After finding the tugboat in Lijiapo, the Hans delegation set off again, and this time their trip went smoothly.

Ten days later, Mainz returned to Hans’ capital, Berlin.

“President, General Mainz is here!”

“Let him in!”

President Hindenburg’s face didn’t look good. Many things have happened in the world recently, and the situation in Hans’s country has also undergone some changes.

These unexpected situations forced him to summon Mainz back in advance!

“Mainz von Levinsky reports to you! Mainz walked into the office and paid Hindenburg a military salute meticulously as usual.

After Hindenburg returned the military salute, he asked his secretary to exit the office, leaving Mainz alone.

“How is the situation in the Far East?”

Hindenburg knew Mainz’s purpose of running to the Far East, so he asked with concern.

“All goes well, I believe it will bring us rich harvest!”

“That’s good!”

President Hindenburg stopped talking and didn’t want to ask more questions. This is Mainz’s matter and he doesn’t want to interfere too much.

“Do you know why I’m so anxious to call you back?”

After Hindenburg was silent for a while, he finally started talking about business.

“Is there something wrong with the military?”

Mainz is Hans’s commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, so the first thing he thinks of is the army.

“Yes or no, you were half right!

Hindenburg nodded and said to Mainz:”This matter has something to do with General Groener, and also with His Majesty the Emperor of Windmill Country!””

Hearing this, Mainz decisively shut up. This kind of thing was beyond his current scope of authority, so Mainz wisely chose to remain silent and just listen to Hindenburg’s story!

Hindenburg knew that the United States Due to Intz’s character, he knew that he was a very cautious person, so he did not ask him what he meant. He explained

“When the war ended in 1918 and the migration ended, there was a workers’ uprising in Bolin. You should still remember these things, right?”

Mainz nodded. In fact, he is not the only one who still remembers the chaos before the fall of the Second Empire. I believe that every Hansian will never forget this painful history!

“At that time, not only Bolin, but also uprisings and riots by Red Party elements occurred in the entire country. The people’s dissatisfaction with His Majesty the Emperor also reached its peak, so General Groener made a decision for me!”

Mainz listened very carefully, and he realized that Hindenburg was going to tell him the unknown secrets from back then!

And these secrets were far from what he learned from the history textbooks!

“Groener persuaded the Emperor, saying that the people and the army no longer supported him, so he hoped that the Emperor would announce his abdication. When the Emperor heard this, he realized that the opportunity had been lost, so he quickly announced his abdication, but the military did not Although he came to protect him, Bolin’s rebellious workers were still threatening him. This forced the emperor to flee to Windmill Country, completely losing the possibility of restoration!”

When Hindenburg recounted this period of history, he did so in an emotionless tone, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

“Groner secretly reached a secret agreement with former Albert. The agreement stipulated that the military supported the government of the Republic, and the government of the Weimar Republic also recognized the status of the military and would not purge the military. The two parties reached an exchange of interests.! Mainz frowned. He knew this period of history, but why did Hindenburg talk about this?

“His Majesty the Emperor is the King of the Kingdom of Prussia, and Prussia has a deep position in the military.

The Junker nobles have been operating in the military for a long time.

They are deeply rooted and powerful.

They are not satisfied with the agreement reached between Gräner and the Weimar Republic.

The agreement was also very dissatisfied with Gröner’s approach of forcing His Majesty the Emperor to abdicate, so they secretly collected evidence with the intention of overthrowing Gröner, welcome back His Majesty the Emperor, and support His Majesty’s restoration!

Hindenburg said this, his brows already furrowed.

These Junker nobles seem to be dealing with Groener, but everyone knows that Groener’s decision is not necessarily his own intention. It is very possible that It was Marshal Hindenburg who stood behind him.

Therefore, attacking Gröner was actually attacking Hindenburg in a more subtle and gentle way.

If he were to attack the fortress, Hindenburg might use his military power to ruthlessly and brutally purge these people, but if he were to attack Groner, Hindenburg would not be able to raise his butcher knife just for the sake of a chancellor.

“Marshal, what do you mean?”

Mainz has already guessed something in his mind. The other party hastily recalled him at this time. Either he needs to come forward to solve this problem, or he has other tasks to entrust to him!

Both of these things are very likely. , Mainz was unable to guess President Hindenburg’s intentions for a moment.

“The Socialist Party is the main party launching the attack this time. Ebert is their former leader. They cannot shake my position as president, but they hope to push Herman Miller into the position of prime minister to replace Groener. status, thereby evading me!”

The old marshal’s eyes showed strong murderous intent. Being plotted and pressed to this point, he was naturally very angry!

“Hum, Marshal, you have always been the strong backing of our military and the protective umbrella above our heads. Without you, our military would not be what it is today. If these people dare to attack you, they are attacking our military. We will never stand idly by.! So Marshal, if you have any questions, just give us your orders. Even if we are forced to go through fire and water, we will never frown!”

Even a fool can figure out what Hindenburg meant!

“Haha, okay, okay, okay!”

“With your words, I feel relieved! Hindenburg said three words” good” with a smile. He was very satisfied with Mainz’s attitude.

Hindenburg knew the importance of military power, so what he was most worried about was that people from the Socialist Party would escape. Poaching his own corner!

Hindenburg was worried that Mainz was too young and would be tempted by them and turn against him. In that case, he would completely lose his biggest support, so Hindenburg hurriedly! Summoning Mainz, on the one hand, I wanted to confirm his attitude and ensure the stability of my rear, and on the other hand, I had another thing to entrust to him!

“Groener’s position as Prime Minister of the Cabinet will definitely not be preserved this time, so……”

“I plan to appoint you as Prime Minister of the Cabinet. Mainz, will you accept this position and come to my side to assist me?”

Hindenburg looked at Mainz with great sincerity and extended an invitation to him!

Hearing President Hindenburg’s words, Mainz was stunned!

He was completely unprepared!

He was only 23 years old and completely He has no experience in politics. It would be too much to make him the number two figure in the Republic. Moreover, what will happen to the army if he becomes the Prime Minister?

Feeling worried, Hindenburg continued:”You don’t have to worry about the army. You can also serve as the Minister of Defense. The Prime Minister of the Cabinet is very important. I need you to help me!””

Hindenburg suffered a lot before. Groener was quite qualified as a soldier, but he was really rich and lacked ability as a politician. He was not rigorous and careful enough in his work, so he exposed many flaws and tricks. These tricks fell into In the hands of political opponents, it became the perfect cannonball for them to attack Hindenburg.

Every time Groner made a mistake, Hindenburg had to protect him. It was delayed, so after this happened, Hindenburg made up his mind to replace Groener with someone who was more rigorous, careful and loyal to himself!

And looking around him, The only suitable candidate is Mainz!

“Mainz, don’t hesitate, don’t you want to build this country better?”

Hindenburg’s last words hit Mainz’s heart, and he took a deep breath!

“Well, I accept your invitation!”

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