Mainz looked with interest at the mustache sitting across from him, the guy who started the Second World War in history and dragged billions of people around the world into the war, who was sitting in front of him nervously, peeking at himself cautiously.

To tell the truth, the mustache has never been in contact with such a big officer, after all, he joined the German army in the form of a volunteer, during the First World War, the mustache joined the German army and went to the battlefield, made meritorious service and was wounded, and received an Iron Cross of the first class and an Iron Cross of the second class.

He's a very good soldier!

But that's all, the mustache's rank was not raised much during the war, he was only promoted to corporal at the highest, and he did not even belong to the ranks of junior officers.

Because of his background, the mustache did not have a strong background, which made him stop as a corporal before retiring from the army and could not continue to be promoted.

In fact, in the traditional Prussian army, it is very difficult to get promoted, because the positions above are almost monopolized by the Junker aristocracy, and it is basically impossible for a commoner like a mustache who does not belong to the Junker aristocracy to climb to a high position!

And not being able to continue to serve in the army and contribute to the country has always been a very regrettable thing for the mustache!

So the mustache has always been very sorry in his heart, why didn't he meet a leader like General Mainz earlier?

If General Mainz had taken control of the German army earlier, perhaps a civilian like him would have been promoted upward!

After being appointed commander-in-chief of the three armed forces by President Hindenburg, Mainz began to carry out drastic reforms in the German army, starting with the removal of the Junker aristocracy, weakening the power of the Junker aristocracy and reducing their influence on the army.

This policy led to a large number of outstanding civilian talents quickly coming to the fore and beginning to occupy important positions in the German army, and people like Rommel and Moder, who were not originally nobles, would not have been able to achieve the status they have now if it were not for the promotion of Mainz!

In the past, even if their talents were really outstanding, they were destined not to be accepted by the Junker nobles because they were not part of the Junker aristocracy.

The mustache felt very sorry in his heart, he felt that he was also very talented, but he couldn't meet his Bole, otherwise, he would probably continue to stay in the army and continue to use the weapons in his hands to protect the motherland he loved!

Mustache was not originally an Odili, but an Odili, but after the German-Austrian merger, the concept of Odili began to disappear, so he did not consider himself an outsider at all, but was very proud of his Aryan blood and Hanse identity!

Moreover, after retiring from the army, Mustache also spent a very depressed time like other retired soldiers, during this time, Mustache saw many dark sides of this society, which made him have a very serious racist tendency, he regarded those alien races in Hans, especially Jews, as parasites on Hans, and the kind of bloodsuckers who only knew how to suck blood, but did not understand the devotion of blood!

Mustache believes that the country of the Hans should be ruled by pure-blooded Aryans, and that those heretics who are not Aryans should be burned to death, their property confiscated, and they should be thrown into the crematorium, and all of them should be killed, so as to eradicate the parasites that threaten the country!

This idea was so radical that it was only after he became the head of the Third Reich that he carried out a purge of the Jews in the country.

These are actually related to his period of time!

"Mr. Adolf, do you know why you were invited?"

Seeing that the other party was getting more and more nervous, Mainz didn't continue to hang him, he slowly opened his mouth and said to the mustache.

When the mustache heard Mainz's words, he subconsciously jumped up from his seat, stood straight, gave Mainz a military salute, and replied loudly: "Report to the general, my subordinates don't know!"


The mustache's actions were somewhat unexpected by Mainz, he didn't expect the soldier's mark to leave such a deep imprint on this guy's heart, so that the mustache made this move almost instinctively.

Still, that doesn't seem like a bad thing?


Although the mustache appears to be obedient, he lies to this.

It could be seen from the cold sweat on his forehead that he was very nervous and even frightened at this time.

"Last September, I personally issued an order for you to investigate an organization called the Hans Workers' Party, I wonder if you still have any impressions?"

Mainz said with a smile, this smile made the mustache chuckle in his heart, feeling bad!

He did receive an order from the military last September, but it was issued not in the name of the Ministry of Defense, but in the name of the Army's Political Department.

So the mustache didn't even think that this order was from General Mainz, after all, he was just a small corporal, how could General Mainz know who he was?

Since we don't know who he is, it is naturally impossible to ask him to investigate the situation of the Workers' Party by name.

"I sent you to investigate this party, but you secretly joined it, and even became one of the main leaders of this party, is that so?

Mainz's tone became harsh, and the mustache concealed the results of his investigation from the military, and did not report the true face of this so-called party of the Hans Workers' Party, but concealed the truth, and this is not counting, this guy also joined the party himself, and even went further and tried to become the head of this party.

"General, according to the laws of our country, it seems that every citizen has the freedom to join and form a political party, and I don't think there is anything wrong with doing so!"

Now that it has been exposed, the mustache will no longer continue to hide it, he simply and generously admits it, there is no point in continuing to hide it anyway.

If it is your legitimate right to join and form political parties, wouldn't it be legal to attempt to collude with officers in the army, smuggle arms, and form a private army?"

Mainz said with a sneer, staring at the mustache, ready to see how he could refute.

The cold sweat on the mustache's forehead became more and more, although it was early winter at this time, and the temperature outside had dropped below freezing, but the mustache was like being in a furnace, and the cold sweat broke out all over his body, and his back was wet after a while.

"You, do you have proof?"

The mustache was still not giving up, and struggled with the last shred of hope.

Mainz raised an eyebrow, not surprised by this attitude of the mustache, so he clapped his hands.

Soon, a squad of heavily armed soldiers walked in with a guy in an officer's uniform.

From the epaulettes of the military uniform on this person, it can be discerned that his military rank should be the rank of second lieutenant.

The man who was brought in was indeed an active German officer, and he had a scar on his face that had been scratched by the skin of a shell, and this scar looked very striking and very glaring.

The mustache was still holding a trace of luck, but after seeing this familiar scar man, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he fell to the ground, with only one thought in his head: It's over, it's all over!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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