The Third Reich

Chapter 1115: Where is Pavlov

The German offensive was quite fierce, and after the day lighted up, the German troops were already swarming.

The three-way army, with 20,000 tanks, was racing wildly on the vast expanse of the Soviet Union.

Take the Middle Route Army as an example. After dawn, it was divided into two directions, with the second armored cluster and the third armored cluster as the forerunners, and the high-speed tanks as the main offensive force, from the Suwałki Province and The Brest Fortress in the Warsaw region is advancing rapidly in two directions towards the Yavistok bulge in the east and the direction of Minsk. If you look at it from the map, it looks like two arms outstretched. The middle part is all surrounded by arms.

When their main force meets in Minsk, more than 600,000 troops in the western Soviet special military region in the entire Belarusian region will be surrounded.

The current situation on the front line is undoubtedly not optimistic.

Because of the sudden attack, the German troops rarely encountered large-scale organized resistance and counterattack during the initial offensive. The troops in the various stations must be united and twisted into a rope to have combat effectiveness. But now, the various troops in the entire Western Special Military Region have not received any orders. They can only exchange fire sporadically with the Germans in their own defense zones. At the same time, it is waiting for the combat order from the front command of the Western Front Army.

The situation on the front line is chaotic, and in the Kremlin, the high-ranking Soviet commanders are also judging the situation ahead.

Obviously, such a huge military invasion by the Germans simply cannot be stimulated by their own heavy thunderstorm plan. The military scale of the Germans needs to be mobilized at least half a year in advance.

We were all deceived by the Germans.

Now, it is useless to say that these are no longer useful. The Germans are launching an offensive on such a long front at the same time. Do they have enough strength or do they have a main attack and a feint? What are their strategic goals?

"We have not contacted the Western Special Military Region." An adjutant came in and reported to Zhukov.

Looking at that large-scale map, the blue arrows drawn on it represent the current known attack sequence of the German army, but it is not accurate based on the intelligence gathered by a few limited reconnaissance planes.

Even so, Zhukov still smelled something from the middle.

"Now, our Western Special Military Region is very dangerous." Zhukov said to Stalin: "Now, the Germans are attacking our central part, the Belarusian region, in two troops."

Pointing at the map above with the command stick, Zhukov analyzed: "In the middle of these two offensive forces are the main forces of our Western Special Military Region. These forces are currently in garrison or camping, and their troops are deployed in depth. It’s too shallow, and they can’t attack or defend here. If the Germans quickly outflank the two wings, the three army groups inside would be easily eaten by the Germans.”

Zhukov didn't trust Pavlov. This person has no overall view of the situation. Moreover, the German offensive was so fierce that Pavlov might have been knocked unconscious.

Stalin also frowned: "Then immediately contact Pavlov and ask him to organize troops to stop the German attack and cut off the German attacking arm."

"However, we couldn't reach Pavlov, he was not in the special military command headquarters." Zhukov said helplessly.

At this most critical time, as the commander of the entire Western Special Military Region, as the field commander who collided with the Germans in the first wave, Pavlov was not in his post!

No one knows where Pavlov is now. The German offensive has been planned for a long time. Many telephone lines have been cut off. The signal soldiers have been assassinated, and there is chaos.

But at least, Pavlov should be in his headquarters. Where did he go?

At this time, Pavlov, who was chanted by Moscow, had arrived at the station of the Thirteenth Army, and gathered all the senior commanders of the Army.

"This is our most critical battle. We must muster the courage to defeat the enemy with the belief in victory. Our Soviet army is the most powerful, and our tanks are also the most advanced. Let us unite around the Party Central Committee with Stalin at the same time..."

Pavlov’s speech lasted more than two hours. During these two hours, there were continuous emergency reports, but no one dared to pass it to Pavlov.

Later generations judged Pavlov, and some people said that he was wronged. After all, few troops that entered the battlefield survived the first wave. It depends on who caught up, and who was unlucky.

However, Pavlov is still to blame. At this critical time, he was not in his front army command, but in a front-line group army command. He was simply stupid.

In his eyes, the most important thing now is to encourage to strengthen the belief in victory. As the commander of the dignified Western Special Military Region, he is now working as a propaganda department officer. task.

General Pavlov was promoted too quickly, and he assumed too much responsibility before he had the corresponding ability. During the Spanish Civil War, he was just a tank soldier, and he had no overall view at all.

In the Western Special Military Region, he was even more incompetent. The two most elite group armies went too far to the Bialystok salient, and there were not enough reserves. The entire air force is concentrated on a few airports, making them good targets for the enemy.

Moreover, now, after the war began, Pavlov actually went to a group army, which was tantamount to giving up command of the front army as a whole. Intensified the chaos. The loss of hundreds of thousands of troops is counted on his head, and it is not wronged.

Just when the 14th Mechanized Army on the front was killed by the German tank troops, in their south, the 9th Mechanized Army of the Southwest Front Army was still hurried on its way.

In the direction of Ukraine, Germany also launched a large-scale offensive, and the 9th Mechanized Army was ordered to advance to the Voronsky New City, Rivne, and Lutsk.

"Quick, quick, we must follow the command of the headquarters to reach our position!"

The 9th Mechanized Army was placed in the rear, but now they were ordered to rush to the front line urgently, and their troops would be exhausted.

The 35th Tank Division is a mechanized unit. They can advance in the wilderness, leaving the road to their brothers, the 131st Motorized Infantry Division.

At this time, carrying their own equipment, the infantry comrades were panting.

The trucks in the formation are completely invisible. Their motorized unit is completely pure infantry. ()

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