The Third Reich

Chapter 1238: 6 more Tigers

"Battalion commander, this, this is the equipment of our 3rd company." Seeing the question from Battalion Commander Mark, Lieutenant Zwidi became nervous.

During this period of time, he hurriedly loaded the Tiger tank on the car, and at the same time covered it with a thick camouflage net. Unexpectedly, Battalion Commander Mark recognized it in the darkness.

As long as the start was fooled, the battalion commander couldn't say anything when the equipment was unloaded. The battalion commander found out that he hadn't driven yet. Lieutenant Zwidi was quite nervous, and this was not easy.

The people in the 3rd company all looked at this side. Every one of them was very nervous. This batch of tanks was not coming from the right way. Are they going to be taken away? Haven't covered the heat yet! The smell of the fresh leather inside makes people intoxicated by the smell. I really want to be with the tank every day.

Just when they were anxious, the telegrapher hurried over: "The battalion commander, the battalion commander, and the superiors called and assigned us a batch of equipment."

Holding the telegram, Battalion Commander Mark was overjoyed: "Tiger tanks, give us six? That's great! Send someone to pick them up immediately and catch the train."

"Battalion commander, you look down, we have already received the tank." The telegrapher continued.

Have you received it? Mark looked at the tank on the pallet in front of him, his mind had already reacted, and he couldn't help but nodded to Lieutenant Zwedi repeatedly: "Okay, you can be patient. Hans is also involved in this matter?"

At this time, Hans had already jumped off the cart, tied the mouse tank, and came to watch the excitement.

Hearing the battalion commander complimenting himself, Hans touched his head and said: "battalion commander, our tank battalion suddenly added six Tiger tanks. When charging, we can finally protect our flanks perfectly. I can take the initiative at any time, but I have done a great job."

"You kid, good luck, bad luck, wait for the military court." Mark's words are very harsh, but his face has a smile that cannot be concealed. No one does not like the increase in the number of weapons under his hand, especially Now, he has only fourteen tanks in total, six more at once, and he is absolutely overjoyed.

Almost before dawn, the car was finally installed. The entire tank battalion began to take the train, heading towards Romania, and passing through Romania. They would get off at the border between Romania and the Soviet Union, organize their troops, and head straight for Osa. Germany.

The battle belonging to the 502nd heavy tank battalion was launched.

At this time, the entire Ukraine's war situation has also deteriorated beyond the limit.

With the Germans rushing in both the north and the center, Ukraine in the south is now the only protruding part of the Soviets. Now, in order to protect Ukraine’s war situation, after transferring Zhukov to the north, Stalin put himself by his side. The Mengjiang mobilized over.

Xie Miao Bujuni, with a big beard, is looking at his men.

The Soviets love to grow big beards, but it is also a minority to keep them as big as Budjoni. Now, Budjoni’s hand habitually touches his beard, and asks the person under his hands: "In other words, we simply Can't stop the German's swift attack?"

"Yes, Marshal, we can only deploy our army along the Dnieper River, relying on this sky to defend against the Germans." The commander of the Southwest Front for Admiral Kilbonos said with a frown: "German tanks The troops are advancing very quickly, fortunately we have this mother river."

The Dnieper River is the second largest river in eastern Europe and the third largest river in Europe. It originates from the southern foothills of the Valdai hills in Russia.

Its first section of 483 kilometers, first south, then west, passing through the Russian Smolensk Oblast; near Orsha, it turns south again; then 595 kilometers, it flows through Belarus, and finally, it flows through Ukraine The territory flows south to Kiev, from Kiev southeast to Nepropetrovsk, and then flows south-southwest to the Black Sea.

This river runs through the entire Ukraine and can be said to be Ukraine’s mother river. Now, it is this river that gives them some psychological comfort.

The wide rivers, as long as these bridges are guarded, can protect half of Ukraine. Since the 270th order was issued, even generals like Pavlov have been shot, and the others are trembling, for fear that the next round To yourself.

Now that Budjoni is in town, that's even better. This veteran who has come from the civil war can lead his side to victory.

Budjoni came from a cavalry. In this era, the cavalry seems to be less and less effective. Although he is a veteran, he will still look at the current war with a new perspective.

He knew that the German armored forces were the biggest threat to his side. In Minsk, the Germans vividly demonstrated the mobility of their armored Relying on this terrible mobility to complete Encircled the Minsk army.

But now, the situation in Ukraine is different from that in Belarus. Ukraine has a larger land area. When the Germans are charging, they often find that their impact is not strong enough. As for Kiev, there is no need to worry about being surrounded by the Germans. The Germans cannot cross this. They can't complete the siege of Kiev if there is a moat.

"Building a position on the west bank of the Dnieper River, we rely on the position to hinder the German offensive." Budjoni said: "Let our soldiers write their loyalty to the Soviets with their own blood and lives."

He turned his head back and glanced at Khrushchev: "Comrade Khrushchev, you must also arrest the discipline of the army. If anyone dares to retreat, then shoot him without hesitation."

Khrushchev nodded.

In fact, Khrushchev prefers to stay in Moscow. He has realized the danger of directly fighting the Germans. It seems that he has never won. Whoever wins will lose. Moreover, Order No. 270 is Khrushchev’s proposal. Yes, now Khrushchev is on the front line, has he ever retreated?

Khrushchev didn't know, he just hoped that he could hold on and lean on this Dnieper River.

Khrushchev came here as a political commissar. He wanted to be strict in military discipline and guard against the retreat of troops. When Petersburg was blown up by the Germans, the Soviet military seemed a little unstable.

For the sake of his official career, I can’t lose this battle. Khrushchev thought in his heart, yes, now I can compile some newspaper content to exaggerate how the Germans raped women and slaughtered people in the occupied territories. Let your own fighting will come!

He looked at Budjoni, old marshal, don't hurt me, we can't lose this battle. ()

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