“There is an old saying in the Chinese dynasty: Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly!”

Regarding Mustache’s doubts, Mainz finally decided to explain.

Of course, he didn’t plan to say too much. After saying this, he let Mustache go.

When Mustache left Mainz’s office , still muttering this sentence:”Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and be king slowly. What does this mean?””

After Xiaozhu went back, he asked a few friends who were familiar with the culture of the Celestial Dynasty. These friends told him that this was what a famous counselor said to the founding king of the Celestial Dynasty during the Ming Dynasty.

Xiaozhu then decided to read about the Celestial Dynasty. History books to figure out the background and connotation of this sentence.

Hard work paid off. Xiaohu quickly found the relevant historical books. After reading it, he understood the meaning behind this sentence and figured out the meaning of this sentence! After reading the meaning, Mustache felt happy.

Did General Mainz say this to him?���Ambitious, his goal is the throne of the Presidential Palace?

That must be the case!

If this were not the case, why would General Mainz need his own political party, and why would he work so hard to manage his own base? He was laying the foundation for future development!

Thinking of this, Mustache suddenly understood!

No wonder Major General Mainz did not rush to expand, but went in the opposite direction and raised the threshold for review!

It turns out that he pays attention to quality and does not care about quantity. The people he has hired now are all future backbones and elites. With the reserve of these elite talents, they want to expand aggressively in the future. With General Mainz’s experience in military industry, business and politics, Influence, wouldn’t it come naturally?

Thinking of this, Mustache was completely relieved.

He admired Major General Mainz’s stability, and no longer worried about it, and could help Mainz with peace of mind to take care of the Kadima Party’s chores.

Mustache’s guess is actually correct. Mainz does pay attention to quality rather than quantity.

But there is another thing that Mustache did not expect, that is, Mainz’s special status determines that he cannot let the Kadima Party be exposed prematurely!

The existence of the Kadima Party is equivalent to a safe backup in the hands of Mainz.

If Hindenburg changes his mind in the future, Mainz can seize power through party elections.

If Hindenburg had not changed his mind, Mainz would not have needed to use this method, because exposing the Kadima Party prematurely would not only attract the attention and vigilance of all walks of life and other parties in Hanz, but would also affect the Mainz doesn’t do any good.

And once others know that this party was founded by him and that it has penetrated very seriously within the army, Mainz will definitely be subject to great criticism and even impeachment. It is very likely that someone will take this opportunity to impeach him. , demanding that Hindenburg remove him as commander-in-chief of the armed forces!

After all, no one can tolerate a person turning the army into his own private property!

Hindenburg is no exception!

So now is not the time, at least we have to wait for a few more years!

Once Mainz has enough strength to ignore all accusations and criticisms, these things will no longer be a problem!


The people of Hans initially criticized Hindenburg’s appointment of Mainz as cabinet prime minister. In addition, various political parties that were unfriendly to Hindenburg and Mainz privately made the people’s attitude toward Mainz unfavorable. Too friendly.

However, as the SS began to take action and punished the restless political parties one by one, the voices of civil criticism began to gradually disappear.

People had realized that President Hindenburg could not revoke this appointment, so the matter was a done deal and a foregone conclusion.

Since it cannot be changed, it is better to see what this military-born Prime Minister can bring to this country!

Mainz certainly would not let them down, and the plans for his first five-year plan were soon announced to the public!

And these announced contents soon shocked the entire Hans!

“Do you want to cultivate 50,000 square kilometers of cultivated land within five years?”

“We need to build 20,000 kilometers of railways and 120,000 kilometers of highways!”

“On the basis of the existing Kiel Canal, the Kiel Canal should be widened and deepened so that it can pass large cargo ships of 200,000 tons!”

“Increase steel production to 30 million tons per year!”

“Build at least 4 million new housing units within five years!”

“Increase automobile production to 2 million per year within five years!”


The people were horrified to see it. The plans were getting bigger and bigger, and the figures were bigger and bigger. These impactful figures made the people’s hearts swell, and they were so excited that they didn’t dare to take a big breath!

“Now, can these really be realized?”

After the excitement, the people began to doubt again. They are not worried that General Mainz will do nothing now.

Because it can be seen from this five-year plan that Mainz really wants to do practical things. And it’s still a big thing!

But they are worried that General Mainz’s plan is too difficult to realize. If it takes such a big step, what will happen if it’s too late?

If nothing else, where can they get so much money to implement it ? What about these plans?

Hans is really impoverished now. Not only the government is poor, but also the private wealth has been emptied by the war.

Therefore, everyone is worried that Mainz does not have enough funds. Supporting his ambitions has led to the abortion of these large-scale plans!

Most of these plans are closely related to the daily lives of the people. It is foreseeable that if these plans can be realized, the food problems and employment that currently plague Hans will be reduced. Problems, travel problems and housing problems can all be solved!

These visible benefits made the people invisibly side with Mainz and began to worry about him.

At this time, no one was still there. Although they are concerned about Mainz’s background and age, what they are most concerned about is Mainz’s next actions!

If he just draws a pie but does nothing, then everyone can conclude that he is a liar!

But if Mainz really takes action from now on as he planned, then everyone will know that he is serious!

Mainz controls public opinion in real time through the Gestapo and SS intelligence systems. Even without the intelligence provided by the SS, Mainz was well aware of the concerns of the Hans people!

Therefore, after announcing the first five-year plan, he immediately dispatched Ribbentrop to North America!

With the recommendation of Mainz, Ribbentrop was finally appointed by President Hindenburg. He was appointed as the Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and officially took on Hans’s diplomatic work!

It was Ribbentrop who visited North America! The first task since taking office! This task is extremely important to Ribbentrop.

If he can do it well, it will not only win him reputation and recognition, but also help General Mainz complete his plan!

Once he comes, his status in the hearts of the people of Hans and the hearts of General Mainz will be greatly improved.

When he thinks of this, Ribbentrop does not dare to neglect at all. Before his visit, he came here specially. Visit Mainz and ask him what he should pay attention to when going to North America.

Ribbentrop was very worried about messing up, otherwise he would be very upset!

“Relax, don’t be nervous. You are still young and have insufficient qualifications, so you need to accumulate more experience. If you are looked down upon by others abroad, don’t get angry. This is normal. All you have to do is deal with the government of Eagle Sauce. , we also need to go deep into the business and press circles of Yingjiang, and have good dealings with businessmen and media. These are very important to us!”

“I believe in your abilities. You are Hans’ foreign teacher, so you should have some confidence in yourself!”

Mainz patted Ribbentrop on the shoulder and encouraged him.

“I’m waiting for your good news!”_Please download the novel without underlining

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