The Third Reich

Chapter 1286: Conquer positions

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In Lao Maozi’s tank unit, because of frequent brutal operations, tank rollovers are too common. Among them, the KV-2 tank is the most popular, because the small chassis of this tank has a large toilet head on top, and the center of gravity is high. Will roll over.

The current N1 tank was modified with a tractor chassis, with a large turret on top and a big head. Moreover, it is still on a hillside. It is improperly operated and of course it will overturn.

Below, Zwidi’s tanks were originally aimed at this one, but I found that this tank was swaying in front of him, and then it turned over. It was a joy.

With a triangular attack formation, Zwidi’s tank is the best position. Almost all the shooting angles belong to him. Now, he is not interested in this tank that has turned over.

The tank was not saved, and there was no threat, and when the battle was over, it could still be used as a trophy.

Keep going!

The driver lowered the gear. Now, the mountain is getting steeper and steeper. He is stepping on the accelerator almost to the bottom. The diesel engine rumbling at the rear, the powerful power is transmitted to the track, it is still step by step. Climb up the ground, full of motivation.

At the same time, the mouse tank is also climbing.

In fact, the weight of more than 150 tons is nothing. In the later generations of China, the overloaded coal carts on the roads have only two to three hundred horsepowers. They can still load one hundred and fifty tons. Ascending uphill is like an old cow, slowly swallowing, and once you stop halfway, you won't even think about starting again.

Of course, tanks can't. It can climb hills and must maintain full power on hillsides. Just like on a flat road, if it is set up like an overloaded car, it will be no problem to install three or four hundred tons.

Now, the 1800-horsepower Daimler-Benz DB601ARJ engine is working normally at rated power, and it is emitting a sharp whistle like a whistle. As a liquid-cooled engine, it does not have to worry about overheating. The huge drive shaft, Driving a Siemens generator, at this time, electricity is continuously converging on the two motors.

This system was once highly recommended by Dr. Porsche on the Tiger tank. Unfortunately, the chassis of the Tiger tank was too compact, which caused the heat dissipation problem to be unsolvable, and the failures were repeated. On this huge mouse tank, there was no Problem.

The electric motors are also liquid-cooled, and the coolant is distributed to the evaporating water tank at the back. At this time, the two motors are the hardest ones. Their powerful power is transmitted to the crawler tracks, pushing this huge monster to continuously climb up.

Go ahead, go ahead!

The N1 tanks that had been reinforced were blown up one by one. For the Soviet soldiers guarding the position, they knew that it was time to test them.

"Molotov cocktail, Molotov cocktail, hand grenades, hurry up!" The company commander who was guarding here shouted loudly, holding several hand grenades in his hand, quickly tying them together.

The German tanks were getting closer and closer, just tens of meters away from them, suddenly, from behind the tanks, Romanian soldiers ran out.

Just now when the tank troops were slowly advancing, the Romanian soldiers followed. Now they are about to cross the line of defense. They are extremely excited. At the same time, they also know that they need to stand up and protect the tanks at this time. Troops out.

"Da da da." On the hillside position, the machine gun fired fiercely, trying to shoot at the Romanian soldiers here, but then, the tank below opened fire.

"Boom!" The German shooting was quite precise, and one shot could destroy a machine gun position. Soon, all the machine guns were dumb. With this opportunity, the Romanian army swarmed.

The 1.1-meter-wide track crushed to the Soviet position and hid in his own trench. The company commander raised a bundle of grenades in his hand, opened the fuse, and sneered at the smoking grenades. He tucked into the track.

However, at this moment, the opponent's tank actually turned!

The track turned sideways, and the company commander screamed. His arm was under the track and instantly turned into a mass of rotten meat, and the bundle of grenades fell into the trench, right under his feet.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

Bundled up with grenades to blow up the tank was a reluctant choice. The bottom armor of the tank cannot be blown up. The most is to blow up a track.

For the mouse tank, its tracks are also immune.

The mouse tank is too heavy, so its tracks must also be strengthened. With a few grenades tied together, it is impossible to blow up its thick tracks. It is just a firework.

But now, even the fireworks were too far away, more than a meter away from the track. Except for blasting the company commander, the track was intact.

The position has been conquered!

Countless Romanian soldiers swarmed up, and their rifles had shiny bayonets.

In this kind of combat, the fast-firing submachine gun is the best But Romania’s ordinary infantry regiment can’t be equipped with so many, most of them are still ZB7.92mm 1924 rifles Sometimes, aiming and shooting is not as good as going directly on the bayonet.

"Puff!" The shining bayonet plunged into the chest of a Soviet soldier. The Soviet soldier grasped the bayonet tightly, just not letting the opponent pull it out.

Then, there was a cold on the back of the Romanian soldier, and another Soviet soldier had already pierced his bayonet into the chest of the Romanian soldier.

In an instant, the second Soviet soldier was pricked out by five or six Romanian soldiers.

On the battlefield, there was blood everywhere, death everywhere, Romanian soldiers could afford to kill, and the Soviets did not intend to surrender.

Half an hour later, there was no more Soviet soldier alive on the battlefield, and the Romanian infantry actually suffered half a regiment.

Standing on the hillside, you can already clearly see the city of Osad in front, and even from here, a 128mm tank gun can shoot shells into the city!

Opening the hatch, Hans poked his head out of the tank. For him, there was almost no suspense in this battle. Looking at the city in front, Hans couldn't help but yelled: "Osad, in our Shake under your tank!"

"Hans, you didn't faint during your first battle?" The commander Kurt also opened the hatch, stuck his head on the other side, and asked Hans.

The first time the recruits went to the battlefield, they were almost nervous and fainted, but Hans had no such reaction at all.

Hans was only excited: "Use the enemy's blood to dye our flag red. I can't wait. It's a pity that we had no results in this first battle. We just killed a sniper, the captain, and that sniper was a female."

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