The Third Reich

Chapter 1192: Step on foot

Wolf den.

"The Soviet bombers bombed our Berlin yesterday. They dispatched three bomber units, but they did not cause any damage to our Berlin. They just dropped bombs in the suburbs and damaged our fields. One household has property losses."

Cyrek listened to the words of Air Force Commander Richthofen, Cyrek's eyes were a little cold: "The Soviets dare to attack us? They do it at a price."

"Yes, we are ready for revenge." Richthofen said: "Our strategic bombers are ready to take off at any time to bomb the Soviet capital, Moscow, and let them know. The cost of bombing our capital."

Bombing is based on principles. Bombing the enemy’s capital will only increase terrorism and will not have much impact on the situation of the war. It will bomb the opponent’s industrial equipment and military bases to attack the opponent’s war potential. At the beginning, Germany was bombing the British. At that time I made a mistake and ran to bomb London, but the British Air Force was relieved.

Now, although Germany has waged a full-scale war against the Soviet Union and has not bombed the capital of the Soviet Union, Moscow, the Soviets first opened this bad example, so don't blame Germany for its crazy revenge.

Over the years, Germany's military strength has developed quite rapidly, and it even feels like alien technology.

Up to now, the Soviets couldn't even fix the engine of a long-range bomber, and there were a lot of malfunctions, while the German bombers could already fly across continents.

If Germany were to bomb Moscow, the Soviets would not have any interception capability. Bombers flying at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters could complete the bombing in a big way, and then fly over calmly. Daytime is enough, and there is no need to wait until night.

Since the Soviets set this precedent, don't blame Germany for being rude.

"No, Moscow is a city with a long history." Cyric said: "Such a city should not be bombed."

Cyric's words made everyone stunned. This is not the style of Cyric's head.

"Those bombers took off from the Northern Military District of the Soviet Union? We will level their bases, yes, it is Petersburg." Cyric said firmly, "Let Petersburg disappear from the earth!"

Once, the British did not yield. As a result, Germany used the thermobaric bombs thrown by bombers to destroy the entire city. Now, it is finally the turn of the Soviets to make Petersburg disappear from the earth!

Compared to bombing Moscow, bombing Petersburg is more practical.

Cyric of course still remembers the defense of Petersburg in history. The German Central Route and the Southern Route Army. The initial progress was quite smooth, and even almost went to Moscow, but the North Route was different. When they reached Petersburg. , Can no longer move forward. For several years, Petersburg was destroyed in ruins, but the Soviets still persisted there until the counterattack.

For the Soviet Union, Petersburg is of great significance. It is the birthplace of the red regime, so they will defend it to the death. At the same time, Germany also regards the victory of Petersburg as a major victory, but unfortunately, It has never been successful.

Cyric will not let this happen. Street fighting is cruel. Advanced technology and equipment can't be used in street fighting. It can be said that street fighting is almost all built on life.

To dye the land of Petersburg red with the blood of precious German soldiers? Cyric will not be so stupid. Take this opportunity to let Petersburg disappear directly from the earth!

Now, troops are constantly flocking to Petersburg. For the Northern Army, the battle in the north is the first to achieve a phased victory. The obstacles in front of them will be eliminated directly!

"Our air force must be prepared. Yes, at noon tomorrow, we will get rid of Petersburg. We must not be merciful. We must make every Russian tremble! We must treat the meaningless laws of the old world. , The Judeo-Christian tradition of the old world is stepping on our feet. We don’t need Russia, neither a hostile Russia nor a friendly Russia. We only need a piece of eastern land. In order to make the Russians completely collapse, we Petersburg must be turned into nothing, turned into dust, and let them disappear from the earth."

Cyric's words immediately cheered everyone up. Yes, it completely wiped out Petersburg and let the Soviets know the cost of the air raid on Berlin! Half an hour later, the German broadcast.

In the past, Hitler's speech was inspiring, but now, Cyric's speech is also passionate, and after hearing it, people will be excited and willing to die.

"Just in the early hours of this morning, we received some reports one after another and gathered all the content together. We got an amazing news that the conspiracy to launch a surprise attack on us is now being defeated by us in the Soviet Union. , Assembled the bomber force, planning to bomb our capital, the center of our empire, the center of our entire Europe, Berlin."

Cyric's voice appeared on the radio. At this time, countless ears were listening across the continent.

"This is a huge insult to our Germany. Those bombs that fell from the sky seem to tell us how powerful the Soviet Union is. They thought that with a few bombs they could make us surrender, let us withdraw our troops, and let us give up this war. Here, I will solemnly tell the Soviets and tell Stalin that your actions like this are extremely wrong, because you have successfully angered the great Germany and the entire Europe!"

"All the bombers took off from Petersburg. There is evil there. To prevent this from happening again, I, on behalf of the whole of Germany and Europe, send notice to the citizens of Petersburg."

Cyric paused and continued: "Please leave Petersburg right now. You only have one day. By noon tomorrow, the city of Petersburg will disappear from the earth."

Similar warnings have been issued in the UK before. Germany is definitely not intimidating. Germany has sufficient strength. At the time, Exeter, in the UK, had received German warnings before being razed to the ground by Germany. The scene is almost exactly the same as it is now.

The whole of Europe will tremble in front of the thermobaric bomb. For Petersburg, the best ending is to disappear from the earth.

Don't blame the Germans for hurting the innocent. What do those so-called innocent people do? They will make weapons. They will also take up weapons and go to the battlefield. Under the Soviet system, every living person will be a fighter.

In Stalingrad, the German troops were about to hit the factory. The workers in the factory still rushed to make tanks, and finally drove the tanks directly onto the battlefield from the production line. It was so tough.

Those people, just die. Moreover, Germany has done its utmost to benevolence and justice, and told them in advance that Petersburg will become ruins. If you don't want to die, you should leave!

Live or die, choose for yourself!

In fact, Cyric's revenge is not wrong.

The bombers of the Soviets had a limited range. They could only have a chance to take off from the coast of the Baltic Sea. As long as Petersburg was abolished, the Soviet bombers would not be able to fly to Berlin unless they only flew one way. Kamikaze troops are no different. ()

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