The Third Reich

Chapter 1290: Hans shot

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When the sky was getting darker, the driving wheel was finally welded by electric welding, and Kurt said: "Now, try to see if our tank can move."

Schmidt jumped into the cockpit in front of him, while Hans climbed up from the tank.

As long as the tank can move, it must continue to be ready for battle at any time. Hans must get into the turret and operate his tank gun.

The turret was high, more than three meters. In order to minimize the possibility of being attacked, apart from the top hatch, no other hatches were opened. Hans could only enter from above.

Just now, Romanian troops were all around him, and now, when Hans climbed to the top of the turret, he was instantly out of the ordinary.

The opportunity to wait has finally arrived!

After waiting for so long, I was waiting for the German tanker. Now, watching the German tanker climb onto the tank, Lyudmila held his breath, and then pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" A flame came out from the muzzle, and in the dark night sky, I saw so clearly. With the sound of the gun, a 7.62 mm bullet flew out of the muzzle and flew towards The location of the tanker opposite.

At this distance, it takes more than half a second for the bullet to pass. Therefore, Lyudmila set a certain amount of advance, slightly raised the muzzle and aimed at the opponent’s head, and when the bullet flew past, the opponent must have crawled. At the highest point, you can hit the opponent's chest.

The 7.62mm bullet is very powerful. Even if you can’t get a precise headshot at a long distance and hit the opponent’s body, it’s easy to get the opponent reimbursed.

After firing a shot, Lyudmila immediately drew her rifle and quickly moved to the second ambush position next to her. She knew that she had only one chance to shoot.

The quality of the Germans is quite high. Sometimes, in just a few seconds, the Germans will be able to react and will ambush her position.

Lyudmila's time is precious.

However, Christoph, the observer beside him, did not realize this problem.

Christophe was still staring into the distance. In less than a second, he saw the German tanker who was just about to climb to the top of the tank. He suddenly leaned back and fell from the tank. !

Accurate hits, no bullets!

"Another result!" Christophe shouted to Lyudmila.

In fact, up to now, Lyudmila has not learned the knowledge of sniping systematically and professionally. Almost all her current skills have been comprehended by herself.

For example, you can only shoot one shot, and then you have to move your position, such as having a watcher by your side.

After all, when a sniper uses a scope, his field of view will become quite small and he cannot notice the surrounding situation. The watcher will help to observe the battlefield and avoid a crisis.

At the same time, there is another role.

In the Soviet army, it is not a matter of one person who wants to report how many people have been killed. This is also to overcome exaggeration.

Or, you have to get the identity certificate of the enemy. For the sniper, this is very dangerous. It is easy to become the target of the opponent's sniper. The other solution is to have witnesses, that is, to have witnesses. There are other fighters to prove their success.

This is also the reason why a sniper will bring a person around.

Christophe mainly played this role. Now, Christophe is talking to Lyudmila, while preparing to draw out a small notebook to record the results of this sniper.

Hearing Christophe's voice, Lyudmila realized that she had missed something. She hurriedly shouted: "Quick, get out of there!"

"Da da da!" At this moment, the machine gun on the top of the opponent's tank opened fire.

The loader in the turret, operating the machine gun, fired violently toward this side. The 12.7mm bullet hit the ruins, and immediately blasted the broken bricks into the air again.

At this time, Christophe realized something. He bowed his head, cats his waist, and wanted to run in the direction of Lyudmila.

Unfortunately, just half a step out, a bullet hit his body. Under the huge impact, his body fell to the side, his eyes still looking in the direction of Lyudmila.

"Run, leave me alone." Christoph murmured this sound.

Of course Lyudmila was not stupid enough to come back to find Christoph. Now she is an veteran. She can't save Christoph, so she can only avenge Christoph with her rifle!

Lyudmila dragged her rifle and quickly ran to the second sniper position, wanting to continue shooting the German tankers, but she could no longer find a chance.

"Boom!" The opponent's 128mm howitzer fired violently towards this side. Lyudmila could only follow the back road that had been prepared for a long time and retreat quickly. She left here. In the battlefield, Christophe, who was not breathing, was left behind.

Only at night, when there is no rest, Christoph's body can be collected.

At least, he killed a German tanker. On the battlefield, death was not terrible, and he was already prepared to sacrifice.

Lyudmila's heart has long been as tough as iron.

Time goes back a few seconds.

When Hans climbed up to the turret and was about to get in, he looked into the distance, just right, he saw a beam of fire in the distance, that was the flame of the muzzle when the rifle was shot!

Suddenly, Hans was shocked that there was a sniper 500 meters away!

At this moment, he was jumping upwards, unable to control his body at all. Then, he felt a huge impact and hit his chest, where there was pain.

Hit by this huge impact, Hans's body leaned backwards, falling backwards from the top of the two-meter-high car body, and he fell heavily to the ground.

"Da da da!" At this moment, the loader who remained in the turret, already operating the machine gun, fought back fiercely.

"Hans, Hans!" Kurt shouted loudly, looking at Hans on the ground, Kurt was very anxious.

Although Hans’s resume is very clear, Kurt knows that Hans’s true identity is definitely more secretive than on the resume. Otherwise, how could Hans go to the Krupp factory and steal a few Tigers? Moreover, he hasn't received any punishment yet, and Führer Cyric is quite conniving to Hans!

Even if Hans is just an ordinary fighter, for so long, as a car group, living together, training together, and fighting together, it is still emotional.

Hans on the ground was motionless.

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