The Third Reich

Chapter 1212: U.S. support

Roosevelt knew politics better.

When the Soviet Union and Germany began to enter a state of war, the United States had not acted. After all, the Soviet Union was arrogant at the time, thinking that the Soviet Union’s millions of troops were not like Britain and France.

Now, the Soviet Union is being severely beaten by the Germans, and is indeed aware of the huge gap in the military with the Germans.

The German army swept Europe by not only relying on strategic ingenuity, but also on the advantages of the Germans themselves. Their army is the most powerful, well-equipped, experienced, brave and disciplined.

When the German war machine was activated, it was a sweeping situation.

Now, the Soviet Union has been beaten up, and the Soviet Union is very injured. At this time, the Soviet Union can only be relieved by blood transfusions from the United States.

Of course, the United States will not help the Soviet Union become stronger all at once. The best outcome is of course that the Soviet Union will contain Germany and both sides will lose.

The Soviet Union expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of the Americans. In fact, Hopkins had already notified the Soviets before the arrival, but they put all their attention on Petersburg, and they had long since put this piece on. Things have been forgotten, and now, the arrival of the Americans is nothing short of a help.

In a secluded room in the Kremlin, Stalin cordially met with the arriving Hopkins and his party. Not only the Americans came, but he also saw other old faces.

For example, Stanford Cripps, the former British ambassador to Moscow, when Edward VIII came to power, as a diplomat appointed by George VI, he left Moscow and disappeared. Now, he has come again in secret. Here.

Hopkins's appearance is not good, he is quite thin, and his cheekbones can almost be seen on his face.

He came from a humble background and had a difficult life in his childhood. Because he had suffered from typhoid fever since childhood, he was frail and sick, and he was nicknamed "Skinny Monkey".

However, people should not look at their faces. It was such a skinny monkey who became Roosevelt's most important staff, and now he is visiting the Soviet Union with a great responsibility.

"We are very supportive of the Soviet Great Patriotic War. Now, the whole world is shrouded in the shadow of the Axis powers. We must unite to defeat these **** lunatics." Hopkins He said: "Just after I got off the plane, I got news from Petersburg. On behalf of Roosevelt and the United States, please allow me to express condolences to the people who died there. This is another war crime committed by the Germans."

Petersburg was killed by hundreds of thousands at a time, which was the heaviest blow to the Soviet Union. Stalin also looked serious: "The German massacre will not scare us, but will only arouse our patriotic enthusiasm. Hundreds of millions of people will continue to fight with the belief in victory."

In fact, the Soviet Union had just 180 million people before the outbreak of the war. Stalin did not make a mistake.

"Yes, we firmly believe that justice will prevail." Hopkins said: "At the same time, we will also reach out, although we are also very difficult, we will also support the just cause of the Soviet Union."

Before the outbreak of the war, the Soviet Union's military strength was not weak. It deployed a large number of troops, a large number of aircraft and tanks on the border, but now, the Soviet army has disappeared from branch to branch, and its equipment has been greatly reduced.

Now, since the Americans are here to support, Stalin will definitely not be polite.

"Yes, we need the support of American friends. We need planes, artillery, tanks, food, fuel, we are short of everything now," Stalin said.

Tanks, airplanes, artillery, all came here, not too many.

Stalin was full of hope. It seemed that the Americans' support would arrive tomorrow. At this time, he was already a little naive.

"Food and fuel, we can start to support immediately, this is humanitarian." Hopkins said: "As long as we do the handover and plan the route, we can quickly transport. However, tanks, aircraft, artillery, These heavy weapons are not something we can make immediately. After all, this is related to many internal issues."

Both food and fuel can be humanitarian relief supplies. Now, the Pacific is not at peace. The United States must plan a route to transport these supplies to the Soviet Union.

As for the heavy weapons, it is hard to say. When the Soviet Union was established, the ideology was different from that of the West.

Hearing this, Stalin's face changed, so he came to play with me? As long as some food and fuel, without weapons, what's the use?

However, as a politician, he was not immediately annoyed. He knew that the Americans had something to say.

Sure enough, Hopkins continued: "I suggest that we, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom, and the governments of our three countries hold a positive so that we can respond to relevant strategies on each of our battlefields. The interests and the interests of our countries do a joint study."

When the United States supports weapons, we must first say everything. The Atlantic battlefield, the Pacific battlefield, Europe, and the Middle East, how to distribute these interests, must be agreed in advance.

Between countries, interests are unique. If there is no interest, how could the United States support the Soviet Union!

Stalin nodded: "I have no doubts about holding such a meeting. I hope we can hold it as soon as possible. It's in Moscow, how about?"

After speaking, Stalin explained: "In this case, I can attend this meeting in person."

Now that the Soviet Union is fighting fiercely, it is impossible for Stalin to go to other places to participate in the meeting. This reason is normal.

Hopkins nodded: "Okay, I will tell President Roosevelt as soon as possible. In the next meeting, we will discuss the details of various support. However, seeing your recent actions, we found that you are indeed There is an urgent need for fighter jets."

Petersburg was bombed because the fighter jets were not powerful. The main fighter jets of the Soviet Union were bombed almost on the first day of the war. The existing aircraft production simply couldn't keep up with the needs of the battle.

Stalin was immediately happy.

"So, although we have not yet started a specific meeting, we in the United States can provide a batch of fighter jets for you to use, to help you protect the airspace." Hopkins said.

"To our American friends for sending carbon in the snow, I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of the Soviets." Stalin was very happy. The technical level of the Americans is much higher than that of the Soviet Union. The fighter jets provided by the United States will be used by the Soviets. It played a huge role in the war of nations. ()

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