The Third Reich

Chapter 1245: Are you afraid of shells?

On the Admiral Graf-Spey, the gun in the middle of the No. 1 turret on the bow has been raised, and the muzzle is facing the distance, ready to be launched.

"The target is still fleeing at an accelerating rate. Requesting an immediate shell warning." With the sound coming back from the radio, Colonel Langersdorf issued an order: "Fire!"

Fire! Following the order, the No. 1 gunner pressed the button and the shell was fired.


The propellant bag violently released its own energy. The projectile in front was pushed forward quickly under the sudden high temperature and high pressure airflow from the back. In almost one ten-thousandth of a second, it went from long The gun barrel went out.

When it came out of the muzzle, a flame behind it flew out with huge thick smoke, and the shell had reached a speed of nearly one kilometer per second, flying towards the distance.

If it is an ordinary shell, the launch process is over, but now it is a rocket-assisted extended-range shell, and the moment it flies out of the barrel, the rocket engine at the tail also starts to ignite.

After the shell flew out of the barrel, the tail was filled with fiery flames. This flame was reflected in everyone's retina and looked so spectacular.

The shell continued to accelerate forward. Although the rocket engine at the tail only burned for tens of seconds, its speed had been increased to nearly two kilometers per second. As a result, its trajectory was higher and its range was farther.

Overhead, the reconnaissance plane was still flying nearby. It neither came down to shoot nor issued more warnings. On the cargo ship, most of the crew had relaxed. These Germans would scare people. ? Where did the shells come from?

They couldn't hear the shells coming at a speed close to Mach 6, and if they looked up, their retina would not be able to catch such a high-speed aircraft.

So, almost without anyone's attention, the 283 mm rocket extended-range projectile flew over.

"The trajectory is a bit high. I am about to miss the target. I am preparing to correct the trajectory." Ludwig used rigorous training and instinctive response to catch the flying cannonball. He said to Lucas in the back seat. .

"Yes, reduce the elevation angle by five points and adjust the two close positions to the right. The next shot will definitely be more accurate." Lucas has already begun to calculate quickly.

At this time, the cannonball had fallen, and it was 200 meters away from the port side of the opponent. When the cannonball fell, a violent explosion occurred.

"Boom!" The huge explosion sound was enough to deter any eardrums. When the explosion happened, they had already covered their ears, and they saw the terrible sight on the port side.

The water wave was raised more than 20 meters high, and the entire water wave spread quickly to the surrounding area, and it actually formed a terrible wave. The power of this shell is simply amazing!

Along with the waves, a lot of fragments of artillery shells flew up. Those fragments spread to a space of 200 meters around, and some fragments even flew to their ship's side, hitting it, and banging.

With the addition of cargo, their ship is almost 20,000 tons, and in this water wave, it has also begun to shake violently.

"Large-caliber naval guns, at least two hundred millimeters in caliber!" The chief mate on board had seen naval guns fired. This momentum was definitely caused by large-caliber naval guns. This shows that there are Germans nearby. Large warship!

But where? They still couldn't see it, which deepened their fear.

The arrival of this cannonball completely dispelled the idea of ​​escaping. Even Chris’ eyes were filled with fear. If the cannonball was shot directly at one's own ship, it would only take one shot. Can be killed!

In this icy Arctic Ocean, if there were no ships, even if they were in a lifeboat, they would definitely be frozen to death and would not survive at all.

He was already scared.

"The last time I warned, the shell just now is a warning. If the ship is not stopped, the next shell will be shot on the cargo ship. The Maritime Joint Law Enforcement Committee will not be responsible for any consequences. Repeat again. Please stop the ship immediately. Waiting to be checked!" Lucas continued to shout through the microphone.

In fact, with a range of 100 nautical miles, the accuracy is quite poor. If the opponent moves to evade, they may run dozens of nautical miles and shoot dozens of shells, but they will not be able to hit.

However, the Americans don’t know. How could they know that the shells were shot from hundreds of nautical miles away. In their consciousness, the naval guns could only hit dozens of nautical miles, indicating that the German ship was nearby, maybe it was. Behind a floating iceberg.

This shot was just a warning, the next shot, really greeted their ship, how could they stand it!

So Chris had no choice but to give instructions: "Stop the boat." When he said this, he was powerless.

Stopped the for inspection. The result of the inspection was that their ship would definitely be detained. According to the inspection conditions of the maritime joint law enforcement committee, any cargo ship is illegal, because All goods are prohibited.

As long as they are caught and detained, they, the crew, have to stay in Europe honestly, and don't know when they can go back.

But it’s better than floating on the cold Arctic Ocean and being a corpse, right?

The black smoke in the chimney diminished, and the ship slowed down. In the air, Ludwig excitedly shouted on the radio: "They have stopped the ship!"

As a water reconnaissance aircraft, their fuel reserves are quite large, and they hovered constantly over this sky. Almost two hours later, a high-speed S-100 torpedo boat arrived by wind and waves.

This is the crystallization of German advanced shipbuilding technology. Relying on three high-speed diesel engines, it can reach a high speed of more than forty knots at sea. Unfortunately, its seaworthiness is not good, the displacement of the hull is small, and the turbulence is severe. .

The flag of the Maritime Joint Law Enforcement Commission, which was designed only a few days ago, was flying on the mast. This newly painted maritime police vessel came to inspect the American freighter.

Unfortunately, at this time, Chris has already regretted it a little. Up to now, they have not seen the German heavy artillery battleship coming over. What is going on? Maybe, the explosion of the naval artillery shell was caused by the other party's mystery?

Unfortunately, he had no chance. The German speedboat approached quickly. Several people with guns came up and completely controlled their ship. When the cargo on board was discovered, the Germans immediately declared the freighter illegal. , Need to be detained to a special port in the United Kingdom, waiting for the ransom to be paid before returning. ()

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