfort, a large number of workers silently accepted these new standards and began to memorize them carefully in their hearts.

Vanelk estimated that in another two or three years, the original old standards would be completely abolished and withdrawn from the stage of history, and the general standards of the empire would be thoroughly implemented and enforced in North America.

At this time, the Second Army was going south to attack the Samba Kingdom, and they had to provide a large amount of material support and logistical support.

This was not good news for Vanelk!

After all, without the deterrence and protection of the German army, those who originally only dared to complain but not to take action would probably be lucky and ready to move!

Once they put their stupid ideas into action, it is likely to bring huge losses and troubles to the empire.

So from this point of view, Vanelk actually did not want this war to happen.

However, when a large number of orders from the German army were placed in front of him, he realized that this was a huge opportunity, an opportunity to accelerate the awakening of the powerful industrial strength of the Eagle Sauce. The huge demand created by the war, in addition to the fact that the empire will take away some orders from the mainland, almost all the remaining orders are eaten by themselves.

After they have eaten these orders, there will be huge demand, the reform progress of the factory will be rapidly accelerated, more factories will be rebuilt, and the unemployed population in society will be quickly absorbed by the factory.

The activeness of the factory can not only solve the employment problem, but also bring a lot of tax revenue to the government, and the wages paid will also expand the consumption expenditure of the workers.

In the process of their consumption, the government can receive more water.

In short, in the endogenous economy, if you don’t invest a dollar, you can often get several times or even dozens of times the high return!

From this point of view, North America can also be regarded as making a fortune from the war.

So, after weighing the pros and cons, Vanelk decided to go all out to support Model and the German army’s actions in South America.

He personally contacted various major factories and dispatched all the materials needed for military operations, including weapons and ammunition, medical supplies, military uniforms and bedding, etc., so that a large number of factories involved in these fields can obtain orders and resume production.

In addition, he also organized a large number of merchant ships to transport these produced materials to South America, providing them to the Second Army in the north and the Marines there.

Let them fight on the front line without worries, without worrying about the shortage of weapons, ammunition and logistical materials!

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