Although it was not the first time that Colonel Mainz had heard such an opinion, this time Field Marshal Hindenburg took it more seriously.

"I understand, since that's the case, then this matter will be left to you to deal with, and I won't ask too much!"

Field Marshal Hindenburg is very smart, if he wants to meddle in everything, then at most he can only cultivate a follower who has no opinions of his own, and cannot train a leader.

If you want Mainz to take on great responsibilities in the future, you must learn to let go, give him the opportunity to take charge of himself, in this process, what he can do is to give the other party a back, no matter success or failure, he must stand behind Mainz to protect him, and avoid this young man with an infinite future from going astray!

Of course, he will never allow others to do anything to the young people he values!


On August 11, 1919, Friedrich Ebert, who had just been elected President of the Weimar Republic, promulgated the first constitution of the Weimar Republic, the Weimar Constitution

The purpose of this constitution is to establish a parliamentary democracy, a federal republic.

In order to achieve this, the existing state system will have to be radically reformed, for example, the power of the original states will be completely abolished, and these states will no longer be states, but will become states under the rule of the republic.

Although in terms of purpose, this constitution can greatly strengthen the power of the central government, and is more conducive to the integration of the forces of the whole country, which is of great benefit in both peacetime and wartime, but the content of this constitution is somewhat too radical, and this kind of content was not dared to be advanced during the lifetime of the iron-blooded chancellor Bismarck, let alone the Weimar Republic, which was in turmoil at this time

The power of the Weimar Republic was not stable at this time, the number of people who supported them in the country was not large, and the workers had revolted before, so they naturally did not like the new government that had suppressed them.

And most of the interests of the Junker aristocracy were tied to the military and the localities, neither of which were on the side of the federal government, and although it was greatly weakened, the military was still the largest real power in Hans at this time, and they had 100,000 of the most elite soldiers selected from millions of troops!

Therefore, the attitude of the military is extremely crucial, but President Albert's relationship with the military at this time is not good, so the military's attitude is ambiguous, and it does not clearly express its approval or stand up against it.

As for the attitude of the various states, it is very consistent, and they strongly oppose this constitution!

This is actually very easy to understand, during the Second Empire, the various states actually had a lot of power, the Second Empire was actually a mixture of centralized power and federalism, the kings of each state were not only their own monarchs, but also high-ranking officials of the Hans Empire, and the kings with titles could enjoy privileges throughout the country, so they would naturally maintain and support the country, after all, this country can provide them with security guarantees, and also allow them to enjoy power, and they have no reason not to support the Second Empire.

Moreover, the power of each state is not limited to this, they also have the power to establish diplomatic relations with other countries, send envoys abroad, and even build up their own armies.

Take Bavaria as an example, until the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, this country still stationed its own envoys in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Bavaria also has a large number of its own troops, and also retains its own army and staff, Bavaria and other states only in wartime will obey the emperor's orders, in the form of a state to fight against foreign enemies.

General Ruprecht, the son of the last Bavarian king, was even promoted to the rank of field marshal for his outstanding performance in battle!

And Bavaria is not the largest state in Hans, the largest state in Hans is obviously Prussia!

Albert's constitution harmed not only the interests of countries such as Bavaria, Württemberg and Saxony, but also Prussia.

However, at this time, King Wilhelm II of Prussia had gone into exile, and Wilhelm II's son, Crown Prince Wilhelm, was also in the Windmill Country, so Prussia actually lacked a leader, so Prussia's reaction was not very violent, and the only possible anomaly was probably East Prussia, which had become an enclave.

At this time, in the face of the constitution of the Weimar Republic, a conspiracy was brewing in various states, and if no one stopped them, this conspiracy could turn into a civil war, and the Hans Empire, which had been gathered with great difficulty, could even collapse as a result!

"The Crown Prince of Bavaria, Field Marshal General Ruprecht, has returned to the Bavarian capital of Munihei, and the royalists are gathering to be crowned and crowned, and if their actions are successful, Bavaria will become the trigger for civil war!"

In the headquarters of the German army in Hamburg, Field Marshal Hindenburg's expression was very serious.

Although the military did not have a very good attitude towards the government of the Weimar Republic, and were very unhappy with the provisions of the constitution that limited the power of the military and cut military spending, they did not want to see the collapse of the empire, which had taken several generations.

Therefore, after Marshal Hindenburg learned the news from Mu Nihei, he immediately made a decision to send an elite army to Mu Nihei as soon as possible, no matter what, they could not sit idly by and watch Bavaria break away from the Empire, let alone allow the Empire to break out into a civil war! !

"Do you think General Ruprecht will accept the election of the royalists to the throne?"

Mainz was not very familiar with Ruprecht, and he had not dealt with him much before, and the areas of responsibility of the two sides were not together, so he did not know the character of this person.

And in the situation in Bavaria at this time, the attitude of the field marshal of the Second Reich is undoubtedly the most important and critical!

If he insists on being crowned, then he will definitely accept the kindness of the royalists, and will immediately gather the army to prepare for the war that may come next!

If the other side does this, the situation will be very unfavorable, and war may not be avoided!

PS: Add more chapter 5, there are currently a total of 32000 flowers, 6 chapters need to be added (5 have been completed, 1 is left), 116 monthly tickets need to be updated 5 chapters, 3200 evaluation votes need to be added 3 chapters, 299 comments need to be added 5 chapters, 12000 rewards need to be added 2 chapters, and 16 chapters are still owed!

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