Mainz's layout in North America is very simple, through the hands of Goldman Sachs, the acquisition of Eagle Sauce domestic potential companies, so as to suck blood in Eagle Sauce's economic development as much as possible, and the income they obtain, in addition to a part of the stay for their own development, the rest will be secretly remitted to the European headquarters through the Goldman Sachs investment bank channel to support the domestic cause.

In order to better manage the business in North America, Mainz kept the future Minister of Economic Affairs Walter Funck, and based on the information he found in the system, he wrote down the list of future emerging industries and potential companies in North America, and left it for him to operate slowly.

After dealing with the affairs of North America, Mainz and others began to leave for China.

However, at this time, Hans mainland was blocked by the sea of Sunset and Gallic forces, and it was impossible to return directly to the country, so they chose Sunset Mainland as a transit point, and then went to Hans before Sunset.

In September, after drifting on the sea for more than half a month, the group finally arrived at the mainland where the sun never sets.

After arriving on the mainland, Mainz got the news.

Sparka Bay, which has sunk by the High Seas Fleet, will open to the public in a week's time, and Scarpa Bay, which was originally an important base for the Royal Navy, is closed to the public, but this time it is said to have been won by a proposal by a member of the House of Commons.

The reason why the member of the House of Commons named Chamberlain made this proposal was that he believed that since the Sun Never Sets Empire spent countless manpower and material resources to win this war with great difficulty, then it was necessary to let the people see the fruits of their victory, and the High Seas Fleet of the Second Empire sunk in Spaka Bay was the best witness, as long as the people saw the wreckage of these huge steel monsters after sinking, they could realize what kind of great war the Sun Never Set Empire had won! !

For this proposal, the House of Commons naturally has no opinion, and the House of Lords quickly approved this proposal, after all, the war has brought too much loss to the empire, and the casualties are secondary, the key is that the economic development and the consumption of national strength are unprecedentedly huge, and the morale of the people has also been greatly affected because of this war.

Before the start of the First World War, the people of the sun did not set on the general belief that their country was the world hegemon, and they won all the wars except the Eagle Sauce War of Independence, whether it was the invincible Napoleonic Empire, or the Tsarist Russia, which was known as the gendarme of Europe, not to mention the windmill country and the duck people who had it before!

Since the sun never sets is the hegemon of the world, the people are full of confidence in their country, and everyone thinks that this war will be won easily by the sun never sets!

The war lasted for four years, and the treasury was almost empty, and in order to raise funds for the war, they had to go to North America to beg North America to help them issue war bonds!

This kind of thing is a shame for the proud world hegemon!

In the four years of war, although the sun never set on the empire went all out, and even pulled the armies of the overseas colonies over, it failed to gain the slightest advantage on the battlefield.

The war that I thought would be easy to win was turned into a war of attrition and stalemate, and if it weren't for the red-necked eagle sauce people who were despised by them in the end, they might not have been able to win this war!

As soon as they thought of this, the people felt even more frustrated when the sun never set, and their confidence in their motherland dropped a lot.

This kind of social atmosphere is not a good thing for the government on which the sun never sets, and if the people lose their confidence in the world hegemon, then their hegemony will really disappear soon!

Therefore, Congressman Chamberlain's proposal is also in line with the government's expectations at this time.

I just hope that the public can really be inspired by the wreckage of the High Seas Fleet after seeing it, otherwise, they will be busy in vain!

Colonel Mainz did not know whether Congressman Chamberlain's suggestion would raise the confidence of the people that the sun would never set, and he did not care, but he was more concerned about whether he could attend the opening ceremony!


The people in the application office stared at Mainz's face carefully, and their eyes were full of wariness.

"Well, Hans, come and pay tribute to the innocent sailors who have died!"

Fearless of the other party's provocative gaze, Mainz looked directly into the other party's eyes and said in a calm but firm tone.

When the High Seas Fleet sank, in order to stop the actions of the German sailors, the British army suppressed the German army, in the suppression, nine sailors were shot and killed by the British army, more than 100 people were wounded, and the rear admiral of the high seas fleet Reutt is still being held in the prison where the sun never sets.

"Hmph, you wait!".

The auditor glared at Mainz fiercely, then walked away quickly, reporting the matter to his superiors.

Obviously, the nature of the matter has changed when it comes to the Hanse, after all, opening up to its own citizens has a completely different meaning than opening it to foreigners, and opening Sparka Bay, the military base of the Royal Navy, to foreigners will have the possibility of revealing the secrets of the Royal Navy.

Mainz waited patiently, if he couldn't hang himself as a citizen of Hans, then he could only spend some money to get a fake identity, pretending that the sun never set and secretly passed.

Of course, if he could, the colonel would like to go as a soldier of Hans!

The layers of reports from the sun never set quickly reported the information to the Chamberlain Councillor who initiated the proposal, and after hearing the news, Chamberlain was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that there would be Hans's soldiers running to apply.

"Or just refuse, so that the navy will not be dissatisfied!"

Another member of parliament saw Chamberlain's embarrassment and spoke.

Chamberlain frowned, he felt that the sun never set on the empire, if he refused the other party because he was afraid of leaking, it would be a little not generous, and this guy just went to the military port to see, and did not go to the fleet of the Royal Navy to visit, there are many people in the German army who have seen the home fleet of the Royal Navy during the Battle of Jutland, and even took a lot of photos, if you want to leak secrets, in fact, they have already leaked secrets!

However, he still could not make the decision on this matter, so he consulted the Minister of the Navy, Chujir, and asked for his opinion.

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