The Third Reich

Chapter 1532: Another direction

Although the entire Northern Army Group is not as large as the Middle Route Army and the South Route Army, it is definitely a huge army. In the past few days, the 18th Army Group, which belongs to the Northern Army Group, has advanced secretly. .

Compared with other armored divisions, the 18th Army is almost all infantry. Of course, in this era, Germany has fully promoted the construction of mechanized infantry divisions. Germany's strong industrial production capacity allows it to easily serve its own army. Equipped with a sufficient number of infantry fighting vehicles.

The main force of the 18th Army is infantry fighting vehicles, with a small number of armored battalions.

Now, with the armored battalion as the forerunner, the infantry fighting vehicles behind, the huge group army crossed the Volga from the east, defeated the negligible defenders on the bridge, and then drove straight in.

The Soviet army was so scarce that they did not have enough reserve forces. The 18th Army was like a hot red soldering iron inserted into the cheese, and it was inserted all at once.

"Go forward, speed up." In an armored command vehicle, the commander of the 18th Army Georg von Küschler, looked at the city in front of him with a binoculars, and shouted: "Kill all resistance. , As long as someone dares to resist, it will be wiped out immediately!"

This is already an experience, and the benevolence of a woman will only put oneself in the most dangerous situation.

The Soviets are already a soldier. Even a child of a few years old may have a grenade in his hand. Fighting on the Soviet battlefield is different from other European countries. The stupid saying that war has nothing to do with civilians is not true here.

One after another wheeled infantry fighting vehicles rushed into the city of Kalinin. After entering the city, they encountered decent resistance. On the street, inside a sandbag bunker, a Maxim heavy machine gun began to shoot at them. Up.

The bullet hit the infantry fighting vehicle, banging, and then, the 40mm tank gun on the infantry fighting vehicle fired violently, and the burst of 40mm high-explosive rounds instantly lifted the entire machine gun position.

Go ahead, keep going!

The wheels of the infantry fighting vehicle rolled forward, and in the street in front, several Soviets in worker clothes raised Molotov cocktails.

"Da da da." The 6.8 mm bullet blasted over frantically and killed the Soviets. In the face of these resistance forces, the German team was very firm, eliminated, crushed!

The resistance was too small, and the charge of the entire 18th Army was too swift. They moved quickly towards the center of the city and towards the headquarters of the entire Kalinin Front of the Soviet Union.

North of the city, on the river bank.

The bridge was blown off and blocked the 522th Artillery Battalion in the north of the river. They came out of the grove, looking at the rushing river, looking at the destroyed bridge. At this time, their faces were ugly, you look Look at me, I look at you, the same message in my eyes.

It's hard to get past, the German armored unit is behind again. What should I do at this time?

Rush up and fight the Germans!

Stand up the cannon and prepare to bomb the German tanks!

The gunners of the 522th Artillery Battalion had a decisive fighting spirit.

At this time, the 100th Infantry Battalion behind them also withdrew. Looking at the broken bridge over here, Hayashi suddenly laughed: "Haha, hahaha. The Germans actually exploded the bridge. Give us the last chance! Let's set up our position here, waiting for the Germans!"

What are you afraid of? At the beginning, I signed up for the army with the determination to die. However, I did not expect that he would be wiped out by the Germans in less than half a month on the battlefield so quickly.

Before you die, hit a few more German tanks! However, you have to think about how to fight!

The retreat is just to hold on for a while before death, and at this time, there is already a sea of ​​blood on the ground behind.

"Buzz, buzz." The diesel engine roared and bursts of black smoke. The tiger tank had broken through the defense line of the Kalinin defenders. After breaking through, they immediately changed their formation and became the shape of a word. Burst towards both sides.

This is the impact tactics discussed by Guderian and others in the desert of Libya. The triangular formation is like a wedge, nailed into the opponent’s line of defense, until a big hole is torn. After the tear, immediately Just maneuver to both sides, dry them on the enemy's back, widen the width of the opening, and at the same time, a large number of infantry behind can rush up.

The Soviets, either surrender or die!

A Soviet soldier stood up bravely, holding a bundle of smoking grenades, but unfortunately, before he threw it out, countless blood holes appeared in his body, and his body was trembling and fell backward.

"Boom!" In the huge explosion, his whole body turned into pieces of minced meat.

"Oh, hum." The infantry chariot also rushed up.

It is impossible for any armored division to be all tanks. Tanks are only used to attack enemy positions. Behind the tanks are infantrymen. Historically, Germany used a half-tracked chassis, and even the top was open. Although it was convenient for soldiers to shoot, it could only provide limited protection.

The emergence of wheeled infantry fighting vehicles allows soldiers to charge in the tank calmly without worrying about the enemy’s machine gun bullets. However, the congenital defects of wheeled infantry fighting vehicles are still capable of off-roading in complex terrain. Not as good as the crawler.

Therefore, Germany has begun to develop tracked infantry fighting vehicles. The cost is higher and the consumption is also large. This tracked infantry fighting vehicle is given priority to the elite troops. As a skeleton division, it is of course the first to be replaced with a crawler type. The combat unit of the infantry fighting vehicle.

One after another, tracked chariots charged forward, and they stopped before reaching the trench.

A soldier of a famous skeleton division, holding a 6.8 mm assault rifle, charged forward, and the guns in their hands were constantly firing.

"Da da da."

"Da da."

As long as you see there are still alive Soviet soldiers, you can go up with a shuttle. At this time, the rate of fire is faster than that. In the trenches of World War I, the submachine gun became the favorite of soldiers, because of the high rate of fire.

A skeletal division soldier ran forward holding his gun. His bullets had swept down several Soviets. When he straddled the Soviet corpse, he suddenly stretched out. A hand came out and grabbed his boots.

There is actually one alive under the corpses of several Soviet soldiers. If this guy pretended to be dead here, he still went out to fight.

The soldier of the Skeleton Division immediately waved, turned his muzzle around, and pulled the trigger at this guy.

"Pop!" The firing pin hit the bottom fire, but there was no gunshot. At this critical time, a dud bomb appeared.

Then, the soldiers of the Skeleton Division poked the muzzle down, and the sharp bayonet in front plunged into the back of the Soviet soldier.

"Puff!" The moment he pulled out the bayonet, blood splashed on his half of his leg. The Soviet soldier's hand still did not let go. At the same time, a grenade popped out of the place where his chest was pressed. Green smoke.

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