The Third Reich

Chapter 1139: Infantry behind

The Soviet tank army once appeared, but because of a mistake in decision-making, the tanks were broken up and organized. It was only 39 years before the formation of tank divisions began.

According to the assumption, the tank division has two tank regiments, one motorized infantry regiment, one artillery regiment, and some service support units. The division has 11,343 personnel, about 60 artillery and mortars, and 375 tanks, including 63 KV heavy tanks, 210 T-34 medium tanks, and 102 T-26 and BT tanks.

Similarly, because of the backwardness of Soviet military production and the expansion of troops, many troops are dissatisfied with the organization. For example, the current 35th Tank Division has no heavy tanks at all.

Of course, it can also be seen that not all tank divisions are tank units. They also have infantry. German armored divisions also have the same infantry organization.

In the process of marching, the infantry of the tank division can be carried on the tank to advance and arrive at the battlefield synchronously. When the tanks are assembled and charged, the infantry will also be accompanied by the attack, although not on the front line, sweep the battlefield. It's also good to solve the opponent's remaining enemies.

And now, they are such an action plan, they don't know that danger is coming.

The German tank troops crossed by with the Soviet tank troops, rushing towards the infantry behind!

Tanks with machine guns can bring damage to infantry, but it is not worthwhile for tanks to fight infantry. If an infantry fighting vehicle rushes into the infantry of the Soviet Union, it is simply a wolf into the flock!

The tank only has one or two machine guns, and the infantry fighting vehicle, everyone is holding a burst weapon, at the same time, the 40mm Bofors tank gun is definitely a nightmare for the opponent's infantry!

For the mechanized infantry regiment under the jurisdiction of the 35th Tank Division, today is definitely an unforgettable day for them.

They were following the tank and advancing. They couldn't see the situation on the opposite side. They could only see their tank troops advancing and advancing, so they also followed and advancing.

As a result, when their tanks passed by, in the cracks of their tank forces, they killed out the German tanks, which made them suddenly stunned. They are not deploying defenses on their positions, but attacking them. In, there is no bunker around them that can block the German tanks!

Seeing the German tank rushing over, they immediately stopped advancing. Before the order to retreat was issued, they saw that some wheeled vehicles suddenly appeared in the opponent's attacking queue, and they were facing them at a higher speed. Start the shock!

"Tom Tom Tom!" During the march, the 40-mm Bofors tank gun rang violently, and with the sound of the guns, 40-mm shells flew toward the Soviet infantry.

"Boom!" A 40mm high-explosive grenade hit a tall Russian soldier. In the explosion, his upper body was suddenly blown up, and the lower half was splashed with blood. After taking a step forward, he fell heavily.

The surrounding recruits suddenly weakened their legs. This is the battlefield, a cruel and terrifying battlefield, which makes everyone feel the battlefield to vomit!

Some veterans, having experienced this kind of scene, knew that they could no longer stand it, and immediately ran back.

The wheeled infantry fighting vehicle is advancing at high speed. On the highway, it can travel as fast as 100 kilometers per hour. In this flat field, it can also travel at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

For it, this is a unilateral massacre, and it is full of interest.

The infantry carried inside also opened the rifle insurance and prepared to shoot from the shooting hole. When they entered the team of Soviet deserters, they would be like hedgehogs and could fire on all sides together!

At this time, the previous Soviet light tanks that had rushed past were already in a dilemma. They were divided into two waves. One wave turned around and chased in the direction of the German tanks. The other wave began to impact the defense line of the German encirclement. Want to open the hole and rescue the infantry inside.

In 1930, the Soviet Union purchased two Christie tanks from the United States, which were copied by reverse surveying and mapping, and they were successfully trial-produced at the Kharkiv factory, called the BT-1 fast tank.

After several improvements, the current BT-7 fast tank was developed in 35 years.

This tank body is changed to welded armor, while increasing the armor inclination angle, adopting a newly designed turret and a new engine, and its performance is significantly enhanced.

This enhancement mainly refers to mobility, and the speed of this latest tank has reached 80 kilometers per hour!

From 35 years to the present, this tank has been in mass production and widely equipped to various units.

Unfortunately, the Soviet tank designers did not know the needs of the frontline tank soldiers. For the design indicators of the tank, firepower should be the first element! The speed is not fast enough, and the armor is not thick are all secondary. If they can't penetrate the opponent at zero distance, how can the tank soldiers play?

The BT-7 tank uses a 45mm gun with 188 rounds of ammunition, which can be used as a machine gun.

Now, this kind of fast tank with thin skin and stuffing quickly dashed towards the German position. Their role at this time was the same as that of German infantry fighting vehicles. They used armored force to attack the opponent's infantry and open the gap.

It is a pity that they encountered German infantry, and they were also infantry of the Viking Division!

"Recoilless guns are all ready, let the Soviets know how good we are!" Sitting next to a tiger tank, using binoculars to watch the 30 or so fast tanks rushing up in front, Felix shouted To say.

In fact, they have reserved some tanks here. If they are now on top, these light tanks of the Soviets can be easily eliminated, but Felix did not do this. Those reserve teams are to guard against the enemy in the encirclement. It is used at any time, especially now, when there is the impact of Soviet tank troops outside, the Soviets in the encirclement must be thinking of breaking through.

There is no need for tanks at all. This kind of light tank can be dealt with with recoilless guns!

Just after their tanks were dispatched, recoilless guns were deployed at the front of the position.

The LG40 recoilless gun is lighter and is mainly used by airborne troops. For the armored grenadiers of the armored division, the 105mm recoilless gun is king.

These recoilless guns are almost all deployed on portable four-wheeled mobile launch vehicles, that is, the well-known 82-barrel vehicle. On the top of the convertible, the tube protruding from the middle is this weapon.

At this time, these barrel carts were hidden in the front of the position. After receiving the order, they prepared orderly.

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