The Third Reich

Chapter 1599: Stay in Moscow

Enduring the infamy of the traitor, taking the initiative to surrender to the enemy, and still being the high-ranking commander of the Soviets, what did Pavel figure for? Of course it is for the future of Moscow. He doesn't want to see Moscow in ruins, and hopes that this Russian city can continue to be preserved.

On Pavel's head, blood came out, and a touch of redness appeared on the ground. At this moment, the scene was actually touching.

Originally, Cyric was iron-blooded. The Soviets bombed their own cities and still used thermobaric bombs. This had already touched his bottom line and let him know that he had to treat the enemy in a more cruel way.

The principle of thermobaric bombs is not complicated. Sooner or later, opponents will make them. Once both sides use each other on a large scale in a war, even if the German air force is quite powerful, there is a possibility of missed hands.

Therefore, Cyric wants to kill chickens and show them to monkeys. I don’t usually use them. It’s a baby at the bottom of the box. If you dare to use it, it will only usher in more terrible consequences, just like chemical weapons and biological weapons. The other party did not dare to use the rat avoidance device.

But now, Pavel's move is also suitable for riding a donkey downhill. How about taking this opportunity to give the other party a chance?

"I let go of Moscow, and then? Even if those troops have reached the periphery, don't they have to continue to resist?" Cyric said: "If you really want Moscow security, then deploy the troops around Moscow to the air base Leave all the deployment to us, so maybe I can let go of Moscow."

Cyric's words made Pavel's body tremble suddenly.

If you want to take refuge in, you have to have a certificate, right? Although Pavel is in charge of the Air Force, these days, they have deployed together to defend Moscow and the deployment of various positions must be clear.

If he wants to make Moscow safe, he must sacrifice the army and the air force outside.

The air force in Moscow is deployed in scattered locations and is quite secretive. It is useless for aerial reconnaissance and it will suddenly rush out at critical times.

Now, Cyric wants these defense plans, of course, to completely kill these troops. Those former subordinates, those Soviet fighters, will all be killed because of Pavel's betrayal.

Either stay in Moscow, or the soldiers who stay outside, how to choose is up to Pavel.

"The head of state, the bomber unit, is ready to attack, and only waits for your order." As if knowing Cyrek’s wishes, the Air Force Commander Richthofen on the side said: "As long as you give an order , Our five hundred bombers will all take off, razing the enemy's capital to the ground!"

Five hundred bombers, of course, frightened the current Pavel, and Richthofen also knew that if it could not damage the city of Moscow, it would bring some convenience to future rule and help promote the generosity of Germany.

Pavel closed his eyes, the pain in his forehead didn't seem to feel anymore. The soldier appeared in front of him. They stayed on the ground, planning to use their flesh and blood to stop the German army from attacking. Three dense lines of defense on the outskirts of Moscow, countless Molotov cocktails, anti-tank mines, and hand grenades are all ready.

Even death will cost the Germans a heavy price!

But now, when the soldiers are preparing for the toughest battle, it is not the German tanks on the opposite side that kill them, not German machine guns or artillery, but thermobaric bombs thrown down from the sky. Those bombs will kill them all. Being burned to death would make them suffocate to death, which is nothing short of a massacre.

When their defense plans are leaked, what awaits them is death.

All this was caused by Pavel. He betrayed a comrade in a trench, and he would be stinking for thousands of years.

This makes him simply unacceptable.

"Order the bomber to take off according to the original plan." At this moment, Cyric's voice sounded.

"No!" Pavel's voice was loud, like a beast that was surrounded by a cry before death: "Moscow cannot be completely destroyed, it is the holy land of Russia!"

"The choice is your injury, Pavel, when you are driving a fighter plane, you should think that no one will call you comrade again. You should follow us wholeheartedly." Cyric said: "If you continue to do this Don’t you think this time is too ridiculous? When the war is over, you will be the commander of the army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, how about?”

The Soviet Union is too big. Of course, such a vast country needs to be broken up. The place where the Russians gather should be the historical Moskovia, a country that emerged from the first half of the 13th century. Of course, the territory It is slightly smaller than in history, such as those in the northwest, which belong to Finland.

If Pavel agrees, then Moscow will still exist. Moscow has a history of hundreds of years. Since 1147, this city built on the Moskva River has been around for nearly 900 years. This historical city has Will continue to exist.

Is the hundreds of thousands of defenders outside Moscow important, or is this city with a long history important?

Pavel had a hard time making a choice.

"Take off immediately." Cyric said again: "No one can stop my will. No one before, not now, and impossible in the future!"

Cyric said to bomb what you can bomb it, no one can stop it!

"No, no!" Pavel lowered his head, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes. He covered the back of his head with his hands, his body was trembling, extremely painful: "Well, I promise you, I will The deployment map and the air base are marked out."

"Welcome, Commander Pavel." Cyric immediately changed his slogan to his commander: "You made the right choice, and the Russians will thank you. You saved Moscow for them."

Everyone present showed a smile on their faces.

When the Barbarossa plan to invade the Soviet Union was formulated, an important strategic goal was to eliminate the enemy’s vital forces. It was under the guidance of this goal that even if Moscow was left, it would go south to Kiev and encircle hundreds of thousands of people. Soviet army.

Now, the Soviet army around Moscow is the last essence of the Soviet Union. As long as all these troops are killed, the Soviet Union will never come back.

After today, the entire war in Europe is over!

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