The Third Reich

Chapter 1621: Cui Kefu's loyalty


"Moscow has fallen." Khrushchev's expression was extremely gloomy. Now, the main defenders of Stalingrad gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Khrushchev was smoking a cigar, mouthful mouthfuls, and the whole room was quickly filled with smoke.

Everyone feels sad, what does it mean for Moscow to fall?

"I heard that hundreds of thousands of the Moscow garrison were burned to death." It was Major General Rodimtsev, the commander of the 13th Guards Division, and his words were very low: "No one survived, they even There are no corpses, they are all burned to ashes, just like our Ural Industrial Zone."

"In the beginning, bombing Germany was a stinky move. We could still hold on to it. But those guys in Moscow thought they could use bombing to make the Germans surrender. What happened? Now, the Germans have begun to use such terrible killings unscrupulously. It can be said that the next step of the Germans will definitely be used against us!" Lieutenant General Gurov also spoke, and his words were even more fearful.

Now, Moscow is gone, and the Ural Mountain Industrial Zone is gone. The one that is still resisting, of course, is Stalingrad.

In addition to the importance of geographical location, the most prominent thing is that this city is named after a great leader. It must have been blacklisted by the Germans.

No matter how they fight before, they are not afraid, but now?

It is different now, because the Germans will never come up to fight, the Germans will only directly use bombs to blast this place to the ground and burn everyone to death.

The others did not speak.

Lieutenant General Trikov, the commander of the 62nd Army, did not speak either. He knew in his heart that since Khrushchev came here, both Gulov and Rodimtsev quickly fought with Khrushchev. Now, When the two said that, that meant Khrushchev's meaning.

Without Khrushchev's certainty, who would dare to say that? Khrushchev was ordered by Comrade Stalin to supervise the army. Anyone who is not determined to fight will be shot by Khrushchev.

Now, no one dared to say what to retreat, and Cui Kefu was wondering in his heart, what did they mean by that?

What does Khrushchev want to do?

Finally, Khrushchev poked the cigar in his hand into the ashtray, and he slowly spoke.

"We can't win this war." When Khrushchev's words came out, everyone was taken aback, even Khrushchev said the same?

"We are not afraid of fighting, but we can't directly die in the bombing by the Germans. That is the most stupid act." Khrushchev said: "Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of citizens in the city, and they are all innocent. , We can’t let them die together in the German bombing.”

"Then we retreat?" Gulov said: "We retreat back to the Ural Mountains and continue to resist the Japanese War?"

Khrushchev shook his head: "No, we can continue to rely on the city now. As long as we leave the city, it will be wiped out very quickly. Needless to say, we may encounter Germans along the way, or even The Turks outside can catch up and bite us. We can't retreat at all."

Can't retreat, and stay here is to wait for death, what else can be done?

At this moment, suddenly, a thought had come to Lieutenant General Cui Kefu's head, and he was stunned in an instant. After doing it for a long time, it turned out that he was about to surrender!

So many reasons before, are all for the final surrender?

Comrade Stalin, I was really blind. Let Khrushchev lead the entire Stalingrad defense and rectify military discipline. But now, when the Soviets are in danger, Khrushchev is the first person to surrender. It's a big irony.

Suddenly, contempt flashed in Cuikov's eyes. Although he was promoted by Khrushchev, now, in Cuikov's eyes, Khrushchev is a clown.

Trikov was born in February 1900 in a peasant family in the village of Serebryaneprud in Tula Province. The poverty of the family made him run away from home when he was 12 years old, came to Petersburg to earn a living, and started a self-reliant life.

Later, in 1917, he served as a navy apprentice in the hands of the Kronstadt mines. After catching up with the great historical change of the Russian October Revolution in the following year, he entered the Red Army Moscow military instructor training class and became the first trainee.

Especially, in the training class, Cui Koff also met the great revolutionary leader Lenin and listened to his speech, which made Cui Koff very excited. From that time on, defending the Soviets was the firmest conviction of Trikov.

Later, Cui Kefu has always been growing up in the flames of war. He participated in the civil war and won two red flag medals. Later entered the Frunze Military Academy for further studies. After finishing his studies, he went to China in 1927 as a military advisor to China.

This was until the Great Patriotic War broke out, and Cuikov finally returned to his motherland. After returning, he was ordered to come to Stalingrad and fight in the 64th Army.

Later, when Khrushchev took office, he appointed Cuikov as the commander of the 62nd Army, replacing General Lopatin who believed that this army could not hold Stalingrad.

At that time, Cui Koff thought how patriotic Khrushchev was, but now he sees that Khrushchev is also a speculator. Seeing that the situation is not good, he wants to surrender.

He probably forgot what he said at the beginning, right? When he appointed himself as the commander of the 62nd I once said, “I swear I will never leave this city, and I will take all measures to hold on. I am determined to either defend the city or fight. Die there."

I decided not to leave, let alone surrender!

Cui Kefu looked around. Almost everyone had their heads down. So Cui Kefu knew that he could only do it himself.

Although Khrushchev is the supreme commander here, if Khrushchev intends to surrender, he will not let him go!

"The stomach hurts." Cui Kefu suddenly clutched his stomach: "The potatoes I ate this morning may not be cooked."

As he said, he bent over and walked outside.

At present, most of the troops in the city belong to the 62nd Army. As long as Cui Koff returns to his own troops, he is not afraid. Once Khrushchev says he wants to surrender, he can come again with his troops anytime. Lu Xiaofu is under control!

Dare to rebel against the Soviets? Being with his son is a virtue!

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