Things went about the same as Mainz had predicted, and after the defeat at the First Battle of Jifu, there was a great disagreement on the part of the Allies.

The Romani people, who had planned to come out to reap some benefits, were the first to retreat because of the heavy casualties in the Battle of Belgorod.

In the 1919 German-Austrian merger, Romania's army was badly repaired by the German army led by Mainz, and even King Ferdinand I was captured by the Germans.

Eventually, after paying 100 million pounds in compensation, the captured king was released by the Germans. Half of the nearly 200,000 Romanija troops who were captured were still captured by the Germans and have not yet been released.

This crushing defeat brought a huge political earthquake to Romena, and the prestige that King Ferdinand I had built up with great difficulty through the First World War was suddenly lost!

Moreover, after the independence of Romenia, they experienced two kings who were not natives, but people from Hans, which made the nobles of Romenija quite dissatisfied!

In this context, the Romanians began to abandon King Ferdinand I in favor of Prince Carol II.

Although Prince Carol II was the eldest son of King Ferdinand I, unlike his father, Carol II was born into the royal family of Romena, and compared to the outsider Ferdinand I, Carol II had a higher status in the hearts of the Romanians!

Moreover, his mother is also a princess of the Sunset Empire, so the Sunset Empire is also happy to see Carol II come to power.

Under these circumstances, King Ferdinand I felt a lot of pressure, and in order to gain the support of the Entente, especially the support of the sunset, he used his last bit of prestige to forcibly pass the decision to go to war against the woolly bear, and send troops to follow the Entente to attack the woolly bear!

As a result, because a large number of aristocratic officials were seized by the Germans, the army sent by Romaniya did not perform well on the battlefield, not only did not get the approval of the Allies, but was also used as a drag bottle.

The most unfortunate thing is that they themselves have also been attacked by hairy bears, and after several fierce battles, the casualties of the servants of the Roman Maniya have exceeded 100,000!

Such huge casualties are simply unacceptable for a small country like Romenaica!

The losses of the two wars, and the fact that half of the prisoners previously held by the Germans had not been released, made the social contradictions in Romene quickly intensify, and the throne of King Ferdinand I began to become precarious!

In this case, in order to prevent his throne from being snatched by his own son, Ferdinand I had to get strong support from the army, but his henchman General Bantner was still in prison in the German prisoner of war camp at this time, and if General Banttner and the loyal army could not be ransomed, King Ferdinand I would not have been able to get the support of the military!

Under these circumstances, the king of Romaniya secretly sent his envoy to the Hans capital of Bolin, to ask for an audience with the president of Hans, Hindenburg!

When Hindenburg learned of this, he did not intervene in the matter, but sent Romania's envoy to Hamburg and asked him to go to the commander-in-chief of the German army, Major General Mainz.

The envoy of Romaniya wondered very much, if Hans's president would arrange it like this, could it be said that Hans's president could not solve this kind of thing, but still needed to rely on a small little

"Free your captives?"

After hearing this request from the envoy of Romania, Mainz stared at the other party with malicious intentions.

His gaze was aggressive, and the Envoy of Romeni was uncomfortable all over.

However, when he thought of the mission he had undertaken, he could only stiffen his neck and say: "Yes, I am hereby ordered by the king to ask your country to release our soldiers and officers who have been detained!"

Seeing the Roman man's righteous appearance, Mainz raised his eyebrows and stared at each other a few times like a fool.

Hey, are you figuring it out?

Now it is your people who have been taken captive by us, not ours who have been taken captive by you, it is you who have come to us and begged us, not us who have come to beg you!

Since it's begging for someone, can you please come out with a gesture of begging?

Mainz smiled: "We will discuss this matter, and please wait patiently Mr. Special Envoy!"

After saying that, he walked away, and then left the envoy of the Romani Tooth alone!

He still has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't have time to waste time here with the Romani people!

When the envoy first heard Mainz's words, he thought that the other party would really release the captives, and he was overjoyed, so he waited for a week.

As a result, a week later, there was no movement on the German side, which made him a little unable to sit still, so the envoy of Romeniya came to see Mainz again.

But he sprayed his nose with ash, and Mainz didn't have time to waste with him, and the matter was handed over to Ribbentrop's secretary!

Ribbentrop had plenty of time, so when he saw the envoy of Romani, he deliberately said with a very exaggerated expression:

"Oh God, I forgot, I'm sorry, I've been so busy lately, and I ask the envoy to be patient for a while!"

After Ribbentrop finished speaking, he asked the guards to send the guests out!

This time, Envoy Romani finally felt that something was wrong.

Looking at the appearance of the Hansians, they don't seem to want to cooperate very much!

Sure enough, when he asked to see Mainz for the third time, Mainz still didn't see him, and when he retreated to see Mainz's secretary Ribbentrop, Ribbentrop didn't see him either!

The envoy had no choice but to send a telegram to the home of the Romani in despair, after a month of tossing and turning in Hamburg, informing the country of what had happened to him on Hans's side.

The envoy hadn't figured out why Hans was doing this to him because of his youth and inexperience, but Ferdinand I was an old fritter, and he quickly figured out the crux of the matter!

"The Hans are afraid that they still want to rip money off us!"

Ferdinand I worriedly said to his henchmen that in order to redeem himself, the Roman tooth had already paid a price of 100 million pounds, which was very expensive, and it had reached one-fifth of the Roman tooth's financial income that year!

"But, didn't you say before that you would release the man after paying the ransom?

The king's henchmen were very angry, and they all thought that Hans's approach to falling into the well at this time was too much!

Obviously they have reaped a lot of benefits from them, but they refused to do anything, and they also detained more than half of the army, which made their side very passive!

Hearing the words of his henchmen, Ferdinand I smiled bitterly, there was one thing he did not tell his subordinates, that is, the 100 million pounds was not a ransom for the entire army, but a ransom for him, the king!

The ransom for these 20,000 captured troops was not included in this hundred million pounds from beginning to end!

At this time, seeing what the Germans were doing, it was obvious that the Germans were planning to ask for a ransom alone, and if they didn't pay this ransom, they would never let him go!

"Tell Cobir, let him test the bottom line of the Hanns, and see how much the Hanns cost!"

Please see the ununderlined version of the novel

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