The Third Reich

Chapter 1236: Railway station loading

"Long, rumble." Amid the roar of the engine, brand-new Tiger tanks came in from the gate over there. The tanks had just come off the production line, and there was still a smell of paint on the tanks.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they stared at the tank blankly, full of envy.

For a long time, they have been hoping that they can drive a tank that really belongs to them, instead of going to other tanks only during training, and they have been told to be careful not to break it.

Now, the tank in front of me is my own, no one can take it away!

There was only one driver on the tank. He drove the tank into the white line, then stopped, looked at Hans and the group, and said, "I came so early today? Hey, no, why haven't I met you before? "

"We are new here." Hans said, and jumped into a tank: "Now let's drive out and test immediately. Come on!"

The others reacted and jumped into the tank quickly.

A normal Tiger tank requires five people to operate. Now, of course, they can’t make up the entire tank group, basically two or three people per tank.

There are a total of six Tiger tanks, enough for 3 tanks of their tanks. When Zwidi got into the turret of the Tiger tank, smelling the special smell from the leather inside, he looked at the brand new tank. Know, this adventure is worth it!

No matter what sanctions I will recite in the future, I recognize that no one can take these tanks from my hands. I have to take these tanks to the battlefield!

"3rd company, let's go!"

Tiger tanks drove out from the test field. They circled the test field in a big way, and then found a gap. While the first batch of test tanks were returning, they drove outside. The road to escape.

Although it is an out-and-out heavy tank, it is absolutely light in running.

Relying on the wide track and the advanced diesel engine at the back, after continuous improvement, the current engine can produce more than 800 horsepower, although it will not be comparable to the 1500 horsepower tanks of later generations. , But the mobility is absolutely top-notch. For example, even if the factories behind them found out to catch up, they would never catch up.

What's more, it's getting dark outside.

"We go directly to the train station. As long as we rush through the chaos and load the train, no one can go back." Hans said, "Brothers from the third company, I have to go down halfway."

Hans stretched out his hand without hesitation this time. In fact, it has nothing to do with him. He is in the second company. He is operating a mouse tank. He does not return to the team now. Maybe he will be wanted as a deserter. He went back. The battalion commander reported that the 3rd company went directly to the train station!

When Hans returned to the garrison, he was scolded by the battalion commander: "There are only six people in a tank, so you escaped from work!"

Seeing the tank with the track more than one meter wide removed and replaced with a narrow track, which has been loaded on a special flatbed truck for transport, Hans’s face showed a sincere apology: “I’m sorry, battalion commander, me and Some of the comrades in Company 3 celebrated that we are about to unplug, and some people in Company 3 have already gone to the train station, so we don’t have to wait for them."

The mouse tank is quite large. When transferring over long distances, because the width of the train is not enough, the mouse tank must be removed and replaced with a narrow track before it can board the train.

At the same time, when transferring to the railway station, special flatbed vehicles are also used. For the mouse tank, its motorized hours are limited. Only when it is on the battlefield can it be invincible. For normal transfers, special-made vehicles must be used. flatbed truck.

Changing the track is an absolute physical task, and six people must work together. At this time, Hans actually ran away. It should be a curse. What's more, the battalion commander smelled alcohol in Hans' mouth. Son, he became even more angry at once: "Hans, what you did today, let you remember first, we will calculate it together when we return from the war!"

The mouse tank weighs 150 tons. Its tractor trailer is a special one with more than one hundred wheels. At the same time, the front tractor is also a special 8*8 drive off-road tractor.

The speed of action is not fast. Fortunately, soon after I got out of the training ground, I was on a wide and flat asphalt road. After I got on the road, my speed came up.

When I arrived at the train station, it was already midnight.

"Quickly, load the truck, and be careful!" Battalion Commander Mark watched the mouse tank come down from the trailer and commanded loudly.

For other tanks, you can get on the flatbed sideways and adjust it back and forth a few times, and the car body will be parallel to the flatbed, but the mouse tank will not work.

It is necessary to use a **** to go straight up in parallel from the last trailer. Every step is careful. At this time, it is a great test of the driver's skills.

The track becomes narrower, and the danger is even greater. If you don’t pay attention, you will fall off the Hans looks at his captain Kurt, standing in front, directing the driver to stabilize Drive up steadily, and when the entire mouse tank is driven up, the train squeaks.

"Everyone, push the cart over!" When he jumped out of the cart, Kurt shouted to his subordinates.

Push! The young guys, bending over, pushing the flatbed, slowly forward.

With the addition of the mouse tank above, the entire flatbed truck exceeded 170 tons, and the smooth track made the sound of metal rubbing, and everyone tried their best.

This flatbed truck was taken off separately. Now, they need to push to the train in front and hang them together. At the same time, they need to push another flatbed truck over to drive other mouse tanks up. That’s it, a little bit. Ground loading.

The loading and unloading of the mouse tank is cumbersome. At the same time, it is quite troublesome to use the tractor to dispatch at the station.

(I remember that a few hours later, Huadong Zhixiong had seen the people on the station pushing the train by hand. It is gone now.)

As the flatbed wagon moved forward, I had already seen the train in front, which was also a flatbed wagon, and other tanks were already installed on it.

Battalion Commander Mark looked at the cart in front of him. A trace of doubt flashed through his mind. It was not right. The cart in front belonged to the 3rd company, but how could it be equipped with a Tiger tank?

Although the camouflage net has been covered, he can still recognize it at a glance. It is indeed a Tiger tank. Under the light, the outline is so clear. What is going on?

In the afternoon Hans’s bizarre outing, he immediately asked Battalion Commander Mark to connect everything, and he couldn’t help calling out loudly: "Hans, come down to me! Tell me what is going on? What about the 3rd company commander?" ()

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