For the time being, Mainz does not have time to deal with various international matters.

After he took office, he did two things.

The first thing: promulgated the first national five-year plan!

The second thing: send a diplomatic mission to visit Yingjiang to attract investment and issue national bonds in Yingjiang.

So far, no country in the world has implemented such a five-year plan.

For capitalist countries, this kind of national planning with a socialist nature is both incomprehensible and unacceptable to them.

Moreover, the power in the hands of governments in Western countries is not great. Taking Yingjiang as an example, the power of the federal government is divided among the various local state governments, leaving the federal government with very little to do.

At this time, Yingjiang is only officially called a complete country. In fact, the internal states have nothing but sovereignty and diplomatic rights. They have their own financial revenue, their own army, and their own land. Yes, the laws are promulgated by themselves. Although they are called states to the outside world, they are actually no different from European principalities or kingdoms!

Historically, this loose federal system of Eagle was changed only after the economic crisis of 1929 and World War II. The person who led these changes was President Ross, the only President in Eagle’s history who served four times. Under the leadership, the powers of the federal government have been greatly expanded, while the rights of state governments have been greatly reduced!

Hans’ original situation was similar to that of Eagle Sauce. There were many kingdoms in the Second Empire, such as Bavaria, Württemberg, Pulis and Sachs. These countries also had their own laws, armies and governments. They even had their own The diplomatic power and independence are much higher than the state government of Eagle Sauce!

These kingdoms only send out troops to fight as the Second Empire during times of war. In peacetime, they have great autonomy.

However, this situation changed after World War I. Although the first president of the Weimar Republic, Albert, did not end well in the end, he was not without merit during his tenure. At least he did a few good things!

For example, in order to enhance the power of the central government of the Weimar Republic and strengthen its ability to control local areas, under his promotion, the central government directly canceled the status of each kingdom and turned it into a state under the government of the republic.

This reform was quite radical, so it aroused unanimous opposition from various kingdoms. Rebellions broke out in various kingdoms one after another. The most serious situation was the riot of the Bavarian Royalists in Munich. This riot triggered an internal conflict within the Hans. In order to quell this small civil war, Marshal Hindenburg personally led the army to suppress the rebellion!

Although this civil war caused a lot of damage to Bavaria, from the perspective of Mainz, such a price is completely acceptable!

Because after the German army defeated the Bavarian rebels, the Bavarian royal family was completely expelled and exiled. Bavaria, once the second largest kingdom of Hans, completely died, and the new Bavaria became a state under the Weimar Republic.

Even the powerful Bavaria was wiped out by the German army, so countries such as Württemberg and Saxony are naturally not a problem.

Therefore, before 1920, the Weimar Republic integrated internally and turned Hans into a federal republic, canceling the status of the original kingdom.

The disadvantage of this is that there is still some unrest in various places. The advantage is that the centralization of power has been greatly enhanced. The central government has greater power and has greater mobilization capabilities!

As a traveler of the Celestial Dynasty, I know the benefits of centralization of power better than anyone else. From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Rabbits of later generations, the Celestial Dynasty has been strengthening centralization of power for more than two thousand years. This has been tested over a long period of time. Compared with the loose federal system in the West, centralized power has many benefits!

Especially in terms of mobilization capabilities and war, since Mainz’s purpose is to prepare for the next world war, then he has no reason to abandon this policy!

Because Hans is not a socialist country, but a capitalist republic, all countries are surprised by the five-year plan proposed by Mainz, but they do not show hostility or vigilance. They do not see through it. Mainz’s intention to strengthen centralization.

This is not their fault. After all, no country has proposed such a plan at this time, so Western countries have almost no idea how to implement and implement the five-year plan.

Since you don’t know anything, you can’t even find a point to criticize, so naturally there is nothing to attack!

If this five-year plan had been proposed by Mao Xiong, the effect would have been absolutely different. It would have been regarded as ironclad evidence of socialist interference in the economy, and would have been widely publicized and slandered within Western capitalist countries!

There are many things to be implemented in the first five-year plan formulated by Mainz.

This includes adding new farmland, developing some forests and swamps within the territory, and turning them into farmland.

The main reason for doing this is because the price of food in Hans’ country remains high, and their population is close to 80 million, but their cultivated land area is only 10,000 square kilometers. There are at least 260,000 square kilometers of grassland and forest in the country. and swamps are not utilized.

In addition, animal husbandry such as raising cattle and sheep can also be developed in the mountains around the Alps. The fur of cattle and sheep can promote the development of the textile industry, and the meat and milk can be directly used as food for the people of Hans.

In the original history, because the area of Hans never expanded but lost a lot of land during the war, the population of Hans did not increase on a large scale before the outbreak of World War II. Compared with the period of World War I, the population of Hans in the 20s Within a year, the population of Hans increased only to a limited extent.

And what’s worse is that in 1939, Hans’s country had already seen an aging population. In that year, 10.6% of their population was over 60 years old. It can be said that Hans was the most populous country in the world. The first country in the world to enter an aging population, decades ahead of other countries!

The war competes on comprehensive strength, in which human resources are also extremely important.

During World War II, the reason why Eagle Sauce and Mao Xiong were so good at fighting was because of their strong industrial strength and large population.

During World War II, the population of Mao Xiong was the third in the world, and the population of Yingjiang was the fourth in the world. The populations of these two European countries exceeded 100 million. A population of 100 million meant that they could mobilize at least 15 million young adults to participate. war!

In World War II, the population of Hans was only over 70 million. They used all their strength to plunder almost all the young men in the country and mobilized less than 1 million troops. These troops suffered a large number of casualties in the war, which made Hans Almost an entire generation was lost!

After the end of World War II, the population of Hans continued to hover around 70 million, and did not grow much for 70 or 80 years.

Just imagine, if there were 150 million people in Hans when World War II broke out in history, what would be the outcome of the Soviet-German War?

Will the German army, which has sufficient troops, still have a shortage of troops on the front line, resulting in leaks in the defense line and being pushed back to the hometown by the Soviet army with their numerical advantage?

Most likely not!

Therefore, in Mainz’s plan, Hans must encourage births from now on and strive to have the total population of Hans exceed 100 million before the war breaks out!

As long as this task can be completed, when the next world war breaks out, Hans can add millions of young new troops. With these troops, the outcome of the war will most likely change!

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