The Third Reich

Chapter 1568: Thermobaric bomb for B-29

If it is said that the most feared weapon of this era, the German bombs capable of destroying the entire city are definitely number one.

Although hundreds of bombers need to fly over, even incendiary bombs are not enough to blow up the entire city.

What the Soviets did, they copied the same bomb.

The United States was very interested in this kind of bomb, and even exposed a few spies, but found nothing. At the same time, the United States was also looking for duds and found nothing.

The Germans are very vigilant. The Gestapo is directly responsible for the factories that produce the bombs. The bomber units are the objects of the Germans' strict protection, even if they use spies to lure pilots, they are exposed.

Now, before the Soviets destroyed the country, they finally imitated this kind of killer!

This kind of weapon is definitely a strategic weapon. If the United States were to possess it, it would definitely not be willing to share it with other countries.

In fact, the Soviet Union was unwilling, but they had no alternative.

When they imitated it, the weight of this big bomb reached ten tons. Then, they searched all their planes and found that none of them could carry this kind of bomb, so they set their sights on the United States.

The Soviet Union doesn’t have it. The Americans have it. The American’s latest B-29 bomber can surely carry such a heavy bomb, and it can still fly to Berlin, because it looks like the Junker 290 bomber is almost complete. identical.

The Americans need bombs, and the Soviet Union needs bombers. Therefore, the two sides simply cooperated. The Soviet Union took out the technology of this big killer and dedicated it to the United States, so that the United States can master the method of manufacturing thermobaric bombs. At the same time, the United States will provide fifty. The B-29 bomber was given to the Soviet Union so that the Soviet Union could fly this bomber to bomb German cities.

It is difficult to choose.

For the United States, the B-29 strategic bomber is a treasure for the Americans. Although the United States has provided a large amount of military equipment to the Soviet Union, almost all of them are backward. For example, the aircraft only provides P- which is not needed in the United States. 39.

The strategic bomber is the top priority. Its long range and huge ammunition load destined it to be a powerful threat. Today the Soviets can fly B-29s to bomb Germany, and tomorrow the Soviets can still bomb the United States.

If Germany is defeated, then the United States and the Soviet Union will definitely enter a state of hostility again. After all, they have different ideologies. As national leaders, they must have a long-term vision.

Now, the Soviet B-29 is provided. In the past, everyone would laugh and think beautifully! But now, when the Soviets traded it with such a big bomb, it would make people swallow.

"The Soviets gave us a condition that we couldn't refuse." Marshall said: "For us, if we have a thermobaric bomb, we can immediately fight back against the Germans and reach the Germans. Strategically balanced, if the Germans continue to attack our ports, we will use thermobaric bombs to fight back, with the goal of destroying the German cities."

"At the same time, the Germans may respond in the same way, but in this case, it is definitely a lose-lose style of play. The Germans may choose to restrain themselves, at least until their enough fighters are transferred from the Soviet battlefield to protect their cities. , Will not attack us again."

The Germans have very strong technology, but the number of fighter jets on their homeland is not enough. Or, if the United States does not bomb the German mainland, bombing the big cities of the German servants, that is enough for the Germans to drink a pot.

Although it is a lose-lose style of play, it is the only opportunity for the United States.

"Moreover, after the Soviets got these bombers, they would definitely not wait to air raid German cities first and use the scorched earth policy to deal with the Germans. Forcing the Germans to return to the negotiating table." Marshall continued to analyze his own judgment: " In this way, it may buy us more time."

Obviously, although precious strategic weapons will be provided to the Soviets, this is an inevitable choice, which is beneficial to the entire war situation.

As for the Soviet Union's threat to the United States after it got the B-29, let's talk about the future.

Finally, Roosevelt put down his cigarette: "It seems that we are going to reach this agreement quickly."

"No, the Soviets are crazy, and the Germans are even more crazy. If the Soviets get this bomber, it will definitely start a war against the German cities, and the Germans will have no scruples and use them in Moscow. This kind of weapon destroyed Moscow, and the Soviet Union immediately perished. This tactic is to seek its own way of death. Everyone, think about it. The Germans already have this kind of killer. Why don't they use it when attacking every city? Use this big killer to force the Soviets to surrender?"

Just then veteran Nimitz spoke up.

This is the most puzzling scene of the entire war.

The Germans obviously had a big killer, but they did not use it on every battlefield. If they were taken out, the war could be ended easily, and even before the war began, they directly destroyed Moscow and quickly destroyed the Soviet Union. .

The Germans still use the conventional style of play. They only used this weapon when they were fighting Petersburg. Moreover, analyzing these battles shows that when the Germans used this kind of big killer, they all made diplomatic statements. After the declaration, the citizens were even allowed to retreat in advance, and only used it after making full gestures.

It makes sense for the Germans to do this. As long as the Germans don’t commit genocide and kill every Soviet, there will always be Soviets who will survive and live under German rule. In this way, the Germans Need to occupy a moral height.

If the Germans, as a victor, want to write history books, they must clearly state the reasons, right? For whatever reason, German talents used this kind of killer.

This is one reason, and another reason is that this weapon may have some flaws. Now, Nimitz has guessed what the flaws are in his heart.

Maybe the principle is not complicated and it is easy to imitate. If it is used too much, it will be exposed and imitated by the enemy. Once it falls into the hands of the enemy, it will pose a threat to the Germans.

Based on these ideas, the Germans did not use them on a large scale. Once the Soviets used them, the Germans would have no scruples and would use them everywhere. At that time, who would suffer?

It must be the Soviets, because the use of such weapons requires bombers, and the use of bombers is to seize air supremacy. Do the Soviets have this ability?

The Germans bombed the oil fields of the Soviets and abolished the Soviets' efforts to seize air supremacy!

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