The Third Reich

Chapter 1610: Surround the retreating troops

"Our fuel is about to bottom out." In a Stalin tank, the tanker said: "We have to supply it. If there is no supply, we will have to abandon our tank."

The entire tank division’s fuel was in a hurry. Last night, they filled up the oil. After leaving the city, they fought a ping-pong battle with an encountering German army. After that, there was no more. What happened.

Even if the Germans mobilized millions of troops, the encirclement deployed in the wilderness around Moscow could not be leak-proof. After torn open, they successfully broke through.

If it weren't for the other troops behind and waiting to **** the citizens, they could rush farther.

Now, the fuel is running out.

Opening the hatch above his head, the commander Yakov looked at the surrounding fields.

There is no fuel.

When they came out of Moscow, they added all the fuel. Now, the whole Moscow is retreating, and there is chaos everywhere. Even if there is fuel in the rear, there is no connection at all.

However, if they want to just give up these tanks, they are not reconciled.

At this moment, the division commander suddenly moved his eyelids twice. He saw a puff of black smoke on the ground in the distance. It must be a tank unit!

"Attention, the German tanks are coming!" He shouted loudly. At this time, the large troops that appeared suddenly could only be Germans. Don't expect strong reinforcements from your side, because your troops are already Moscow can collect everything.

The Germans came up, just in time for their lack of fuel, when their people were tired and weakest.

At this moment, on the opposite side, Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist, the commander of the German 1st Panzer Army, was sitting on a command tiger tank, looking at the distance The retreating soldiers and civilians were like wild wolves observing their prey.

After discovering that the soldiers and civilians in Moscow had begun to retreat, the German army immediately organized an anti-siege force, dispatched several troops, and delineated a larger encirclement circle.

This is of course to be able to arrange the pockets more tightly to prevent fish from slipping through the net.

In fact, last night, there were already chasing forwards able to catch up, but they did not do anything. Once they opened fire on these soldiers and civilians, it would cause chaos. In the dark, chaotic soldiers and civilians would make it easier to escape.

Now, they are still very orderly, retreating along the main road, and it's dawn, they can play a better role in encirclement and annihilation.

Inside the encirclement, they were the last troops of the Soviet Union. After they were completely wiped out, there was no established army in the western part of the Soviet Union, and the Soviets could no longer accumulate enough strength to fight back.

From then on, the Soviet Union will completely decline, and only the Third Reich will be the master of this continent.

"Attention to the whole army, destroy the main Soviet army on the opposite side, and minimize civilian casualties." Kleist shouted over the radio.

Their goal is to eliminate the Soviet army. Because civilians and the army are mixed together, if they are afraid to open fire because they are completely concerned about the civilians, only brain-disabled people will give such orders.


There are six armored divisions in the entire 1st Armored Army. They moved quickly from all directions to the Soviet soldiers and civilians in the encirclement.

Otto Karjus, in his tank, looked at the target in front, extremely excited.

When fighting Belarus, Otto’s subordinates were Panther 3 tanks, and during the renovation of Smolensk, the 21st armored regiment he was in was replaced by Tiger tanks.

On the tall and mighty tiger tanks, each of them was extremely excited, hoping to continue to exert their combat effectiveness.

In front is the Stalin tank that the Soviets are most proud of. They rushed up and beat them out of shit!

Karyus was extremely excited. On the turret of his tank, 21 signs were painted. He was far from his ideal. He needed more. He didn't destroy more than a hundred tanks. That was what an ace tank. hand?

However, just as they rushed to a distance of one kilometer from the Soviet tank troops, just as they were about to enter the long-range killing range, a rumbling sound came from the sky.

HS129, the tank opener, flew over from a distance.

When he spotted the plane overhead, Caljus could only feel a sirens in his head.

It's you again, it's you again, every time this time comes, you all come to grab the results!

Karyus was speechless, he even wanted to open the hatch and raised his **** to the sky.

Putting yourself on the ground, if you think about it, the Soviet army on the opposite side is eager to get the support of the air force, but now, the German tanker almost has a conflict with the aircraft in the sky.

Of course, they can only vent in their hearts. Under good military discipline, they can't make attacks against friendly forces.

"Speed ​​up, speed up for me!" Karyus can only urge his tanker to drive forward quickly. People eat meat on a plane. It's always okay to have soup in the past, right?

The dual-engine HS129 was already flying close to the target. The Soviet tanker below was in a panic. Someone set up an anti-aircraft machine gun and wanted to fire at the sky. However, the HS129, a fighter specially developed for ground attack, was quite It's sturdy, and there is a bathtub under the pilot. Don't worry about the small-caliber anti-aircraft guns, let alone those anti-aircraft machine guns.

Every time HS129 lowers its head, the 40mm cannon on the nose will emit a flame. With the flame, a tank on the ground will be penetrated from the top and then exploded. Become a burning tank.

The tank opener is simply the nemesis of tanks!

"Leave us some!" Kalyus on the ground almost uttered a desperate cry. At this time, there was still 800 meters away. He could not help it: "At eleven o'clock, Stalin tank, take off. Shell armor-piercing bullets, hurry up!"

"Boom!" The gun sound followed.

With the cooperation of the skilled crew, their actions are quite fast. The driver stops and loads the cannonballs with his hands. They are not affected by the parking, and even with the help of inertia, they are loaded with a swipe, and then the turret turns, the gunner It fired.

"Hit!" Karyus shouted: "Go ahead and prepare for the next goal!"

One after another, tanks rushed towards the Soviet soldiers and civilians in the encirclement. The army was making the final resistance. The citizens were waiting for an unknown fate in despair.

Germany will not do the despicable behavior in the Katyn Forest. Germany still needs a large amount of labor, especially the citizens of Moscow, who are all highly educated.

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