The Third Reich

Chapter 1130: The **** of Soviet tanks

Destroyer tanks are only suitable for sneak attacks. Their armor is quite weak, and they will definitely not be able to stop the enemy's tank guns.

And now, the Soviet tanks have found their position and are rushing towards them!

"Attention, keep firing and kill the Soviet tanks 500 meters away." Shute continued to command calmly on the radio: "Destroy their T-34 tanks first."

The new T-34 is powerful, the old T-26 is different, and the old tanks are not as good as the stalkers.

The various industrial processing precisions of the Soviets are not high enough, and the same is true in the optical field. Their sights are not accurate enough, and their tank guns are not accurate enough. Only within 500 meters can they have sufficient destruction capability. Meters away, the 76mm tank gun was easily fired.

Now, the distance between one thousand meters and five hundred meters is the **** of Soviet tanks!

"Turn right three degrees." The gunner continued to shout to the driver.

Because of the constant rotation, the ground near the car body was crushed to pieces by the crawlers. Just before the car body turned around, Shute suddenly shouted: "Full speed, reverse!"

Hearing his command, the driver did not hesitate to put in reverse gear. The gears in the gearbox made a rattling noise. After half a second, the noise finally stopped. Then, the 160-horsepower gasoline engine at the rear made a huge roar. , Amidst the black smoke, the compact car body quickly retreated backwards!

"Boom!" A shell hit the place where they just hid. If they didn't go back, they would definitely be destroyed.

Although the accuracy of the Soviet tank guns at a distance of more than 500 meters is not high, it does not mean that there are no blind cats and dead mice.

After evading a hit, the entire crew did not feel the slightest thrilling feeling, just like ordinary training, the gunner continued to give orders, and the 75mm gun fired again while the car was rotating.

"Boom!" Another T-34 on the opposite side was hit.

At this moment, the opponent's position suddenly changed. As the T-34s were hit, the remaining T-26 tanks finally stopped fighting. They had no time to turn around and even hung up. Reverse gear and retreat back.

Since T-34 couldn't stop the attack, even if T-26 rushed up, there was only one left to die.

The artillery battle lasted for fifteen minutes, and it ended with the retreat of the Soviet tanks. Seeing those retreating tanks, Shute certainly would not let them go.

"Go ahead! Destroy all the Soviet tanks!" Shute shouted over the radio.

Following his orders, one after another stalker tank destroyer appeared from their hiding place, and the unique appearance immediately stunned the Soviet tank soldiers on the opposite side.

"what is that?"

"We thought it was an exchange of fire with the German main tank unit, and now it is these ugly reptiles who ambushed us?"

A famous tank soldier cursed. They did not believe in this small "tank". They had just destroyed most of their T-34 tanks. Now, when they saw these German "tanks" come up, they I felt scared again.

The T-26, which is backwards, can never escape the opponent's pursuit!

After all, the Stalker tank destroyer was developed from the chassis of a light tank. In order to top this 75mm cannon, it made many compromises, such as removing the turret, for example, the maximum speed is only 40 kilometers. hour.

If those high-speed T-26s turned around and escaped, the hunters would definitely not catch up, but now the other party is running backwards, then in the eyes of the hunters, it looks slow.

"Stop, fire!"

The stalkers came to a halt from the rapid advance, and the 75mm tank gun roared, followed, and continued to accelerate forward. This kind of shooting on the move, they did well.

"Boom!" A T-26 was destroyed. The frontal armor of this tank was only 15 mm thick. Even large-caliber anti-tank guns could not stop it. In front of the 75 mm tank gun, this This tank can only be killed!

For the anti-tank battalion of hunters, the remaining battles can no longer be called battles, but can only be called massacres.

While they were chasing and killing the Soviet tanks, the reconnaissance troops continued to investigate forward.

The BMW R-75 motorcycle is advancing on the bumpy road. The windbreaker on Conrad is already full of dust. The Soviet land is full of dust, which is not as clean as Germany.

Tross sat on the sidecar of the motorcycle and lit a cigarette.

Smoking is harmful to health, but smoking can relieve fatigue, especially for soldiers who may lose their lives at any time, smoking is a way to relieve stress.

Unfortunately, on a galloping motorcycle, smoking is not so comfortable. The wind blows and it is very difficult to light a cigarette, and after a few puffs, only smoke is left~www.mtlnovel. com~ Throwing the cigarette **** to the ground, Tross picked up his telescope again.

Then, there was a joyful expression on his face: "We found that the Soviet motorized troops, about the size of a regiment, are moving in our direction. Quickly, we have to inform the troops behind to eat this one. Soviet army!"

If the Soviet mechanized army is the whole army acting together, then they can even counter-encircle the 42nd army in Germany and even eat them. But now, the scattered Soviet army only creates opportunities for being eaten by the Germans.

Their backward communication system made them unaware that the tank regiment in front of them had been eaten. This army, numbered as the 4th Mechanized Regiment, was also on the way.

Although it is called a mechanized regiment, the number of vehicles in their army is also insufficient, but fortunately, as an independent mechanized regiment, they have found enough horses.

Their various heavy weapons, including heavy machine guns, including field guns, ammunition, and grain, are all being pulled by horses, and they just need to go lightly.

Head Alexander, sitting in an open-top GAZ off-road vehicle, his body swayed with the car, his eyes fixed on the spread map.

At the current advancing speed, they will be able to reach Grodno tonight, but Alexander is always a little disturbed in his heart.

Now, he didn’t know what troops were nearby. He didn’t know anything except the tank regiment in front of him. It was the tank regiment. It was only after seeing the traces of the tracks on the ground that he sent someone to contact him. .

What's the situation in the neighborhood now? No one told him that he just received the order to go to Grodno to defend and counterattack, but this feeling of smearing his eyes made him very uncomfortable.

Germans, will they show up nearby?

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