The Third Reich

Chapter 1162: Sinking the Mara

The 47 mm shell flew toward the sky, but it was still a distance away from the Stuka bomber.

If it is a proximity fuze, it will explode as long as it approaches, and its power will be greatly increased. However, the Soviet Union does not have this weapon now. Only the most common warhead needs to be collided to explode. As long as it is not touched, it has no power.

Franz felt the trembling of the cockpit. At this time, his plane was diving down rapidly. As a pilot of a dive bomber, this kind of time was the most bloody.

Adrenaline was secreting rapidly, stimulating Franz's body, his whole body was excited, his eyes were fixed on the huge battleship ahead.

In fact, they have been flying for five minutes, but they hid in the clouds and did not immediately attack.

They are waiting for the opportunity.

If all the Stuka bombers take off together, dozens of large planes fly over, and one wave of attacks will be enough to send all the Soviet warships to hell.

But no, they only have a dozen of them, so they have to calculate it well. After their attack is completed and their main fleet has not arrived, they cannot let the Baltic Fleet run away.

In this case, sinking the opponent into this narrow waterway and blocking the waterway is the most effective solution.

Therefore, hovering in the clouds above, until now, they swooped down and entered an attack state.

As naval carrier-based aircraft pilots, diving into the opponent's warship to attack is one of their most common practice subjects. As long as they enter the diving state, then there is nothing that can make them give up.

Either blow up the enemy’s ship, or be shot down yourself, it’s that simple.

Stuka continued to dive down, and the whistle on the landing gear made a horrifying scream, and the one-ton bomb under the belly of the plane was extremely eye-catching and dazzling.

"Quickly, continue to increase the elevation angle by two degrees, five bursts, and let go!" The squad leader of the antiaircraft artillery continued to command loudly.

Following his order, the high artillery continued to shake the steering wheel.

As the opponent dives lower, their anti-aircraft guns need to be adjusted to a higher firing angle so that they can reach it, but no matter what anti-aircraft guns, there will always be dead ends.

For example, now, the high artillery soldiers are shaking the high and low machines quickly, and at the same time their heads are also moving upwards, their heads are raised, and they have been looking up to the sky.

The dazzling sunlight shining into their eyes, damn, they can't see anything.

No matter when and what kind of battle, using sunlight is the best way. From the current point of view, Stuka is right in the sunlight.

When the gunners blocked the sun with their hands and barely saw clearly, they only saw a dark object that had flown down. It was not an airplane, and the other party had dropped a bomb.

Then, they saw the tongue of flame dragging from the tail of the dark thing. This was still a rocket boosted bomb, a special weapon for the Germans to attack large warships!

This kind of bomb has been established many times, and up to now, surface ships have no effective way to deal with it. The best way is to intercept it before the opponent's dive bomber arrives.

Just after the cover of the sun, Franz dropped the bomb. He didn't have time to watch the result of the bomb attack, so he pulled it up quickly. While pulling the lever, he avoided to the right to avoid being hit by the opponent in the belly of his plane. .

And the machine gunner behind his cockpit fully appreciated the whole process.

What he saw was the tail flame throwing down the bomb, and the rocket boosted bomb attack was so swift and violent that there was no chance for the Mara below to escape.

There was no way for the Mara to escape. It was sailing on the narrow waterway of Kronstadt. If it had a full left or right rudder, it would definitely hit the defensive fortresses on both sides.

It can only continue to accelerate, and then hope that its anti-aircraft guns can knock down these nasty planes.


The rocket boosted the bomb, at a fairly high speed, from the position of the No. 4 turret at its tail, and plunged in.

The Mara has four triple-mounted 305mm main guns, all distributed on the axis, two front and rear. The main gun turret has 254 mm armor, but this is the side armor of the turret. After all, in the era of the rise of battleships, The biggest threat to battleships is the opponent's artillery, which is a side attack.

The armor on the top is only 127 mm. For a one-ton rocket boosted bomb, this layer is as thin as paper.

Easily tore off the armor on the top of the turret, and the bomb continued to fly inward, smashing everything along the way until it hit the round cannonball on the base of the turret.

The layout of any naval gun is the same. The upper part is the cannon, and the lower part is naval artillery shells, which are absolutely powerful when they are killed.

"Boom!" When the huge explosion sounded, the entire battleship Mara trembled violently, just like the desperate neigh of a war horse before death. At this time, the battleship Mara, The tremor that came out seemed to indicate something.

The sound of the explosion followed the steel of the hull and reached every cabin. The recruits looked pale, and the veterans had already reacted. Run, run!

The veteran ran up and didn't want to be drowned. At least he had to run to the deck.

Inside the bridge, Captain Peter poked his head out of the glass on the side, only to see thick smoke billowing behind.

"Quickly, report it," Peter shouted loudly, and just after he had finished speaking into the microphone, he felt the soles of his feet and had begun to tilt.

From the sky, when the explosion occurred, hot flames emerged from the turret, and the triple-mounted turret of thousands of tons was lifted. The blast of air instantly ripped everything around.

From this position, the fully loaded warship with a displacement of 35,000 tons was disconnected, and the fire did not burn, and turbulent sea water poured in. The explosive fracture location quickly sank, and the bow of the ship in front was tilted.

One shell killed the Mara, not because the Soviet navy didn't work hard, but because the gap in this weapon gave the Soviet navy no chance to win.

When it was learned that Stuka had killed the Mara, Rudel, who was an instructor in the rear, specially gave his students a day off and held a lively celebration party at the training base. It seems that he also had a hunch, if he hadn't been forcibly transferred to the rear, sinking the Mara should be his result. ()

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