The Third Reich

Chapter 1010: Trapped

This Soviet soldier is very confident. At this distance, he can definitely throw it over!

The grenade drew a beautiful arc in the air and flew towards the enemy position on the top of the mountain. In his hopeful eyes, he watched the grenade fall.

Yes, it is indeed going to fall on the opponent's position.

not good!

Before the grenade fell completely, he had already determined the point of impact. It was still ten centimeters away, and it happened to hit the rock in front of the opponent!

I saw the grenade collided with the stone, changed direction abruptly, and came down again!

It flew down more than ten meters, then fell on the hillside, and then rolled down along the hillside.

Yes, it is to roll down. This is the advantage of being condescending. The grenades are all round, and as long as they are dropped, they can roll down!

The hand grenade rolled to the feet of the veteran again. The Soviet veteran did not hesitate and bent over to continue picking it up.

"Boom!" Just then, the grenade exploded.

A grenade, the internal fuze, is only four or five seconds delayed, not particularly long, and now, the grenade exploded within half a meter of the veteran.

The M24 grenade is a special offensive grenade. Its characteristic is that the outside of the charge above is a thin iron sheet. It is not a cast iron shell with a prefabricated broken slot. It does not rely on shrapnel, but on the shock wave generated by the explosion to injure people.

Following the violent explosion, the body of this Soviet veteran was actually set off by the shock wave generated by the explosion. At the last moment of his death, he raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain in the distance, with unwillingness.

Too wrong to die!

At this time, one after another explosions sounded in the assault team of the Soviet troops.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There were constant explosions. Almost every explosion would take away the lives of a few vivid Soviets, and the army grenades on the top of the mountain seemed to be for money. Keep throwing out!

The Soviet army on the hillside screamed and fell. There were fewer and fewer people. The remaining people wanted to rush upwards. They were already powerless. The machine gunners easily wiped out the remaining people.

This fierce attack, greeted by the grenades from the top team, finally failed, and the remaining Soviet cavalry retreated rolling forward with fear on their faces.

The grenade rain gave them too much excitement, and they never wanted to rush upward.

Baranov’s eyes were blazing, and the sound of machine guns and explosions all around seemed to be blowing their death knell. He looked at everything that was empty around him. His own people were still falling down continuously, with With anxiety and regret.

Yes, if someone was sent to investigate the hillside here in advance, he would definitely not rush in. Now, his troops are about to disappear in this valley!

No, of course not. If you fight an Iran, and if a cavalry unit is wiped out organizationally, then the Soviets will never be able to raise their heads anymore. They must persevere!

At this moment, his eyes gathered on several soldiers. Under the suppression of the fire from the top of the mountain, they were forced to lie behind the corpses. The corpses were piled several stories high, actually blocking the fire above them!

"Pile up the corpses of the war dead! Build a line of defense, and we are here to stand!" Colonel Baranov suddenly remembered something.

Those who died were their comrades-in-arms. The remains of their comrades should be respected. However, after the red eyes, then they don’t care about anything. Isn’t it better to die?

His order was immediately passed on, and the cavalry looked for the dead horses and soldiers on the spot, piled them up, and could hide behind them!

"Telegraph and ask for reinforcements immediately." Baranov shouted to the telegraph soldier beside him.

Now, they have to hold on, hold on until the arrival of reinforcements!

Originally, they planned to join General Novikov’s troops in Gazvin. Now, they only have to hold on for one day, and by tomorrow, General Novikov’s people will definitely come to reinforce them. Use your strength to kill all these **** enemies!

At this time, Baranov had begun to suspect that the combat effectiveness of the troops on the top of the mountain was too strong, and they did not look like the cowardly Iranian troops, especially the sound of the chainsaw-like machine guns, which should be the regular German army. Of troops.

The Germans dare to ambush themselves here? However, the time is wrong, how could the Germans come so fast?

In short, I can breathe a sigh of relief for now.

There is no danger to guard in the valley. They only have to be beaten. Now, they have built up their fortifications with corpses. If the other party wants to completely destroy their own side, they can only rush down and fight.

When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, the Soviet cavalry is absolutely not afraid, and it just happens to let out a nasty breath in the hand-to-hand combat!

Baranov is still insisting, he believes that victory will ultimately belong to him!

The Soviets actually used corpses to defend themselves in an unsafe gorge. The news immediately spread to the headquarters on the back of the hillside.

At this time, the Iranian generals in the command headquarters were already full of enthusiasm. The arrival of the Soviets was like lightning, attacking the city and seeing Tehran in danger. However, after the arrival of the German army, the situation was immediately reversed!

A whole Soviet cavalry division was surrounded in the Godasco Valley. Now, they are about to usher in a moment of annihilation, which is so exciting.

Before the battle was over, someone could not wait to send a telegram to Tehran to inform King Reza Khan of the victory.

And Mordel, still his usual calm expression. He knew that the current battle was not over yet.

In particular, the Soviets did not surrender with more than half of their casualties. Instead, they chose to continue to resist and even pile up the bodies of their war dead as shelters. These people are not easy to deal with.

"I see, we can now rush down and take all the remaining enemies prisoner!" An Iranian general said: "They fight stubbornly and will only end up being wiped out by us!"

Hearing this, Mordel immediately shook his head: "No, of course not!"

Mordel looked at the Iranian general and was swept away by the cold light, and the other party immediately shut up.

"No matter under what circumstances, you can't despise your opponent, otherwise, you will die very ugly." Model said.

"Then how do we solve them?" Another person asked: "They are calling for help. Another Soviet army will soon come from Tabriz. We don't have enough strength to deal with this reinforcement army. ."

Mordel smiled: "Of course it is to call for air reinforcements. Ask the Stuka bomber for support and carry incendiary bombs!" ()

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