The Third Reich

Chapter 1243: Be a **** and set up an archway

The Arctic waters are quite cold. If it were the previous open-top aircraft, it would definitely freeze people to death after completing a flight mission.

Now, the German Navy is developing carrier-based aviation by a large margin. The aircraft carrier is built one after another. However, Germany has not paid too much attention to the development of seaplanes. Up to now, it is still using monoplanes. Ar-196 seaplane.

In the past few years, when it first appeared, compared with those biplanes, it was very advanced, with a maximum speed of 310 kilometers per second, surpassing other seaplanes, but with the development of time, It has gradually become obsolete, and it is even more incomparable with the carrier-based aircraft on aircraft carriers.

However, Germany has not continued to invest energy on seaplanes. For Germany, the aircraft carrier formation is gradually growing. In the future, when facing serious threats, there will definitely be aircraft carriers involved, and aviation will be handed over to the aircraft carriers.

On the other hand, it is because the helicopters being developed by Germany will be equipped on warships after they are successful. Compared with the seaplanes that need to be ejected to take off, and then the pontoons will land on the water, the shipborne helicopters can use Own ability, take off and land directly on warships, this is the most suitable type of aircraft for ordinary warships.

Now, more than 500 Ar-196 seaplanes have been produced, which is almost the standard configuration of German surface ships, and even cruisers of several thousand tons can be equipped.

The current seaplane was ejected by the Admiral Graf Spey, and now this warship has been transferred to the Marine Police Force and is the flagship of the Marine Police.

Since the base camp was tasked, it has been swaying near the North Pole. However, there is no American transport ship on the channel, which still puzzles the captain and maritime police leader Colonel Langsdorf.

Did the Americans really accept their own provocations weirdly, and then they stopped transportation? Impossible, Americans are so foolish?

Therefore, he ordered his search aircraft to expand the search area and continue to search north under the harsh weather conditions in the Arctic Circle.

The pilot Ludwig quickly saw the black smoke rising on the sea in the distance, and he was happy. It was the exhaust gas from the boiler of the surface vessel, and the machine gunner Lucas in his back seat looked even more To be clear, shouted to him: "It's a Liberty Ship, an American cargo ship!"

This aircraft is a two-person aircraft, and the machine gunner behind is also an observer. In this task, the machine gun is fixed, the cabin is tightly closed, and there is engine heat in the cabin for heating, so that they can accept it. .

Now, finally found the goal.

"Marine Police No. 1, Marine Police No. 1, found a freeship, which is now traveling eastward in the sea at 76 degrees north latitude and 10 degrees east longitude. We are about to intercept." Ludwig shouted in the radio.

At this time, the code name of the Graff in the radio has become Marine Police No. 1.

At 76 degrees north latitude, it was 10 degrees north of the sea area they had planned. No wonder they hadn't noticed it before. While calling, Ludwig pushed the lever and swept away quickly toward the direction of the ship.

Don't worry, cargo ships will not be equipped with weapons.

In the history of later generations, the American Liberty Ship did not have any weapons in the early stage. It was because Germany had begun to attack their cargo ships at sea and had to install weapons in the later stage.

But now that freighters are for civilian use, civilian means must be used. If they dare to add weapons, then Germany will directly use warships to greet them, and there is no need to circumvent a European maritime joint law enforcement committee.

At the same time, Lucas in the back seat quickly started his own work. His hand toggled the switch on the control panel to preheat the high-power amplifier that was just installed.

Germany has begun to rapidly transition to the era of transistors, but the supply of electronic products for transistors has always been in short supply. In terms of amplifiers, electronic tubes have outstanding advantages, such as high power and wide frequency bandwidth, but the warm-up is slower.

Looking at the machine gun above him, Lucas was a little speechless, nagging in his mouth: "Machine gun, you should rest first. If the people below are disobedient, I will let you teach them."

Two minutes later, Ludwig was driving the plane and started to circle the ship, and Lucas picked up the microphone, mounted the tweeter behind the floats on both sides, and began to speak downward.

"Listen to the ship below, we are the maritime patrol aircraft of the European Maritime Joint Law Enforcement Commission. Now, you need to stop sailing immediately and wait for us to carry out law enforcement."

"Repeat, we are the maritime patrol aircraft of the European Maritime Joint Law Enforcement Commission. Now, you need to stop sailing immediately and wait for us to carry out law enforcement."

The reconnaissance plane swayed above the ship, and at this time, the people on the ship were all in panic.

The crew of the ship’s civilian use are also ordinary sailors. Although they know that they are transporting arms, they are actually ordinary people with high wages. They are not soldiers and have not experienced such a scene.

Captain Chris looked at the plane overhead, hesitating in his heart.

How to do?

Keep going? Now, as long as they continue to move forward for dozens of nautical miles, they will be able to reach the active airspace of the naval aviation of the Soviet Northern Fleet. If the distress signal is issued now, asking them to take off the fighter plane to escort, they can still catch up.

But if you keep going, what will happen to this plane? Four weeks and weeks are endless, the opposing warship should still be far away, maybe hundreds of nautical miles.

No matter what, keep going!

These Germans are simply hooligans. The sea routes on this ocean should have been public. When will it be the Germans' turn to dominate here?

If they directly dispatched warships to intercept them, that would be fine, but now they have come up with a maritime joint law enforcement committee that is both a **** and an archway, which is really disgusting.

Ignore them!

"Go ahead and ask the Soviets for help." Chris shouted loudly, his eyes full of firmness, and the ice on his beard was shaking when he spoke.

We must fight against this kind of rogue behavior!

Thick black smoke came out from the chimney, the steam boiler continued to pressurize, the bow split the waves and continued to accelerate.

"It seems that the Americans are going to resist law enforcement and warn them again!" Ludwig shouted, but he was faintly excited.

Resist law enforcement, so you can play, and want to fight with yourself, it’s still too tender. ()

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