The Third Reich

Chapter 1259: Turn the tide

Shepetovka is located to the west of Kiev, with a linear distance of 75 kilometers and 95 kilometers from Rivno and Dubno respectively. It is an important railway hub and logistics supply center, leading to the current Smolensk garrison. Many materials are transferred here.

At present, the 16th Army only has the 109th Motorized Division of the Fifth Mechanized Army and the 116th Tank Regiment of the 57th Tank Division. The rest of the troops, even Lu Jin doesn’t know where to go. They should have arrived early. Morensk is now, and now the entire command system is chaotic. Some generals will leapfrog and mobilize the army directly. In short, this is what Lukin's men are.

The air inside the train is quite bad, and on the platform, it should be much better outside.

However, just as Lu Jin got off the train, he couldn't help but frown.

The station was messy, with routs everywhere, among the fleeing crowds, they all squeezed to and fro at the train station, hoping to squeeze into a train to leave.

When they saw Lu Jin's train stopped, they also wanted to squeeze in. Seeing this, the soldiers on the train immediately raised their guns to disperse the crowd.

"Quickly, call the stationmaster over." Lu Jin shouted.

The stationmaster was a lame man. He leaned on a cane and came to Lu Jin with difficulty in the crowd.

"General, I am the stationmaster here. Shepetovka is quite messy now. You should get in the car as soon as possible, and leave immediately when you have filled up the oil and water." The stationmaster said to Lukin.

Quite messy? Lu Jin frowned: "This is our important railway hub. How can it be so messy? What about the garrison here?"

"The garrison has been broken up. The Germans are said to be able to fight over soon. General, if you don't leave quickly, you will probably be blocked by the Germans." The stationmaster said, "I received an order from a superior. I have been insisting here. I am an old Bolshevik and will definitely stick to my post, but..."

His leg was crippled in World War I. After so many battles, he had long been bearish, but now this situation is really unsettling.

Lu Jin frowned.

"Order, all soldiers, get out of the car at once!" After a while, Lu Jin made a decision.

Hearing this, the adjutant on the side was immediately anxious: "General, our task is to reach Smolensk as soon as possible. We can't stay here now."

"Yes, our goal is there, but now, we must protect it first." Lukin said: "Now, we immediately organize a line of defense outside the city to prevent the Germans from occupying it."

Lukin knew very well in his heart that this is an important railway hub. If this place is lost, it will be difficult to reinforce Smolensk. Although he has not received such a military order, his sense of responsibility makes him have to Keep it here.

Moreover, his courage is also great.

"Shore, take my guard, go, and immediately intercept all the broken soldiers, organize them here, reorganize them, and become our troops! You are responsible for appointing commanders directly to them!"

"Ivan, take my warrant, go and open the arsenal here, take out the guns, artillery, and food, and distribute them to our troops."

Lukin’s orders one after another made his adjutant stunned. After watching several officers accept the order and leave, the adjutant whispered: "General, you don’t have an order from a superior, just do it. I was found out by Moscow, but I will get shot!"

Organizing the collapse of the army privately, privately opening the arsenal, privately not executing the superiors' orders, staying here, no matter any one, it is enough to shoot Lu Jin, and now the adjutant only dared to remind him quietly.

"That's the life." Lukin said: "Now, once Shepetovka is taken down by the Germans, it will directly threaten our Smolensk defense. We are now defending Shepetto. Vka is defending Smolensk."

Others were afraid of Stalin, and Lu Jin was also afraid, but he pushed out from the Great Purge unharmed, even if he had already recovered his life, now, facing the chaotic situation, Lu Jin must stand up!

"Give me the horn!" Lu Jin took a tweeter from the station master, stood on a platform in the station, and began to shout into the chaotic station around him.

"Everyone stop. I am the commander of the 16th Army, Mikhail Feodorovich Lukin. Now, Moscow has issued an order. As a soldier, it is the responsibility of defending the land and cannot retreat! All the stations in the station are broken. Soldiers, no matter which unit you are from, now accept my order to register with Colonel Shaw, receive weapons, and form a new unit. You must take up weapons to defend our Soviets!"

Lu Jin's shouting suddenly made the entire station quiet.

There are routs everywhere. This does not mean that these people are scared. The main reason is the lack of command. The old Maozi is agitated, not afraid to fear ~ is the lack of this agitator.

Now Lu Jin stood up.

"German tanks are crushing the bodies of our compatriots, German bullets are shooting at our people, and the German army is advancing towards our capital, Moscow. At this time, we, as the soldiers of the people, are defending our country. The power of, but here is going to get on the train and retreat. Is such a person worthy of being our fighter? Don’t you feel humiliated? Whoever retreats will be rectified on the spot!"

"Comrades, take up arms, defend Shepetovka, and defend our motherland! The great Soviet is invincible! Long live the great Soviet!"

"Hurray!" the soldiers of the 16th Army shouted.

"Long live!" The soldiers who broke out also shouted.

The sound became louder and louder, reverberating over the entire Shepetovka. On this day, the Lukin group, which had never existed in the Soviet army, was established in this way. It was organized by a motorized infantry division and a tank regiment. Defeated troops, and organized several infantry divisions to stick to this important railway junction.

The arsenal was opened, and guns and ammunition were delivered to everyone. Because there were no epaulettes, they even tied a white towel on each commander’s arm. Even if it was a sign, they were hurriedly deployed to the shelter. The defense line outside Petovka.

At this time, enemies appeared on the horizon.

(This book is about the Third Reich. It is said that you should not promote the enemy and destroy your own prestige. However, in the Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, after all, there were some grassroots figures who turned the tide. The two most famous ones are Lukin. The other is Rokosovsky. Therefore, the East China Hero couldn't help writing about it. Of course, the future of the two is destined.) ()

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