The Third Reich

Chapter 1256: On their own

The Stalin tank's protection is quite good, but at the same time, its mobility is not good.

Just now, the Stalin tank rushed to the front line, just to use its thick skin to open a gap, but now, this idea has failed.

The Stalin tanks are gone, which instead gave the T-34 tanks behind them an opportunity. They don't need to be suppressed by the Stalin tanks in front. They can take advantage of their mobility.

As long as they rush to a distance of one kilometer or even 500 meters, they can use their artillery to accurately fire and kill the opponent's anti-tank gun!

One after another T-34 tanks were rolling in the wilderness, black smoke came out of the tail of the tank, and when it was driven on a small slope, the tank would even straight up from above. The T-34 tank is quite outstanding. The medium tank achieves the perfect combination of firepower, mobility and protection.

Muzichenko’s breakout plan, similar to Ponetjelin’s, was to use tanks to rush to the forefront. Behind the tanks were the cavalry. At this time, as the tanks advanced, the cavalry also moved from the woods behind. Gushing out, and behind the woods, there are infantrymen.

The infantry had just appeared, and the cavalry had all rushed out, and the whole position was full of overwhelming momentum.

"Boom, boom, boom!" At this moment, outside of the encircling circle on the opposite side, countless shells flew from nowhere. Amidst the terrible howling of shells piercing the air, the shells landed on the sixth place. The cavalry group charged by the army brought terrible deaths.

For a large-caliber howitzer, the caliber of the shell may exceed 150!

Every artillery shell falls, will bring down a large number of cavalry, the unowned war horse is neighing, they are being slaughtered.

Muzichenko's eyes were red, and his tactics were devised, but now he wanted to watch his troops be wiped out on a large scale, all because his troops charged too densely.

But can they disperse? Of course not, only a intensive charge can quickly widen the gap, and he has no choice.

"Aircraft, where's our aircraft?" Muzichenko said, "If there are planes to bomb the German positions, it will be easy for us to break through!"

I remember just now, I saw one's own plane overhead. Now, if one's plane attacks the German position and kills those **** anti-tank guns, one's own charge will be even faster.

Yes, what about the Air Force? Come for reinforcements!

"Our air force is rushing, but they have been intercepted by German fighter jets before they reach our Uman sky. Now, the air force is rushing to our side without sacrificing, but there is news from Kiev. Counting on our air force, although our air force is doing its best to intercept German attack aircraft, we have to rely on ourselves."

I can't rely on the air force anymore. I can no longer see any aircraft above my head. The best effort of our air force is to prevent German attack aircraft from attacking our side!

Muzichenko knew that the Air Force had done its best. After all, the Air Force suffered huge losses in the early stages of the war. Almost all aircraft are now mobilized from the rear, and they are not large in scale. They can intercept German attack aircraft. , So that oneself can not worry about the risks on the head, this is already the best effort.

On their own!

Muzichenko put his eyes on the front again. At this time, his tank soldiers were still advancing without sacrificing sacrifice.

The Germans’ anti-tank guns were also firing violently. At this time, the Germans’ combat qualities erupted to admiration. Their muzzles flashed out once every few seconds, and their rate of fire was quite high. !

After eliminating the Stalin tanks, they no longer need sub-caliber armor-piercing shells. Ordinary blunt-headed armor-piercing shells can kill the T-34 tanks that rush over, but they are still too few after all.

One of the most effective tactics of Soviet tanks is the tank sea!

Since there is no advantage in quality, then use quantity to make up for it. As long as the number of impacts is greater than the number of destroyed, it will always be rushed.

Hundreds of T-34s rushed forward at full power. Before they rushed to a distance of 500 meters, they had already killed more than forty vehicles.

But this does not prevent them from winning!

In the black smoke, the remaining T-34 tanks are still charging, and the Soviet tankers have seen hope.

"Stop, shoot, kill these anti-tank guns!" Christoph shouted over the radio.

parking! The tanks came to a halt suddenly from the gallop, and then their tanks began to take aim quickly, rushing all the way, the anti-tank guns have been firing, which has made them quite angry, and now, It's finally time for them to fight back!

For the anti-tank gunner, the bravest must be able to bear it.

When watching those armored monsters rushing up, you have to restrain your inner fears and fight bravely. Especially, because you can't hit them, you need to push the anti-tank gun to move forward.

In battle, one or two hundred meters is often required to kill the opponent's tank, and anti-tank fighters often face the test of death.

Therefore, Germany has been increasing the organization of self-propelled anti-tank guns, but ordinary anti-tank guns cannot be completely replaced.

Now they went from 1,500 meters to 500 meters. Seeing the moment the Soviet tank stopped, Gunner Locke did not insist anymore. He shouted: "Run!"

If there is only one tank on the opposite then they can shoot each other and kill the other side. But now, there are more than one hundred vehicles rushing over, not to mention those T-34s, on the other side’s wings. Those light tanks in China can also pose a huge threat to them. The narrow shields in front of their anti-tank guns can only protect against shrapnel.

Seeing so many cannons pointing at one's side now, his position will be submerged by shells in the next moment.

But if they run like this, should they throw away the anti-tank gun?

of course not!

Although the Soviets stopped, aiming still took a few seconds slowly. During these few seconds, the artillery hand pulled the gun cord to shoot out the shells in the barrel, and the two loaders came and quickly He raised the spatula behind and placed it on the tricycle immediately behind.

The third loader has already started his motorcycle fiercely, dragging this anti-tank gun, and shifting his position!

Well-trained, reflected in all aspects, even the retreat is so cool.

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