The Third Reich

Chapter 1126: Respite

The bridge over the Sterry River was blown up, finally giving the Soviet 9th Mechanized Army a chance to breathe. At this time, they already knew that their 20th tank division was annihilated. They only had access to the 35th Tank Division. On a plain where there is no danger to defend, the 131 motorized division can't do much.

As long as the Germans break through the river, it will be a tragic battle. Major General Rokosovsky is not optimistic about the battle. On his defense, at least five German armored divisions are coming in. .

The only thing that gave him peace of mind was that at dawn, the supply convoy finally arrived. As long as his tank troops had fuel supplies, they could deploy defenses along the river bank and fight again for a while.

At the same time, the Southwest Front Army Command in the rear is also aware of the danger here. There are successive troops arriving here. As long as they continue to persist, they can wait until reinforcements arrive.

At that time, you can really launch a counterattack!

The GAZ-AAA truck, roaring, came to the 35th Tank Division, and the tank soldiers who had already waited impatiently helped.

From the back of the truck, drag out the fuel pipe, open the fuel tank cover at the rear of the tank, and quickly refuel!

The engine rumbles, and the fuel pump continuously pumps out the fuel and delivers it to the fuel tank of the tank. Every tank is a monster that drinks oil. Take the current T-34, which has 409 liters of fuel in the car. It also has a 150-liter external fuel tank.

A truck with a load of two tons can only refuel four tanks.

The tank soldiers listened to the sound of the fuel pump. As long as the tank was full of fuel, they would not lose their equipment and run away like the 20th tank division. They would go to fight and let the Germans know how powerful the Soviet tanks were!

However, just when they started to refuel, there was a rumbling sound in the sky above their heads.

A terrifying HS-129 attack plane has flown over them!

The anti-aircraft artillery of the tank division began to shoot into the sky sparsely, but the Germans were so skillful that they had already begun to dive and shoot at these tankers!

"Tom Tom Tom!" It was still three consecutive fires, and the armor-piercing incendiary bomb hit the tanker truck that was refueling.

A violent fire emerged from the tanker truck. The fire was expanding rapidly. The entire tanker truck turned into a flaming torch.

Diesel is not easy to ignite, but this does not mean that it cannot be ignited. (I remember that after an hour, the tractor’s fuel tank was not visible at night, and a driver used a lighter to check it, but was burned extensively by the flame.)

Especially in the current refueling state, there is pressure in the oil pipe, and the upper space inside the oil pipe is also filled with air. The air and the volatile diesel oil are mixed together, and the armor-piercing incendiary bomb is ignited and burns quickly. When the lower diesel is heated to the ignition point during combustion, it will also join the combustion.

"Quick, leave!" Although the tank has not been filled up, the driver quickly jumped into the tank. With the sneer of compressed air, the tank's engine was started, he put in gear, and the tank moved towards Drive away.

At this time, the flames had already burst over, and the cap on the driver's head was all grilled. With a fearless spirit, he continued to step on the accelerator to save his tank.

Not afraid of personal death, in order to win, you can give your life!


Tiger tanks with their barrels high, appeared from the horizon, tanks after tanks, like a group of monsters, their tail engines emitting black smoke, their tracks crushed the mud by the river, they looked The bridge that has been blown up here can only be sighed.

Sitting in his tank and observing the bridge here with binoculars, General Felix Steinner, the division commander, was quite dissatisfied.

They were a step slower. Although they had already crossed as fast as they could when they encircled and annihilated the 20th Tank Division, they were still a step slower. The bridge was blown up by the Soviets.

Although our own air force strikes the Soviets in the sky, as long as the bridge is broken, their actions will be blocked. It will take a long time to mobilize engineers from the rear.

"Commander, our infantry tanks can cross the river, so let us use infantry tanks to destroy them!" Felix's side, the regiment commanders suggested to him.

Tiger tanks, Panthers tanks, these equipment can not cross the river, but the infantry fighting vehicle is no problem.

However, Felix shook his head: "No."

The reason is very simple. The opposite river bank has been armed by the Soviets. From the river bank, you can see the opponent’s tanks and anti-tank guns lined up along the river bank. If your own infantry fighting vehicle passes directly, it will be greatly affected. Strikes, after all, infantry fighting vehicles are all thin-skinned stuffing, unattended.

Moreover, even in the past, infantry fighting vehicles cannot compete with tanks.

"Our engineers will arrive in 12 hours." An adjutant in charge said Felix nodded helplessly and waited for 12 hours. What a pity, if If he arrived earlier, he would be able to kill all the Soviets on the opposite side!

At this time, I wonder how the other armored divisions are progressing?

Suddenly, an idea came out of his head. Who said that tanks can't cross the river without a bridge? Your own tanks have tried some special methods to cross the river, and you can try it now!

At this time, in the rear, in the headquarters of the 1st Armored Army Group, General Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist, also received news that the front line attack was blocked.

He looked at the map, looked at the Sterry River, pondered for a moment, and said: "Order the 11th and 13th Armored Divisions behind us to find a breakthrough from the upper reaches of the river and cross the river, the 14th and 16th Armored Divisions, Looking for a breakthrough from the lower reaches, crossing the river, the 16th Armored Division, following behind the Viking Division, we broke through in three directions! After the breakthrough, don’t attack the Soviet army on the river bank for now, continue to advance in depth and eliminate the Soviet reinforcements !"

In the previous wars of General Klester, he also showed his talents and applied them handily to armored forces. Now, his command is quite artistic.

The Soviets also planned to deploy defenses on the banks of the river, trying to block their own side here, and even began to counterattack, and their own side, just to find a way to bypass this line of defense, and then attack their reinforcements!

The Soviet reinforcements did not come all at once. Their hastily marching, first and later, could just surround and destroy them in batches!

Eat up the Soviet army bit by bit, then Bingfeng points straight to Kiev! The vast Ukrainian Great Plain is simply the world of German armored soldiers! ()

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