The Third Reich

Chapter 1623: Stalingrad tractor plant

Khrushchev can control the entire army if he controls the upper ranks of the army. Under the current circumstances, clearly state the threat of Stalingrad. If you don't surrender, everyone will become a barbecue. Then surrender will be easy.

In the army, as long as no one takes the lead, the soldiers below all obey the orders of their superiors.

This is also an important way for the army to rebel, and the army chief takes the lead.

Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. Therefore, the army's rebellion mainly involves superiors taking the lead. After the superiors' orders are issued, lower-level soldiers must obey.

Even they didn’t even know that they were rebelling. They also went with a great sense of mission and honor. However, when their hands were covered with their own blood, they could no longer look back, only one The road went dark.

Now, Khrushchev is going to surrender with the army. As long as the senior commander of the army does not jump out to oppose it, the resistance below will be much smaller.

Unfortunately, Khrushchev did not know that he still made a serious mistake.

He forgot that there is another important place in Stalingrad, the Stalingrad Tractor Factory.

The Stalingrad Tractor Factory is also known as the Dzerzhinsky Tractor Factory to commemorate the predecessor of the former Soviet Union "KGB": Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, the heir of the All-Russian Committee for Anti-Countermeasures.

This is a tractor factory established in the 1930s. All production equipment is manufactured in the United States. About 80 American companies participate in the manufacturing. The completed equipment was dismantled and shipped back to China and assembled by Americans and Germans.

Therefore, the technology here is also very advanced, and the timing was just right. In the 1930s, it was the time of the Western economic crisis. As long as there were orders, even those from the Soviets, American businessmen would never get tired of it.

After the Stalingrad Tractor Plant was put into operation, it immediately became the largest tractor plant in the Soviet Union at that time, and the annual tractor production accounted for more than half of the national output.

Tractors in this era are all crawler-type, and the manufacturing technology of tractors and tanks is almost interoperable.

Therefore, it is logical to use a tractor factory to manufacture tanks. It is the same as using a pesticide factory to produce chemical weapons.

When the war began, the Stalingrad Tractor Factory quickly transformed and began to produce tanks. At the same time, their main force was the T-34 tank. This simple-structured tank was once shaped as the main equipment of the Red Army. , The required output is very large.

In the historical defense of Stalingrad, the tractor factory was also famous. Workers continued to maintain production in the factory when they were bombarded by German air and artillery. Even after the Germans approached, the workers went directly from the production line. Go up and down the tanks, step onto the battlefield, bombard the German troops with your own artillery.

It can be said that the workers of the Stalingrad Tractor Factory can both produce and fight. When almost all the factories are blown up, they are also insisting on production and fighting, composing a battle movement.

The current Stalingrad Tractor Factory also has the same enthusiasm for fighting.

In the factory, sweating like rain, they continued to produce tanks for the army. Although some of the tanks got off the production line because of lack of fuel, they stayed in the parking lot of the factory and could not start. They were still working overtime.

The fuel problem will be solved, but it won't work. Push the tank to the street and use it as a fixed fort.

All this is inseparable from the efforts of the tractor factory manager, Mikhailov-Ivanov.

When the Stalingrad Tractor Factory was established, Mikhailov came here and became the factory director. He was always responsible for the production here and contributed to the Soviets. However, when the terrible storm arrived, Mikhailov The husband was also implicated and arrested.

Until the beginning of the war, Mikhailov finally returned to the tractor factory and was once again in charge of production here.

Although implicated in the Great Purge, in Mikhailov's heart, he still loves his motherland and is full of anger against the German invasion. The great Soviet will not be defeated by the Germans!

He only sleeps for a few hours a day, constantly organizing production in the factory, and when the workers are free, he also organizes shooting training for the workers, and is always ready to contribute his life to the Soviets.

The Great Purge was wrong. It was the internal affairs of the Soviets. However, the German invasion was the enemy of the entire Soviet. This is Mikhailov's view.

Although he could not go to the battlefield with a gun, the weapons produced in his factory were constantly supplying the front line, and now, when the Turks came over, he was even more motivated.

But today, he suddenly lost his vitality It can even be said that the entire Stalingrad lost vitality.

"Today, with a sad heart, let me introduce you to the battle." A dull voice came from the loudspeaker of the street radio: "I am the political commissar Khrushchev. I am in charge of Comrade Stalin. Stalingrad's defense."

"The Germans have broken the bottom line of the war. They began to use weapons that exterminate humanity on a large scale. Wherever there is resistance, they will be blown to the ground. Just like Petersburg, the Germans tried to destroy all the cities in our Soviets. , All wiped off the earth."

“It’s meaningless to continue fighting. We don’t have airplanes or enough artillery. When the German bombers arrive, it’s when the entire Stalingrad disappears.”

"Therefore, we have no hope of continuing to fight. Our Ural industrial zone has disappeared, our Moscow has disappeared. The next goal of the Germans is us, in order to enable hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the city to survive. In order to allow the Russian nation and other nations to survive together, I and the military commanders of the entire Stalingrad defense zone jointly decided that we will lay down our weapons to save hundreds of thousands of lives. This is a bitter fruit, but we have no choice. ."

"If you are an ordinary soldier, you can say that you have contributed your life without any complaints. However, so many civilians, including the elderly, women, and children, let them disappear together. This is not brave, it is Recklessness is a crime. Even if I stand on the pillar of shame in history, I have to make this choice."

"Pop!" Mikhailov's hand was slapped heavily on the table: "Traitor, traitor, how did the Soviets have such a traitor! Bondarenko, immediately gather me the Workers' Self-Defense Force!"

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