The Third Reich

Chapter 1053: Iraq sends troops

The Crusader tank is the most "advanced" tank developed and produced before the fall of the British mainland. The biggest advantage of this cruise tank is its high mobility. Its acceleration and the highest cruising ability make the German tanks It's beyond reach.

As Britain entered the arms of Germany, this tank was considered to have ceased production. The British tank industry was taken over by Germany and used to produce German Panther 3 tanks. Those tanks in stock must also be effectively used. Row.

In this way, when the Iraqi mechanized brigade was attacking its own British air force base, it suffered a lot of losses. Therefore, Germany generously exported a batch of new tanks to Iraq, this Crusader tank!

If compared with the German Panther 3, the Crusader tank is very outdated, but compared to the previous Iraqi CV33 and Renault FT17, this tank is simply a shotgun replacement.

Its biggest feature is its light weight, only 20 tons. At the same time, the engine's horsepower is as high as 340 horsepower, allowing the tank to have sufficient maneuverability to go wild in the mountains.

So, starting from the northeastern part of Iraq, it only took a few hours to reach Tabriz. This was the first Iraqi army to enter Tabriz. Behind him, there was a third division. The infantry, in a car, will also leave before dawn.

Now, Hemi Said, the commander of the Mechanized Brigade, looked at the government building in front of him, and his heart was surging. Their mission was completed so easily. The Soviets really existed like shit, remembering the last time they were taken by the British. The air force was frenzied, and Hemi felt that the Soviet army and the British army were not on the same level.

"At the invitation of the Iranian government, the Iraqi army entered the Tabriz area of ​​Iranian territory to temporarily help maintain peace in Tabriz." After receiving the successful occupation of Tabriz by the Iraqi army, the Iraqi government issued a broadcast, At the same time, this is also a major decision made by Rashid Ali after he masters power in Iraq, and he will also become one of the greatest prime ministers of Iraq!

There is a contradiction between Iraq and Iran. This is determined by a profound historical decision. Although the two countries border on each other, they are ethnically different. One is Arab and the other is Persian.

The most important dispute between the two countries is the border of the Shatt al-Arab.

The Arabian River is formed by the confluence of the Euphrates River and the Tigris River, with a total length of about 204 kilometers. The 102 kilometers downstream of the Gulf form the border between Iraq and Persia. The Arabian River Basin is rich in oil reserves and is an important oil-producing area in Iraq and Persia.

The Arabian River has an important strategic and economic position, which makes Iraq and Persia not give way to each other over the Arabian River border dispute. Whether Iraq will enjoy the sovereignty of the Arabian River exclusively or by Iraq and Iran is the key to the dispute over the Arabian River between the two countries.

Just after Iraq’s independence, when the Iraqi King and Prime Minister visited Iran in 1932, Iran proposed to delimit the Shatt al-Arab border along the central line of the main waterway. After being rejected, the border clashes. At the end of 1934, the two parties appealed this dispute to the League of Nations.

As a result, the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 shook the entire Gulf region, prompting Iraq and Persia to resolve their differences and jointly deal with external threats. In 1936, Iraq and Iran withdrew their respective appeals and resumed direct negotiations.

In 1937, the Iran and Iran signed the Tehran Treaty, reiterating the 1913 Istanbul Agreement and the 1914 Boundary Demarcation Commission’s memorandum as the basis for delimiting the Iran-Iraq border, and stipulating that the border of the Arabian River should be based on the central line of the main channel except near Abadan. Except for the delineation, the rest is still delineated in accordance with the 1913 Istanbul Agreement.

In later generations, the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War was entirely due to the rise of the Iraqi strongman, Damu, who took the risk with the increase in national strength brought about by Iraq’s oil interests.

And now, there is a dispute between Iraq and Iran, but it has not yet reached the point of war. And the invasion of the Soviets gave Iraq a sense of death.

Once the Soviet Union has acquired Azerbaijan and even overthrew the Iranian regime, Iraq will never be better. Now, when it's time to do it, do it!

Anyway, there is Germany behind it, what are you afraid of!

Now they have easily won the victory in Tabriz, making them even more confident.

Of course, after this incident, Iran has to express it! It is easy to invite the Iraqi army over, and to let Iraq retreat, you have to talk about conditions.

The Iraqi army has appeared in Tabriz! They controlled the entire situation in Tabriz. The autonomous republic of Azerbaijan that had just emerged was destroyed in less than a week!

Except for a few high-level officials who slipped away, most of the officials were controlled by the Iraqi army, waiting for an unknown destiny. At the same time, the entry of Iraq caused a major situation in Iran. misfortune.

"We should have expected that the Iraqis would send troops." The Kremlin was relatively deserted, and Khrushchev's words were extremely deep: "The Iraqis cut off our army's back path. The prospects are too bad! "

Even laymen like Khrushchev can see that the fighting situation is no longer optimistic.

Although the Soviet Union can carry out reinforcements from the Caspian Sea, the last time the tank division’s artillery regiment was annihilated, it has been shown that it is not safe to land directly on the Caspian Sea. Even well-equipped troops will be annihilated, not to mention logistics supplies.

The main channel for the Soviet Union to carry out logistical reinforcements is still through land transportation, going to Azerbaijan. The local guerrillas have scratched their heads. Now, with the fall of Tabriz, their logistics have been completely cut off. .

"Now, we have to worry about the safety of the more than 60,000 Soviet soldiers still fighting in Qazvin. They are at risk of being surrounded." Zhukov frowned and said.

With troops being mobilized, the small city of Qazvin has gathered more than 80,000 Soviet troops! This is more than 80,000 mouths, which puts even more pressure on logistics.

"There are already less than sixty thousand people." At this moment, Budjoni said coldly: "The latest report from Gazvin has been received. For twenty-four hours of fierce fighting, the Soviet Red Army in Gazvin was killed. With more than 8,000 people, the front is the same as before yesterday's attack!"

Everyone shivered in their hearts and killed more than 8,000 people! ()

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