The Third Reich

Chapter 1112: Hit the toilet head

At the beginning, Germany used the old tube radio, which consumes a lot of power, is bulky, and is complicated to operate. Each level of communication needs to switch the frequency, so a dedicated radio operator is needed. The human tank squad is the most fully equipped.

Now, with the advancement of electronic technology in Germany, the size of the transistor radio station has been greatly reduced, and the operation is also simpler. Although there are still radio operators, the main task of the radio operators is to operate machine guns.

At the same time, the captain does not need a radio operator to communicate with the superior, the captain can directly call the superior on the radio.

The sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile is a special armor-piercing projectile with the latest technology that Cyrenk proposed and gradually turned into a reality by German technicians. Its most suitable name should be called the stabilized tail piercing armor-piercing projectile. However, This argument is too convoluted, and it is the most convenient way to call the shelling armor-piercing bullet.

This kind of armor-piercing bullet is specially used for the most terrible targets. Ordinary armor-piercing bullets are more than enough to deal with goods like T-34.

"Sub-caliber armor-piercing bullets, reload!" Bowman shouted.

The loader bent down and skillfully stuffed a red-marked armor-piercing projectile into the tank gun, closed the gun door, and shouted: "Loading is complete!"

"Just ahead, a KV-2, a distance of 1,500 meters, prepare!" Karl Bowman continued to shout.

Next to him, the gunner steadily stepped on the pedals, and the heavy turret began to rotate, and finally, he placed the opponent firmly in the center of his optical sight.

"The distance is 1,300 meters."

In this era, there is no such advanced thing as a laser rangefinder. The judgment of the target distance is completely calculated according to the most basic optical laws through the scale in the optical lens of the sight.

Bowman is a young guy, his mind is extremely flexible, and his calculations are so easy.

The driver in front, Hensley, was concentrating on driving his tank. In this kind of battle, it is important to catch the enemy quickly, and it is more important to stop at any time.

"A thousand and a hundred meters away, stop and fire!" Bowman shouted loudly.

After receiving the order to stop, Hensley stepped on the brakes, and the harsh metal sound of the brake band rubbing came from the tail, and the heavy tiger tank stopped abruptly.

The sudden inertia made the tank's barrel go down a little, and then, at a moment when stability was restored, the gunner's foot stepped on the trigger.


There was a loud gunfire, and the whole tank trembled.

The propellant burned violently, pushing the shell to an initial velocity of 1,100 meters per second in less than a second!

The speed of a projectile is related to the weight of the warhead. With the same kinetic energy, the smaller the mass, the higher the speed.

The tungsten alloy warhead flew out of the muzzle, and when it was out of the chamber, two halves of the bullet stock fell from its tail.

This small buttress is the most critical device in the entire sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile. It is the most effective way to increase the penetration depth by reducing the diameter of the warhead and increasing the aspect ratio.

The tail of the armor-piercing bullet stretched out its dexterous wings and flew towards the opposite side.

This distance is only one second.

Inside the KV-2 tank, Battalion Commander Kurilenko looked at the German tank rushing over, feeling a little nervous.

Those tanks are the latest tanks used by Germany in the last Brest conflict. It is said that they are more advanced than the Panther 3 tanks. Can your own 152mm tank gun effectively pose a threat to them?

"Load the grenade." He called to his loader.

The 152mm gun of the KV-2 tank was originally an emergency. This is the Navy’s shortened M-10 howitzer.

This type of gun has only one type of ammunition, which is a 52kg high explosive. Although the Navy’s 1915/28 semi-armor piercing projectile KV-2 can also be fired, this projectile is generally only used by the Soviet Navy and its inventory is small. Due to the huge shells, the KV-2 tank only carried 36 shells.

This is simply cheating. Use grenade against enemy armor?

The answer is completely feasible. The grenade mainly relies on the explosives in the warhead. As long as the amount of explosives is sufficient, any armor can be exploded. Explosive armor is also a way.

After receiving the order, the loader began to carry the shells, first stuffed the warheads, and then stuffed the propellant. Of course, the 52 kg shells were loaded separately. Otherwise, how could the loader carry all the shells like this? Go in?

This slow movement took about 30 seconds, which was already the fastest speed.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching, and the opponent's tank can already be clearly seen. In the sight, you can even see the bolts that fix the additional armor on the opponent's tank.

The distance of the firefight will soon be close to one kilometer. When dealing with armored targets, UU read www.uukanshu. The best distance for them is no more than five hundred meters. One kilometer away, they definitely flew.

However, Kurilenko was surprised to see that the leading tank on the opposite side stopped in an instant. Within less than two seconds of stopping, a burst of black smoke came out of the muzzle. Fire!

Germany's most elite tank unit is said to be able to make a first hit from a kilometer away. Originally, Kurilenko thought this was a legend, but he did not expect the Germans to actually do it.

"Brake!" Kurilenko shouted loudly. As he shouted, he felt his body start to rush forward involuntarily and hit the front armor. Although he was wearing a thick tank cap, he felt Feel the pain.

When the opponent shoots, you can get rid of it through various maneuvers. After all, the tank is not as flexible as the airplane, and when the power is limited, the brake is the best choice.

If it is a low-profile T-34 tank, this trick may really work, but unfortunately, they are driving a KV-2 tank with a toilet head!

The main purpose of the brake is to let the opponent’s shells hit the open space in front of the opponent. After all, the opponent has to arrange the advance according to the speed of both parties. However, because the KV-2's head is too large, the opponent is aiming at its large size. Head, now he brakes suddenly, which only caused the opponent's trajectory to deviate a little.

It was supposed to hit the middle of the toilet head, at the position of the gun shield. Now, this armor-piercing bullet hit the bottom part of the toilet head!

This is a flat piece, 110 millimeters thick, and now the armor-piercing projectile comes with an angle, it has to pass through 120 millimeters thick.

For the thin-rod tungsten alloy warhead, this thickness is simply a sledgehammer. ()

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