The Third Reich

Chapter 1153: Tank fight plane

When the war broke out on the first day, the Luftwaffe destroyed the Soviet front-line aviation, a large number of aircraft were bombed, the airport was destroyed, and the Soviets almost gave up front-line air superiority.

However, the size of the Soviet air force is quite large. The air force in the rear is constantly moving forward. At the same time, the bombed aircraft are also undergoing urgent repairs.

If you can take a closer look, you can find that Pokaf’s Il-2 plane is full of traces of repairs. It was pieced together with two half-section planes.

In the front half, there was an airplane whose rear fuselage was blown up, and in the back half, a nose was blown up. The two planes were docked into one plane. The woodworker rushed to build a half new one. The wing, the smell of the paint on the wing hasn't dried up yet.

After the plane was repaired, Pokaf piloted the plane to take off. As a result, just after flying for 20 kilometers, he found a huge German tank force. He hardly hesitated and went down to attack.

The Il-2 aircraft is specially used to fight tanks. According to the truth, his 20mm cannon can penetrate the weakest armor on the top of the opponent's tank? Is the armor on the top of the German tank thicker again?

He needs to try again.

As a pilot, you must have a pair of sharp eyes. When Pokaf turned the plane down, he immediately spotted a special tank.

At this time, the other tanks were all speeding away from the road, looking for suitable shelters nearby. At the same time, their self-propelled artillery was still two kilometers away, hurriedly rushing to this side, waiting for the opponent’s self-propelled artillery to come over. He has been able to attack two back and forth, emptying his shells and returning home.

However, he saw that the car didn't evade. On the contrary, it drove on a **** in a maverick manner. The muzzle was facing the direction where he was flying.

Is this challenging yourself?

Pokaf can't believe his eyes. The Germans have begun to be arrogant and arrogant in the past years, and they want to use tanks to hit planes?

Although the 88mm gun of the German tank was improved from the anti-aircraft artillery, there are still many differences between the tank gun and the antiaircraft artillery. For example, his sight is different, and it is used to fight planes. That is a joke. .

Pokaf was very impulsive. He wanted to drive the plane, fly over the opponent's turret, and shoot at the opponent. This would be very exciting, but he didn't.

The advantage of an airplane lies in its strong maneuverability. Since the opponent is lying on the **** and waiting for him to pass, he will circle half a circle and go behind the opponent, hit him from the rear of the opponent, and let him know that the tank hits the plane. How funny.

During the war, there was always a lot of brainstorming behaviors. For example, the German Navy installed anti-aircraft guns on the submarine and planned to shoot directly at the aircraft escorted by the Allied forces. As a result, two ships were sunk, and they were straightforward.

And now, it seems that the tanks hit the planes to be funny.

Pokaf pulled the joystick back, the throttle was fully opened, the Am-38 engine made a roar, and the Il-2 began to climb.

German, see if you can keep up with me?

Pokaf did not go around immediately, but climbed first. In this way, his plane would disappear from the opponent’s line of sight. The reason was too simple, because the opponent was a tank. Their aiming device was mainly It was to look at the enemy's target on the ground. It was impossible to look at the sky. That's why they drove the tank up the dirt slope, and now they climbed up again and disappeared from the opponent's vision.

If the opponent dared to climb out of the turret to observe, he would definitely make him die worse.

After climbing, Pokaf began to turn, ready to go around behind the opponent to attack.

Although the magnification has been adjusted to the minimum and the field of view is maximized, Karyus still cannot capture the opponent's trajectory. The opponent actually got up, pulled up the height, and exceeded his elevation angle.

What is the other party doing?

On the battlefield, tanks are the basic offensive unit, and the judgement of the tank commander and gun commander is very important. In later generations, Karjus’s most famous village of Malinava fought with only a few tanks. , He killed ten times the goal, enough to pass it as a classic, relying on his outstanding judgment.

And now, Karyus also immediately judged the other party's intentions, that the other party wanted to go behind his own side and attack him.

The 20mm armor-piercing projectile could penetrate the back of them. Without even thinking about it, Karjus gave the order: "Kosher, drive over this **** and let our buttocks up."

While giving orders, he stepped on the pedals under his feet, and the turret began to rotate.

As the turret rotated, Kosher also activated the tank.

This soil **** is not big. When the front of the car body is at the top of the slope, the last road wheel of the car body is still at the bottom. At the same time, as long as you move a car length, you can turn it down.

This is an absolute **** uphill, a textual nightmare that has plagued countless female drivers, vowing to never use manual transmission again, but for tanks, this is definitely a trivial matter.

Kosher did nothing but stepped on the accelerator and released the clutch. After the tank body vibrated, the brake levers on both sides were released, and then under the powerful torque of the diesel engine, a black smoke appeared. Out, the tank swished out and went out.

It was as if he was riding a boat on the waves. Going up and down again, Kosher stepped on the brakes severely.

It just so happened that the tank had reached the other side of the slope, now the buttocks were up, and the tank's head went down.

At the same time, the turret turned quickly.

The speed of the turret rotation is related to many factors, such as the weight of the turret, the power of the hydraulic drive, such as the position of the tank, if the car body is tilted, then turning the turret to a high place will obviously waste more energy. .

The turret of the Panther 3 tank is hydraulically driven. Compared with the 25-second lap of the Tiger tank, it only takes 15 seconds. Now, in this complicated situation, it can’t be used. After ten seconds, he turned to the back.

After the turret turned, the Soviet plane appeared in the field of vision.

Holding his breath, Karyus shook the turret and continued to turn it three times. Then, after a silent calculation in his heart, he stepped on the trigger severely.

"Boom!" The 88mm grenade flew out of the muzzle, and a cloud of black smoke rose. At the same time, Karjus shouted: "Start pulling the smoke can and withdraw into the woods."

He can only fire one shot, and he has no chance to reload at all. Karjus cannot let his crew members continue to take risks.

(Some readers may say that the East China Hero is bragging. Well, the East China Hero is also based on information. In World War II, there were indeed weird examples of tanks hitting planes. There were Germans and Allied forces, and successful ones. Two or three times, the German one was created by Karjus's car group.) ()

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