The Third Reich

Chapter 1076: No doors

The military parade was over. When night fell, a state banquet was held in the auditorium of the Kremlin. As the head of Germany, Cyrek attended the banquet with his wife and entourage.

After the banquet, Cyrek rested for one night, and the next day he would take a plane, leave the Soviet Union, and return to Germany to end the friendly visit.

As the head of state, Cyric was of course the focus of the audience. Stalin came straight to Cyric with a glass of vodka.

"Head of State Cyric, how about our tanks at the military parade today?" Stalin asked Cyric.

In the past few years, the Germans have been fighting against each other and relying on their tanks. Now, the Soviets have been able to equal the Germans in terms of tanks, and even the Soviet tanks are more powerful than the Germans!

Stalin had already received the report. When the Führer Cyric saw his tank, he was quite shocked. What he wanted was such an effect!

Now, Stalin is telling Cyrek that although the Soviet Union is at a disadvantage in the recent border war, it does not mean that the Soviet Red Army can be underestimated. The Soviet military is quite powerful!

"The Stalin tank is indeed a good tank." Cyric said: "Your tank industry seems to have made great progress."

Cyric just talks about matters. This tank was able to compete head-on with Tiger tanks in the history of World War II. Cyric’s current praise is sincere.

At the same time, he is not compared with his own Tiger tank. If he really encounters it on the battlefield, the Tiger tank will rely on his own advantages to knock down the opponent. At the same time, it is really not good, and his side can also sacrifice more powerful. Of the mouse style.

Hearing what Cyric said, Stalin was extremely happy: "It is really an honor to receive your praise. You are the founder of modern German tanks and have always had a high vision. Our Stalin tanks are indeed of this era. The best tank."

After Cyric became the head of state, many deeds about Cyric were continuously deciphered.

For example, Cyric went to a secret place more than ten years ago and started the development of German tanks. It is precisely because of Cyric's efforts that Germany has always been in a leading position in tanks.

The Panther Tank is a project that has been developed and matured after nearly ten years of hard work under the leadership of Cyric.

Cyrenk also won the title of founder of German modern tanks.

Cyric smiled, did not say anything else, picked up the wine glass, and drank with Stalin.

Don’t compete with Lao Maozi for drinking, and don’t let Lao Maozi think that they have won at the wine table. That is a victory. But when they arrived at the scene, Cyric still indulged a little bit. A piece of cake.

Cyric's drunk made Stalin very interested, and the topic continued.

"Our aircraft carrier, why is it still under maintenance? How long will it take you to deliver our aircraft carrier to us?" Stalin said.

At the beginning, the Soviets had spent a lot of money, but as a result, they still remain in the German shipyard!

Speaking of the aircraft carrier, Stalin didn't feel embarrassed. It was originally Soviet. There was a small accident last time, and that couldn't change the fact that the ownership of the aircraft carrier.

Especially now, reliable intelligence shows that in addition to the German shipyards, the Germans are also in various shipyards in France and Britain, starting construction of new aircraft carriers and battleships. Their progress is very fast. It is said that four aircraft carriers are in operation. The speed of launching one after another within a month is simply jealous.

Where is the Soviet aircraft carrier? Why can't it be repaired?

"It is said that the main engine is malfunctioning? Don't worry. With the deep friendship between us and the Soviets, I will urge the shipyard to repair this aircraft carrier as soon as possible and return it to you." Cyric's face was a little red. It seems that the alcohol is the same: "In another half a year, if the repair is still not possible, then we can first hand over a new aircraft carrier we built to the Soviet Union."

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the interlacing voices and the elegant communication between the upper class women disappeared.

Cyric's promise made the Soviets so overjoyed! This is definitely not a drunk, Cyrek is the head of the German state, and he has to count what has been said!

After a glass of wine, Cyric was really drunk. In the Soviets, there is nothing you can't do without a glass of vodka. If there is, then two!

Cyric held an empty wine glass, swayed for a while, and continued: "However, aircraft carriers alone are not enough. If there is no carrier-based aircraft, the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carriers will not be able to be used at all. The island nation successfully attacked Pearl Harbor. It also depends on a large number of Stuka bombers."

This sentence speaks of the pain of the Soviets.

Yes, the Soviets did not have carrier-based aircraft.

The Soviet Union has always attached importance to ground forces. Army tanks are being built in large numbers. At this time, where can I have the energy to do more projects? The Air Force’s planes are still catching up with the Germans. The FW190 fighter jets escorted by the Germans this time have made Soviet aircraft designers bewildered It is simply an excellent fighter in the entire airspace, the Soviet Union How can we achieve suppression in performance?

Therefore, the Navy’s carrier-based aircraft has not yet seriously entered into the project development. The Navy has put forward some ideas. For example, the use of biplane aircraft such as the Iraq-15 has a low take-off and landing speed. It is absolutely no problem to board the ship, but the combat effectiveness is high. It's scum.

The island nation’s attack on Pearl Harbor was successful because of the large number of Stukas! Germany has always been in an advanced position in terms of carrier-based aircraft.

Just now I was still complacent about the lead on the tanks. Now Stalin has felt the shame and let people build an aircraft carrier. Now on the carrier-based aircraft, do I have to beg others?

"Our aeronautical engineers have a lot of experience in researching carrier-based aircraft. If you need help, we can provide technical support at any time." Cyric said: "The friendship between our Germany and the Soviets is unbreakable. ."

Speaking of this, Hannah has already come by Cyric's side: "Head of Cyric, we seem to be going back."

But we can't keep Cyric here and continue to talk nonsense, he is almost selling Germany to the Soviet Union.

As a result, Cyric left the venue with Hannah's support. When he sat in Cyric's bullet-proof car, Cyric had a sly smile on his face, where there was a hint of alcohol.

Finally, once the Soviets were better, there was no way to want an aircraft carrier! First, on the carrier-based aircraft, divert the attention of the Soviets. If the Soviets really take the bait, then they need to fly the Soviet aircraft to Germany for modification, just to thoroughly study the performance of their aircraft.

What Yak-1, MiG-1, etc., let the Luftwaffe familiarize it in advance! ()

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