Eagle Sauce's loan is a windfall, in fact, even if Eagle Sauce's loan does not come down, Mainz intends to actively produce to save itself!

Although the social order in Hans has improved a lot because of the strike hard, it is similar to what Hindenburg said, such stability can only be maintained for 2-3 years at most, and when this period of time passes, if the people's living conditions cannot be improved, social order will also collapse!

Moreover, when the time comes, if the strike-hard tactics are used again, the people, who have already had the first experience, may take up arms and rise up to resist, but the government will not be able to handle it at that time, and the forced implementation of the strike-hard strategy is very likely to create a situation in which the officials force the people to rebel, resulting in a civil war and a split in the country!

Therefore, the key to solving the problem of unemployment among domestic workers lies in creating new jobs as soon as possible and absorbing all these unemployed people in society!

"We are not the government, we can only decide the affairs of the army, so what we can do is relatively limited, but even if our strength is limited, doing our part of the matter well can help the country reduce part of the burden, and this is enough!"

Mainz is very resolute, historically, in the economic crisis that swept the world in 1929, because of the unemployment frenzy caused by large-scale factory closures, tens of millions of workers around the world lost their jobs, lost their ability to support their families, and brought great damage and impact to all countries.

In order to solve the problem of unemployment of domestic workers, all countries have taken measures, the mustache has adopted the expansion of armaments, the eagle sauce has adopted the overhaul of infrastructure, and the two countries of Japan and Gaul have a large number of colonies in their hands, and the method they have adopted is very simple, that is, to transfer the contradictions to their own colonies and increase the blood sucking from the colonies, so as to save themselves.

The sun never sets and the Gallic approach had no reference for Hans at this time, and they had no colonies to pass on the contradictions.

Therefore, the only objects that can be learned are Eagle Sauce and the historical Third Reich!

Therefore, Mainz intends to take a two-pronged approach!

On the one hand, he wants to build a large infrastructure in the country, so as to absorb a large number of labor and increase employment.

On the other hand, he increased the strength of the SS so that the SS could absorb more young and middle-aged people, so that the number of unemployed young adults in society would drop a lot, and the pressure on the state would be much less!

"The Gauls built the Maginot Line in the border area, and we can follow their example and build the Siegfried Line in the border area, which will not only create a large number of jobs, but also strategically confuse the Allies and make them relax their guard against us, which is a double thing!"

At Mainz's request, President Hindenburg approved plans for the construction of the Siegfried Line.

Of course, compared to the Maginot Line, which was almost extravagant to the Gauls, the Siegfried Line that Mainz intended to build could only be regarded as a poor man's version, and his purpose was not to build a defensive line, but to mine the minerals here, and by the way, to repair the defensive line.

Although the salary offered by the German army was not high, only 1,000 marks per person per day, which was about 1 dollar, which was only enough to buy the basic rations of a family of four, but for those who were unemployed at home and had lost their income, such an income was quite good, at least they didn't have to go hungry!

Just one Siegfried line of defense will absorb 300,000 laborers, and this line of defense will take about 2-3 years to build!

In addition to this, Mainz put forward plans for the transformation of Wilhelmshaven, both of which were intended for the future fleet, especially the submarine forces!

During World War II, the German submarines posed a huge threat to the Allied countries, especially the ships of the Eagle, in order to destroy the German submarine forces, the Allies sent bombers to bomb the German military ports many times!

However, because of the lack of preparation in the early stage of the German army, a large number of submarines were exposed, which was neither conducive to their covert sorties, nor conducive to the protection of submarines, and as a result, during the bombing, many submarines were directly blown up in the harbor, which had a great impact on the unlimited submarine warfare of the German army.

Now that he knows this history, Mainz naturally wants to avoid these things as much as possible, so he specially built a very hidden special dock for submarines in the expansion of the port, which often have a solid mountain as a cover, and the submarine can avoid the enemy's air attack by driving directly into the hidden dock below the mountain when the submarine is dispatched!

The planned port expansion of the ports of Kiel and Wilhelmshaven could absorb about 60,000 workers, but this is still not enough!

Mainz has proposed a third major infrastructure project – the renovation of the Kiel Canal!

The Kiel Canal was built in 1887 by the Second Reich to connect the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, and was built to connect the eastern and western outlets of Hans, so that the German High Seas Fleet could avoid the attacks of the Royal Navy, so that they could directly enter the other side of the battle without having to take a long detour.

The length of the Kiel Canal at this time was 98 km, the width was 22 meters, and the water depth was 9 meters.

At this width and depth, only ships of less than 12,000 tons can be sailed, and large ships cannot pass through here due to the draft and width problems, so the strategic purpose of this canal has not been achieved.

During World War I, the main threats faced by the navy were only surface and underwater, but during World War II, they had to face surface and underwater and air threats, especially enemy fighters in the air, and they were more of a threat to the fleet than the other two!

Hans's ports of Kiel and Wilhelmshaven were not very well located, they were too close to the mainland where the sun never sets, and Hans's access to the sea was very short, which made it very easy for the enemy to want to block their access to the sea.

During World War I, the German High Seas Fleet could still hide in the harbor and not go out, but in World War II, even if they hid in the harbor, they would inevitably be attacked by the enemy's air raids.

Therefore, the German troops staying in their own military ports, especially in this part of the North Sea, are no longer safe!

If you want to make yourself safer, you have to hide farther, for example, to East Prussia, which is located in the Baltic Sea, far from the mainland where the sun never sets, and the Allied bombers will not threaten them unless they are strategic bombers!

And when the German navy wants to attack, it only needs to sail from the east and go to the west to refuel, and it will not be affected too much!

Therefore, in order to achieve this purpose, the current Kiel Canal must be widened, whether it is done now or in the future, it must be done anyway, in this case, it is better to do it in advance, just to absorb a group of workers and help them find employment!

Mainz's future naval plan for the Third Reich was to have 50,000-ton battleships and 80,000-ton aircraft carriers, so the Kiel Canal had to be extended to a depth of more than 13 meters and a width of at least 150 meters!

It's a huge project, and if it's done, it will cost at least $150 million!

Such a large sum of money, if it had been before, the military really couldn't have come up with it!

However, coincidentally, the king's ransom of 100 million pounds, which had been extorted from the Romani people, came in handy at this time!

£100 million equals about $425 million, which is enough money to cover the cost of expanding the Kiel Canal.

There is even a surplus, even if another sum of money is allocated to build the Siegfried Line, there are still many more!

After doing these things, there was even a superfluous, so Mainz simply bought the Galler-Benz company in the name of the military!

After all, after the purchase of the oil field in Romania, Hans's domestic automobile industry will surely get a huge development, and at this time, the acquisition will integrate her with BMW, and Hans's automotive technology strength will be the best in the world!

Wouldn't it be beautiful to integrate Hans's domestic automobile industry, and then produce it in large quantities and sell it back to the British Isles and North America, making money from Eagle Sauce?

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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